Gonzaga Universityは、Washington州Spokaneという街にある、歴史のあるリベラルアーツ大学です。日本の大学とも提携があり、現在約30名の日本人が在籍中だそうです。

Gonzaga Universityは、Washington州Spokaneという街にある、歴史のあるリベラルアーツ大学です。日本の大学とも提携があり、現在約30名の日本人が在籍中だそうです。
下記、EducationUSA Weekly Update(Nov 23, 2009)より、奨学金情報のみ抜粋。
Our regular freshmen application deadline for fall 2010 admission is February 1st. Our early action, non-binding freshmen deadline is December 1, 2009 and we encourage you to apply by this early action deadline if you are interested in Pharmacy or Nursing as a major, or if you are interested in being considered for our merit scholarship. (URI now uses the Common Application. See our website for specific information on completing this application and the URI Common Application Supplement.)
For questions, contact:
Nancy Stricklin
Admission Advisor
University of Rhode Island
Fellowship: University of Texas at Austin, The Institute for Historical
The Institute for Historical Studies at the University of Texas at Austin welcomes applicants at all ranks for residential fellowships for 2010-11. The theme for the year will be "Power and Place." For more information about the theme, the fellowships and the Institute for Historical Studies, please see:
For further information or queries, please contact the IHS Director, Julie Hardwick, at:
Julie Hardwick
Professor & Director of the Institute for Historical Studies
Department of History
1 Univ Sta B7000
University of Texas at Austin
Austin, TX 78712
(512) 475-7221
Fellowship: The Ohio State University, The Center for Historical Research
The Center for Historical Research brings together faculty, students, and the general public to examine the historical foundation and development of critical issues of global importance. The Center offers resident fellowships for senior and junior faculty, as well as those completing dissertations. We also invite members of the academic community and independent scholars to make presentations at our seminars.
For the academic years 2009-2011, we are studying, "The Intersection of Diaspora, Immigration, and Gender in World History." We believe that a gendered analysis of group migrations may reveal new patterns in diaspora and immigration history, shed light on specific migrations, and bridge the historiographical gap between diaspora and immigration histories. A gendered analysis of group
migrations may help us better differentiate the meaning of forced and voluntary migrations, and the processes by which people maintained, discarded, and transformed their cultures, and their host cultures.
For the 2010-2011 academic year we are conducting a fellowship competition and seeking presenters whose research falls in the period from the19th century to the present. We invite scholars from all disciplines, studying any peoples and geographic area(s) relevant to our program. Application information for fellowships can be found on our website, http://chr.osu.edu/, and are due by FEBRUARY 1, 2010.
Those interested in making presentations at the seminars should contact the CHR director, Alan Gallay, at osuchr@osu.edu.
The Ohio State University is an Equal Opportunity/ Affirmative Action employer. Women, minorities, veterans, and individuals with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
Alan Gallay
The Center for Historical Research
The Ohio State University
Dulles Hall 253
230 W. 17th Ave.
Columbus, OH 43210
Email: osuchr@osu.edu
Visit the website at http://chr.osu.edu/
Fellowship: Temple University, Post-doctoral Fellowship Interdisciplinary
Humanities or Social Sciences
Application Deadline: January 25, 2010
The Center for the Humanities at Temple supports the work of talented new voices in interdisciplinary scholarship and teaching in the humanities and humanistic social sciences. We invite applications for the External Humanities Fellowship program in 2010-11, renewable for a second year. Fellows pursue their own research, participate in the activities of the Center, and teach one course per semester, with no teaching in the first semester. The successful applicant will demonstrate strong interdisciplinary research potential and show evidence of exemplary teaching.
Applicants must have the Ph.D. in hand and be no more than three years beyond the degree on the application deadline. Application materials include: letter of interest, c.v., sample of scholarly work, three letters of reference, and a 2-page proposal for an interdisciplinary course in the humanities you would like to teach.
Materials may be submitted electronically. Confidential letters of reference must come directly from the recommender. Please attach your application as a PDF (or Word) document and direct to chat@temple.edu.
Print applications should be addressed to:
Prof. Peter M. Logan, Director
Center for the Humanities at Temple
10th Floor, Gladfelter Hall (025-45)
1115 West Berks Street
Philadelphia, PA 19122-6089
Further information: http://www.temple.edu/humanities.
Inquiries: chat@temple.edu.
Temple University is an equal opportunity employer and welcomes applications from members of underrepresented groups.
Contact Info:
Prof. Peter M. Logan, Director
Center for the Humanities at Temple
10th Floor, Gladfelter Hall (025-45)
1115 West Berks Street
Philadelphia, PA 19122-6089
Email: chat@temple.edu
Website: http://www.temple.edu/humanities
Fellowship: University of Maine Sustainability Solutions Initiative
Postdoctoral Fellows Program
The University of Maine is launching a national search for Postdoctoral Sustainability Science Fellows. The successful candidates will join a new Sustainability Solutions Initiative (SSI) funded by a 5-year, $20 million NSF EPSCoR grant. SSI includes a team of 30 faculty from a range of disciplines and multiple academic institutions statewide. SSI's transformative research program integrates coupled natural and human systems modeling, stakeholder engagement, and solutions-oriented research activities. Organized under a theme of landscape change, SSI supports multiple research projects focused on urbanization, forest ecosystem management, and climate change. Collectively, these projects speak to various sustainability science challenges and present a unique opportunity to advance the field of sustainability science. A major thrust of SSI is to produce a new generation of scientists who are equipped to work across disciplinary boundaries and adept at collaborative, problem-solving work that spans research and practice. SSI is recruiting a cohort of 4 Postdoctoral Fellows with tentative start dates ranging from February 2010 to April 2010. These initial appointments will be for a one-year duration with an opportunity for renewal. Concurrent SSI recruitment initiatives are seeking applications for 20 to
25 Doctoral Fellows and 4 faculty positions.
Responsibilities: As a cohort, the 4 Postdoctoral Fellows will serve an integrative function to the overall SSI. We seek postdoctoral fellows who can align themselves with one or more ongoing research teams and are willing to assume broader, integrative research responsibilities. The postdoctoral fellows will be expected to participate in ongoing team projects and SSI-wide research activities, such as statewide sustainability problem assessments within the areas of urbanization, forest ecosystem management, climate change, and stakeholder engagement. Core research responsibilities will include planning and completion of research projects, preparation of manuscripts for publication in collaboration with SSI researchers, and presentation of research findings at public and professional meetings. The cohort will also have the opportunity to contribute to the development and implementation of SSI curricula and mentoring programs for graduate and undergraduate students.
Qualifications: A Ph.D. with specialization in biological or earth sciences, communication, engineering, mathematics, natural resource management, public policy, social sciences or a closely related technical or scientific discipline is required by the time of appointment. Preference will be given to candidates with experience working on interdisciplinary research teams.
Applications: Candidates must demonstrate the capacity to support their research programs, produce high-quality scholarship and publications, and advance the SSI research program. Applications must include all of the following materials for consideration: (1) a written statement (2-3 pages) that summarizes both the candidate's research goals and interests in sustainability science and the candidate's capacity and plan for completing the Fellowship responsibilities; (2) curriculum vitae; (3) undergraduate and graduate transcripts; (4) a sample of research (e.g., peer-reviewed publication); and (5) names and contact information of three professional references. Please send materials in PDF form to hallsworth@maine.edu or in hard copy form to Ruth Hallsworth, Mitchell Center for Environmental and Watershed Research, 5710 Norman Smith Hall, University of Maine, Orono, ME 04469. Review of applications will begin December 18, 2009.
For more details on SSI, visit the project website at: http://www.umaine.edu/sustainabilitysolutions/
The University of Maine is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer committed to maintaining an intellectually and culturally diverse faculty and staff.
Kathleen P. Bell
Associate Professor
School of Economics
5782 Winslow Hall, Room 200
University of Maine
Orono, ME 04469-5782
(207) 581-3156 (Phone)
(207) 581-4278 (Facsimile)
Fellowship: Graduate Fellowships in Sustainability Science - Resilience
and Adaptation Program (RAP), University of Alaska Fairbanks
Applications are invited by RAP for PhD and masters degree fellowships. PhD fellowships provide $30,000 per year stipend, tuition waiver, health insurance, international internship travel funding, and a computer.
Fellowships for the masters degree offer the same with a lower stipend.
The Resilience and Adaptation Program is an interdisciplinary graduate program, focusing on global-to-local sustainability in times of rapid change. Resilience, vulnerability, adaptation, and transformation of social-ecological systems serve as central concepts in exploring societal challenges in a changing world. RAP integrates natural and social sciences, engineering, and medicine to discover innovative and effective strategies for adaptation. Alaska, northern regions, and other areas provide the basis for "basic" and "applied" research in climate change, food security, adaptive co-management of ecosystem services, indigenous resilience, alternative energy, and rural-urban issues. The program currently includes a community of 45 graduate students and faculty from across the UAF campus.
RAP PhD fellowships are funded through the Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeship (IGERT) Program of the US National Science Foundation.
RAP prepares students for positions of leadership in academia, research institutes, government agencies, non-government organizations, and indigenous organizations. The core curriculum of RAP involves coursework in theory and methods, an international internship experience, thesis research, and participation in special seminars, workshops, and conferences. RAP builds on existing graduate programs at UAF in ecology, biology and wildlife, natural resources management, indigenous studies, anthropology, resource economics, political science, geology, geophysics, engineering, interdisciplinary studies, and other relevant disciplines to address sustainability using a systems framework. Minorities are encouraged to apply.
RAP offers:
- IGERT Fellowships available only to U.S. PhD students;
- Other PhD and Masters fellowships through various UAF programs;
- Teaching and research assistantships for PhD and Masters students; Funding for an international internship experience to broaden disciplinary perspectives;
- Student offices with other RAP students;
- Interaction and learning in a community of students and faculty from different disciplines interested in sustainability and rapid change.
Target date for applications is February 1st. For more information please visit our website, http://www.uaf.edu/rap or write fyrap@uaf.edu .
The Resilience and Adaptation program of the University of Alaska Fairbanks is in the process of recruiting students to join our program for the 2010 academic year.
Ellen Weiser
RAP Coordinator
Rm #126, Arctic Health, UAF
The International Legal Studies LLM Program (ILSP) at American University
Washington College of Law
Summer Academy Scholarship Offers 12 credits of tuition to one participant of each of the WCL summer academies. Deadline to apply is July 1 for fall and October 1 for the spring.
Inter-American Moot Court Scholarship Open to all former and present Inter-American Moot Court Competition participants, the award will grant one full tuition scholarship annually. Deadline to apply is May 1.
For more information about these scholarships and application procedures, please visit our scholarship web page.
Bill Churma
Resources Coordinator
International Legal Studies Program
Washington College of Law
American University
4801 Massachusetts Ave, NW Suite 309
Washington, DC 20016-8189
The University of Baltimore School of Law offers a Master of Laws program in the Law of the United States (LL.M. LOTUS). This nine-month degree program is designed for law graduates who earned their first degree in law outside the U.S. and seek to become familiar with American law and the legal system. Students educated in 26 countries from across the globe have enrolled. The School of Law provides a robust week-long orientation, excellent education with academic support services, and career services after graduation. University of Baltimore is located in Maryland about an hour from Washington, D.C., an attractive location for the study of law and for Optional Practical Training for graduates.
The School of Law is now accepting applications for admission to the 2010-11 LL.M. LOTUS program. Each year, the School of Law offers partial scholarships to a small number of LL.M. students who have demonstrated outstanding academic achievement. Detailed information about it is posted on http://www.law.ubalt.edu/lotus.
If your office would like to arrange a videoconference with our School of Law to generally discuss the benefits of LL.M. study in the U.S., we would be glad to participate. I formerly directed the Fulbright Commission in India, and am familiar with EducationUSA videoconference sessions.
Jane E. Schukoske
Director, Master of Laws Program in the Law of the United States
University of Baltimore School of Law
1420 North Charles St., LC202
Baltimore, MD 21218 USA
E-mail: jschukoske@ubalt.edu
Tel.: 001-410-837-6761
Visit www.law.ubalt.edu/lotus(EIS)
Maryville Collegeは、全米の中で50番目に古い!非常に歴史のあるテネシー州にあるLiberal Arts Collegeクラスサイズは、平均14名(学生:教授=12:1)と小規模で学生に対するケアが非常に行き届いています。
Maryville Collegeにはじめて留学生が入学したのは、1888年。
はじめての留学生の名前は・・・Mr. Kin Takahashi
今回は、国際公務員にスポットを当て、国際連合広報センター 所長代行 妹尾靖子さんに、アメリカ留学経験がどのようにキャリア形成に関係してきたかをうかがいました。
妹尾さんは、小学校時代から英語ができるようになりたい ( ><)//、アメリカへ留学したい ( ><)//と強く憧れを抱いていたそうです。そして中学時代ミシガン州での3週間ホームステイを経て、日本の大学卒業後、ロータリー奨学金をもらってアメリカの大学院へ留学。niversity of Texas, Austionの大学院でMiddle Eastern Studiesを勉強されました。(MA in Middle Eastern Studies取得)
そして、将来国連で働きたくて留学を考える人たちへのメッセージとしては、語学力は重要だが英語はツールに過ぎないこと(国連のworking languageは、英語とフランス語)、英語で働ける専門分野をもっておくこと、自分の将来の進路をポジティブに楽観的に考えること、など話してくださいました。
・ 国際公務員という、普段接する機会のない方からお話しを伺え、とても良い経験になりました。楽しかったです!自分の人生設計に役立てたいと思います。何よりもまず、自分が一番何をしたいかを考えてみます。
・ 妹尾さん自身のご経験だけでなく、様々な質問に答えて頂けてよかったです。国連で働くということは、やはり厳しいことなのだと改めて思いました。特に情報収集、語学力、専門性が重要だと痛感しました。
・ とてもいい体験になりました。直接留学した経験のある人と会う機会があまりなく具体的なイメージを描くことができました。
関係者の皆様、ご協力頂き有り難うございました。m(_ _)m
・ 各テストを比較しながら検討でき、準備・計画を立てるよい機会になりました。
・ 実際に行かれた先輩のお話を聞くことが出来て、漠然とした不安が少し晴れました。
・ 様々な英語に関する資格について詳しいお話しを聞くことが出来てよかったです。インターネット上には、たくさんの情報が行き交っていて、どのように情報収集をすればいいのか戸惑っていたところだったので、実際に話を聞くことで少しすっきりとした気がします。
・ とても勉強になりました。まず、TOEFL, 英検、IELTSについて知識がより身に付きましたし、大学・大学院についてもインターネットでの情報収集では限界があったところも、説明して頂けたのでよかったです。また、実際に留学された方の実体験のお話しも聞けて、自分も行きたいという意思が強くなりました。
・ やる気を刺激された。留学体験談を直接聞くことが出来、励まされた気がした。
・ 漠然としていた留学ですが、今回の説明会で自分が何をやりたいのか、何をまずすべきかが少し見えてきた気がします。アメリカ留学に向けて頑張っていきたいです。
・ 体験談を聞けたのはとてもためになりました。試験の説明も具体的&映像や音声も見せて(聞かせて)もらえてイメージがわきました。
たくさんの素晴らしい感想_ψ(~∇~ ) を有り難うございました。
下記、EducationUSA Weekly Update(Nov 16, 2009)より、奨学金情報のみ抜粋。
Scholarships and assistantships are available to international students. For Fulbright applicants, there is a guaranteed 50% cost share here at the Graduate School of Management at Clark University.
For non-Fulbright applicants, the amount of aid varies considerably depending on the strength of the applicant. A couple unique points about our admission process:
* Accept MBA applicants for spring semester as well as fall
* Accept GMAT or GRE
* Opportunity for emerging professionals, no work experience required
* AACSB Accredited
For more information, feel free to contact:
Patrick Oroszko, Associate Director of Admissions
Graduate School of Management, Clark University
508-793-7682 POroszko@clarku.edu
2008-09年度のアメリカにおける留学生の動向がIIE(Institute of International Education)より発表されました。
1 India 2 China 3 South Korea 4 Canada 5 Japan 6 Taiwan 7 Mexico 8 Turkey
9 Vietnam 10 Saudi Arabia
日本人留学生総数:29,264人(前年度比13.9%減 )
Academic Level:
57.3% undergraduate
21.5% graduate students
13.6% other
7.6% OPT (Optional Practical Training)
詳しくは、IIE Open Doorsのウェブサイトをご覧下さい。(EIS)
2009年11月16日(月)〜20日(金)は、International Education Week(IEW) です。国際教育・交流の素晴らしさを共に分かち合おう!という目的で、世界各地で様々なイベントが開催されています。
◆ 11月17日(火)16:30-18:00
◆ 会場: 東京アメリカン・センター
日本では、 "Liberal Arts Colleges"という大学の種類についてあまり聞き慣
れないかと思います。日本で知られている著名校の多くもこの"Liberal Arts
Colleges"にあたります。Liberal Arts Collegeの特徴について、Maryville
CollegeのMs. Sanna Serspinskiにお話しを伺います。
◆ 11月18日(水)16:00-17:00
◆ 会場: フルブライト・ジャパン(日米教育委員会) 会議室