下記、EducationUSA Weekly Update(Dec 15, 2008)より、奨学金情報のみ抜粋。
University of Richmond
The University of Richmond, a nationally ranked liberal arts college with a top 20 business school, is pleased to offer scholarship opportunities equal to full tuition. 50 students in every first-year class, of which 10-12 are international candidates, are awarded a merit scholarship through the Richmond Scholars Program. Recipients have demonstrated extraordinary academic achievement, exceptional personal qualities and potential for ongoing contributions to society. Additionally,
the Presidential Scholarship rewards students who have achieved a superior high school record in a rigorous curriculum as well as outstanding standardized
test scores. The scholarship funding provides up to $15,000 per year for four years of undergraduate study at the University of Richmond. There also are partial scholarships available in areas ranging from art to community service. The Bonner Scholarship in particular rewards students who have been active in community and volunteer service. Richmond scholarships are either full tuition or full tuition, room and board. If a student receives the full tuition award, the remaining I-20 costs are room, board, books, supplies, personal expenses, which total $12,100. If a student receives tuition, room and board, the remaining I-20
costs are $4,900.
For over twenty years, the University of Richmond has demonstrated its commitment to internationalization through expanded international and culture-based course offerings, increased international student and scholar enrollment, and enhanced study, work and research programs abroad for students, faculty and staff. Most recently Richmond was named by Newsweek magazine as the hottest college in the nation for international studies and construction will begin this October on the Carole Weinstein International Center on campus, which will serve as a central location to coordinate Richmond's comprehensive approach to the internationalization of its educational programs and campus life.
Bowdoin College Mellon Global Environmental Scholar
The Mellon Global Environmental Scholars program aims to bring to Bowdoin experts in areas of Environmental Studies who add an international perspective to issues of interest among faculty and students at the College.
The scholar's background and expertise can be in any area of environmental concern, ranging across the natural sciences, the social sciences, the arts and humanities and environmental policy. While the program has a preference for scholars who reside outside the United States and are affiliated with a foreign university or research or policy institute, others with expertise in environmental fields in other countries may be considered. Scholars will be in residence at Bowdoin for one semester.
Bowdoin College is a small undergraduate liberal arts college located in Brunswick, Maine on the coast just north of Portland and two and a half hours north of Boston. The College has approximately 1650 students in residence and a faculty of over 165. Environmental Studies is an active College program with over 20 participating faculty, over 50 student majors and a strong commitment to strengthening the international dimensions of the program.
A main responsibility of the Mellon Global Environmental Scholar will be to interact with Bowdoin undergraduates both formally and informally. While in residence, the scholar will teach one course in an area related to his or her research interests. The scholar may also mentor undergraduate research projects on topics of mutual interest. The scholar will hold regular office hours and be willing to meet informally with students or give informal talks to student groups as interest is expressed. Lastly, as appropriate, the scholar may counsel students concerning opportunities to study abroad, either at the scholar's home institution or at other venues with which the scholar is familiar.
The scholar will also interact with Bowdoin's Environmental Studies faculty. Such interaction may include developing research projects with faculty who share common interests. As appropriate, scholars may be asked to consult with faculty on their ongoing research projects. The Mellon Scholar will also be expected to share his or her expertise with faculty through participation in the monthly faculty colloquium (Environmental Research Group). The scholar will also be available to consult with faculty who are interested in bringing international perspectives into their courses and serve as a guest lecturer in Environmental Studies core courses.
Lastly, the scholar will be invited to help organize a symposium focused on an environmental issue related to his/her expertise. The symposium will afford the Mellon scholar an opportunity to bring to Bowdoin experts from other institutions for exchanges that will enrich both the scholar's work and the Bowdoin community. Resources and staff support will be provided to facilitate this project. Bowdoin faculty and students will be involved in planning the symposium.
Bowdoin hopes the fellowship would lead to connections between the scholar's home institution and Bowdoin's Environmental Studies faculty. Such connections may lead to future two-way exchanges by faculty and students.
The stipend for the fellowship includes salary and benefits. There is an allowance for housing and the College will assist the scholar in finding suitable housing.
For further information about the College and the Program, please consult the College website and the Environmental Studies Program website.
The Environmental Studies Program welcomes inquiries from faculty with an interest in undergraduate teaching and building collaborative relationships with Bowdoin faculty. Persons interested in applying for the fellowship should email a letter of interest and a cv to the Director of the Environmental Studies Program, Phil Camill (pcamill@bowdoin.edu) and the program manager, Eileen Johnson (ejohnson@bowdoin.edu). For more information, please contact the program manager, Eileen Johnson.
Review of applications will begin in January 20, 2008.
Institute for Historical Studies at UT-Austin
The Institute for Historical Studies at UT-Austin welcomes applications for one semester and full year residential fellowships from junior, mid-career and senior faculty. The fellowships provide full salary replacement. The theme for 2009-10 is Global Borders, and we seek fellows whose work explores the theme in a wide variety of creative ways, conceptual as well as geographical.
The application deadline is January 15, 2009.
For details of the fellowships as well as current fellows and programming for 2008-09, see:
Julie Hardwick
Associate Professor & Director of the Institute for Historical Studies
Department of History
University of Texas at Austin
The Compton Foundation/Population Reference Bureau International Fellowship in Population, Environment, and Human Security is available to highly motivated Master's and Ph.D. students for capstone/internship work and dissertation research on topics that examine the interactions linking family planning/reproductive health/population dynamics with environmental and/or human security issues.
Application deadline: January 23, 2009
For further information/application instructions:website
Aga Khan Program for Islamic Architecture at MIT (AKPIA@MIT) Postdoctoral
The Aga Khan Program for Islamic Architecture at MIT (AKPIA@MIT) is pleased to announce its postdoctoral fellowship program for the academic year 2009-2010. The fellowship program is intended for scholars with Ph.D. in any field related to architecture -- including architectural, art, and urban history, design, technology, computation, urban planning, anthropology, and archeology -- who are engaged in research on an Islamic topic. One to three fellowships will be granted. The fellowship duration can range from two months to a maximum of two semesters, or nine months, of residency, that will have to fall within the academic year. Fellows are expected to pursue their own research, give at least one public lecture, and participate in the program's scholarly and academic activities during their stay at MIT. The fellowship award consists of monthly stipend not to exceed the amount of $3,100 (before taxes) per month and one roundtrip ticket for the fellow from his/her place of residence. Fellows will be responsible to find their own housing and health insurance during their fellowship period. AKPIA will provide library cards, email accounts at MIT, and a workplace in the AKPIA@MIT office that might have to be shared with another fellow.
Deadline for application is March 2, 2009. Results will be announced by April 24, 2009. Applicants should send a C.V., a research proposal specifying the desired period of stay and other sources of funding if available, one substantial writing sample or a portfolio, and two letters of recommendation. No electronic applications will be accepted. Applicants are encouraged to seek other sources of funding to supplement the fellowship award. Scholars with their own financial resources or who are on sabbatical and wish to apply to AKPIA fellowships are also welcome. AKPIA reserves the right to prorate its fellowship when combined with another grant or fellowship.
Please send all application material to:
Prof. Nasser Rabbat
2009-2010 Postdoctoral Fellowships
The Aga Khan Program for Islamic Architecture
MIT, Room 10-390
Cambridge, MA 02139
Fax: 617-258-8172
For further information please send email to <akpiarch@mit.edu>, or call 617- 253-1400, or visit the web at
Jose Luis Arguello
Administrative Assistant
Aga Khan Program for Islamic Architecture
Ohio State Post-doc and Ph.D. fellowship opportunities in environment and/or
Please find below two great opportunities at Ohio State for sociologists/social scientists interested in interdisciplinary work in the environment, sustainability and/or agroecosystems. The first position is for a postdoctoral research associate and the latter announcement is a call for applicants for two fellowships to support
Ph.D. graduate studies in the sustainable sciences (w/ Rural Sociology as the core discipline).
Agroecosystems Management Program Postdoctoral Research Associate in the
Social/Behavioral Sciences
This position requires an individual who will initiate, develop, and manage research projects including keeping of all records on research activities and preparation of manuscripts for publication and grant proposals for continued funding. Research could include, but would not be limited to:
research at the individual, family and community levels on agroecosystem function and change; GIS analysis of agroecosystem spatial patterns and dynamics of social variables at landscape scales; and advanced statistical modeling or GIS analysis of social dimensions of agroecosystem functioning. A Ph. D. is required in any of the social/behavioral sciences with focus on ecosystems and the environment. The position also requires expertise in analysis of complex systems and good quantitative skills including advanced statistics and/or GIS. Desirable
training, skills and experience includes social and/or economic research particularly focused on agriculture and the environment, broad training in the biophysical as well as socioeconomic disciplines, excellent verbal and written communication skills, demonstrated publishing and proposal development interest and potential, demonstrated interest and ability to work in interdisciplinary teams, demonstrated interest and ability in outreach education.
Applicants should submit a cover letter, c.v., and the names, addresses, phone and email addresses for 3 references to:
Casey W. Hoy
Kellogg Endowed Chair in Agricultural Ecosystems Management
Agroecosystems Management Program
The Ohio State University
Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center
1680 Madison Ave.
Wooster, Ohio 44691 (EIS)