8月も残りわずか・・・ 夏休みの宿題に追われている頃でしょうか?
フルブライト・ジャパン 留学情報サービスでは、アメリカ大学・大学院留学を志す方を対象とした留学説明会を定期的に開催しています。来月は、下記の日程で開催いたします。
2008年9月30日(火) 14:00〜17:00 @ 日米教育委員会 会議室
国際教育交換協議会(CIEE) TOEFL事業部によるTOEFLテスト説明会、(財)日本英語検定協会によるSTEP 英検説明会、ブリティッシュカウンシルによるIELTS説明会も同時開催致!
アメリカの大学・大学院留学の際、提出を求められる英語能力テスト。広く知られているのは、TOEFLテスト。しかしながら、大学によっては、STEP英検、IELTSでも認めてくれるんですよ ご存知でしたか? TOEFLテスト、STEP 英検、IELTSの説明をひとつの場所で聞ける機会は、そう多くないのでは?!
説明会への参加は、留学準備の第一歩是非、ご参加下さい。 説明会の詳細・お申し込みは、こちら(EIS)
奨学金情報(大学院)from EducationUSA Weekly Update (No.94)
下記、EducationUSA Weekly Update(August 25, 2008)より、大学院向け奨学金情報のみ抜粋。
Howard Foundation Fellowships
The Howard Foundation awards a limited number of fellowships each year for independent projects in fields selected on a six-year rotation of topics. Approximately ten fellowships will be awarded for 2009-2010 in the fields of history and philosophy. Stipends of $25,000 are awarded to support individuals working on specific research projects. Howard Fellowships may not be used to prepare exhibits or to support institutional programs. There are no residency requirements for individuals who receive awards. We are willing to grant awardees some flexibility in postponing the year in which they actually use their fellowships.
Due November 10, 2008
Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University 2009-2010
For more information about the application process or the Beinecke Library and its collections, and to download a fellowship application form, please visit the fellowships links on the Library website:
or send an email to
Priscilla Holmes
Coordinator, Fellowship & Educational Programs
Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library
Email: beinecke.fellowships@yale.edu
Visit the website at http://www.library.yale.edu/beineckel(EIS)
奨学金情報(大学学部) from EducationUSA Weekly Update(No.94)
Berea College- 4-Year Tuition Scholarship
If admitted to Berea, you will receive a 4-year tuition scholarship. This scholarship is combined with financial aid you may receive as well as any other scholarship you may be awarded by outside parties or organizations to cover 100% of tuition costs for four years of enrollment.
We are able to provide this level of financial assistance due to the generous support of alumni, friends, organizations, and others who believe, as we do, that a student's income should not dictate their outcome.
So when you enroll at Berea, your scholarship will be provided by people you don't even know who believe in your potential-and who know that Berea is well-positioned to help you realize that potential.
The Ruth Clark and Philip Holton Memorial scholarships
University's most prestigious awards
DePauw University in Greencastle, Indiana, invites high school senior students who are considering application for admission to DePauw University to apply for one of DePauw University's most prestigious awards- the Holton Memorial Scholarship.
To qualify for the highly competitive Holton Memorial Scholarship, students must apply both to DePauw University and, by separate application, to the Holton Memorial Scholarship. Students are considered for the award based upon their academic achievement, demonstrated leadership abilities and their commitment to community service. (EIS)
奨学金情報(大学院)from EducationUSA Weekly Update (No.93)
下記、EducationUSA Weekly Update(August 18, 2008)より、大学院向け奨学金情報のみ抜粋。
Graduate: The University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah
The graduate school enrolls a diverse student body from all fifty states and more than 100 countries from around the world enrolled in academic and professional degree programs including Master of Arts, Master of Science, Master of Business Administration, Master of Engineering, Doctor of Pharmacy, Doctor of Medicine, and Juris Doctor.
Further Information
International Admissions Office
Email: iao@sa.utah.edu
Post Doctorate: Columbia University Society of Fellows in the Humanities, New York, New York
Founded in 1976, the Columbia University Society of Fellows in the Humanities ranks as one of the first and most prestigious postgraduate fellowship programs. Humanities fellows, who come from a variety of humanistic disciplines such as literature, art history, music, history, philosophy, and political theory, are given daily opportunities to share work and engage in interdisciplinary discussion with other fellows, visiting scholars, Columbia faculty members, and guest lecturers.
The Society invites applications from qualified candidates who have received the Ph.D. between January 1, 2005 and July 1, 2009. Fellows are appointed as Lecturers in appropriate departments at Columbia University and as postdoctoral research fellows. Each fellow will receive an annual stipend of $55,000 and a research allowance of $4,000 per annum, renewable for a second and third year.
Application: Candidates should see http://www.columbia.edu/cu/societyoffellows/fellowship.html for application materials and additional information.
Application Deadline/Qualification: All applications must be postmarked by October 6, 2008. Only postdoctoral humanities scholars receiving their Ph.D. within the specified period may apply.
Post Doctorate: Department of Radiology, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois
A Postdoctoral Scholar or Research Associate (Assistant Professor) position is available at the University of Chicago’s Department of Radiology’s Kenji Suzuki Lab of medical and computer science. The Postdoctoral Scholar position targets highly motivated individuals wanting to develop or advance academic careers in the field of medical imaging science and engineering. The research interests of the Kenji Suzuki Lab include computer-aided diagnostics of lesions in medical images and the development of techniques of pattern recognition, image analysis, and machine learning for computer-aided diagnostics.
Specific research opportunities include computer-aided diagnostics scheme for early detection of colon cancer; computer-aided quantitative measurements of lesions in medical imaging; computerized detection and characterization of liver lesions in CT; development of machine learning for medical image analysis; investigation of machine learning technology inspired by the human visual system; and virtual dual-energy radiography.
Applicants should have earned a Ph.D. in computer science/engineering, biomedical engineering, or similar disciplines. Successful candidates will have substantial experience in 2D and 3D pattern recognition, computer vision, image analysis, and/or machine learning in addition to several to a dozen first-author high-quality journal publications in relevant fields, strong problem solving and collaboration skills, and excellent computer programming skills in C, C++, Perl, or Metlab.
Application: Interested candidates should submit a CV, a brief statement of research interests, and a list of references with contact information to Kenji Suzuki at Suzuki@chicago.edu.
Application Deadline/Qualifications: Potential applicants should see http://suzukilab.uchicago.edu/position.htm for more information.(EIS)
奨学金情報(大学学部)from EducationUSA Weekly Update(No. 93)
下記、EducationUSA Weekly Update(August 18, 2008)より、大学学部向け奨学金情報のみ抜粋。
Undergraduate: Cornell College, Mount Vernon, Iowa
Set on a wooded hilltop overlooking scenic Mount Vernon, Iowa, Cornell College is a private, four-year liberal arts college offering students extraordinary opportunities for academic enrichment.
Cornell’s some 1,200 undergraduate students benefit from the college’s distinctive course system, known as One-Course-At-A-Time, which enables students to focus deeply on one subject for a three and a half week period, followed by a four day block break. Each term students choose from nearly sixty course offerings ranging from on-campus lecture classes to off-site internships and international study trips. 35 majors, 25 minors, and 11 pre-professional programs are offered by the college and students have the opportunity to design their own major.
Cornell awards academic merit scholarships to a select group of incoming students who have demonstrated records of academic success and scholarly potential. Select fine arts scholarships are also available for students interested in pursuing art, music, or theater.
Further Information
Marie Schofer
International Student Recruiter
Cornell College
Email: mschofer@cornellcollege.edu
Undergraduate: Amherst College, Amherst, Massachusetts
Widely regarded as one of the most premier liberal arts institutions in the nation, Amherst College is well-known for its talented student body, committed faculty, and rigorous academic curriculum. Amherst’s tight-knit student community of just under 1,700 undergraduates has the opportunity to also take courses at any of the five colleges in the Amherst consortium including Smith, Mount Holyoke, the Hampshire Colleges, and the University of Massachusetts at Amherst.
Amherst offers a Bachelors of Arts degree in thirty-three fields of study and, with a faculty-to-student ratio of 1:8, classes are characterized by intellectual stimulation and active learning. Amherst also offers an unusual open curriculum in which students are not required to take a core curriculum or distribution requirements.
Since its founding, Amherst has followed a need-blind admissions policy. Students are admitted without regard to financial aid need and each admitted student is guaranteed financial aid equal to financial need. Starting in 2009-10, Amherst will become need-blind to evaluating international students. If admitted, students will receive financial aid equal to financial need through a combination of scholarships and work opportunities.
Further Information
Office of Admission
Amherst College
Email: admission@amherst.edu(EIS)
今回、説明会で講師を務めて下さるのは、静岡大学 創造科学技術大学院教授 吉村仁先生。ご専門は、数理生物学☆
なんと先生も、留学された際、日米教育委員会 留学情報サービスを利用して下さったそうです
ご著書の「素数ゼミの謎」を拝読しましたが、イラスト満載で、非常に分かりやすく、生物の進化、自然のおもしろさに改めて気付かされました(⌒^⌒) 先生の詳しいプロフィールはこちら
一期一会の貴重な機会です!皆様ふるってご参加下さい☆m( _ _ )m☆ (EIS)
夏休みのおかげか多くの方々が、ご参加下さいました。 遠くは、岐阜、山梨、栃木からもお越しいただくなど、暑い中ご参加くださった皆様、ありがとうございました
お二人とも日本の高校を卒業してハーバードに入学なさったとか。留学準備で苦労した点や、現在の大学生活などについて、溌剌かつ率直にお話くださいました。心から感謝ですm(_ _)m


アメリカには、現在55もの女子大学があります 女子大卒業生の有名人は、数多くあげられますが、最近の話題でいうと、ヒラリー・クリントン上院議員も女子大(Wellesley College)出身者の一人です。
女子大に対するよくある誤解、また女子大の良さについて、ご自身も女子大出身というMs. Cachero(Assistant Director Office of Admission, Mount Holyoke College)がお話し下さいます。
日本人で実際に女子大学(The College of St. Catherine)に留学されていた方の留学経験談もあります。
Mount Holyoke Collegeとは、The Seven Sistersと呼ばれる19世紀設立のアメリカ東部にある歴史ある名門女子大学の一員です。また、College of St. Catherineもアメリカ中西部にある歴史ある名門女子大です。
女子大について知る貴重な機会です。 ふるってご参加下さい
会場:日米教育委員会 会議室


