下記、EducationUSA Weekly Update(Oct 26, 2009)より、奨学金情報のみ抜粋。
Postgrad: WILLIAMS COLLEGE Mellon Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Environmental Studies
The Program in Environmental Studies at Williams College invites applications for two post-doctoral fellowships in Environmental Studies, beginning July 1, 2010. We welcome applications from candidates who will have the PhD. in hand by the start date or who have completed their PhD. within the last five years.
We seek candidates trained in the humanities or social sciences to contribute to the curriculum and vitality of an interdisciplinary program.
The position requires vision and initiative and a desire to join our vibrant community of environmental scholars, practitioners and activists. Relevant fields include, but are not limited to: literature, art history, religion, anthropology, philosophy, history, and food studies. An international focus is also highly desirable. Williams is an institution that places a high value on undergraduate teaching; consequently, we strongly prefer applicants who can demonstrate a capacity for excellent teaching.
Williams College is a coeducational liberal arts institution located in the Berkshire Hills of western Massachusetts with easy access to the culturally rich cities of Albany, Boston, and New York City. The College is committed to building and supporting a diverse population of approximately 2,000 students, and to fostering an inclusive faculty, staff and curriculum.
Williams has built its reputation on outstanding teaching and scholarship and on the academic excellence of its students. Please visit the Williams College website (http://www.williams.edu/).
Beyond meeting fully its legal obligations for non-discrimination, Williams College is committed to building a diverse and inclusive community where members from all backgrounds can live, learn, and thrive.
Postgrad: WWF-US announces 2010 Fuller Doctoral and Postdoctoral Fellowship Competition
WWF-US is pleased to announce the availability of Kathryn Fuller Fellowships for 2010. The Fellowships will support doctoral and postdoctoral research in the following three areas.
Postgrad: Wallin Postdoctoral Fellowship in International Studies
Focus on Islamic World Studies
Macalester College, St. Paul, Minnesota
Macalester College invites applications for a two-year Winston & Maxine Wallin Postdoctoral Faculty Fellowship from recent PhDs who focus on the Islamic world, broadly understood. Candidates may come from any social science or humanities discipline. Preference will be given to applicants with the ability to teach transnationally engaged courses which include an interdisciplinary dimension. The Department of International Studies at Macalester is a broad and deep nexus for the multi-perspectival exploration of globalizations old and new, in research and in undergraduate education.
Initial applications, which consist of a detailed cover letter that includes a description of teaching interests, plus a CV, may be delivered electronically by going to the listing of this position at www.academicjobsonline.org, and following the instructions given there. Alternatively, you may submit these materials to Kendrick Brown, PhD,
Associate Dean of the Faculty,
Macalester College,
1600 Grand Avenue, St.
Paul, MN 55105 USA.
We also invite you to visit our departmental website at:
Betsy Salvatore
Department Coordinator
Macalester College
1600 Grand Avenue
St. Paul, MN 55105 USA
公立4年制大学 | 私立4年制大学 | 公立2年制大学 | |
Tuition & Fees | $18,548 | $26,273 | $2,544 |
Room & board | 8,193 | 9,363 | 7,202 |
Books & supplies | 1,122 | 1,116 | 1,098 |
Transportation | 1.079 | 849 | 1,445 |
Other | 1,974 | 1,427 | 1,996 |
TOTAL | $30,916 | $39,028 | $14,285 |
Hollins U.
多田 利恵さん
Fall Semester は自分の生活や、授業などを軌道にのせることが中心になっていたが、2月からのSpring Semester ではいろいろなことに慣れ、生活や学業面でも余裕ができ始めた。そして、それまでに担当教官と話し合っていた2つのイベントを本格的に企画した。また、学校外でも日本や日本語に興味のある人・行事と関わりを持つことができ、新たな目線で日本を見たり考えたりする機会が多くあった。
3月、日本の映画を観せるJapanese Film Festival を行った。3本の映画を、3週間に渡って学校のホールで上映した。 学校のイベントとして学校内外に告知をすることができたため、興味のある学生や、日本語クラスの生徒の友達、または学校近隣の興味のある方々が足を運んでくれた。映画は英語字幕付きだったが、初級クラスも簡単な単語は聞き取れる時期になっていたので生徒も喜んでいた。 日本人が少ない学校、少ない地域のため、こうした長い会話を耳にし、また目でも日本をそのまま感じることのできる映画は本当によい題材だということを実感し、またそれぞれの作品をとても楽しみ、感動してくれていたことが私自身非常に嬉しかった。
4月、Japanese Culture Nightと題して、日本の文化を紹介するイベントを行った。私が全てを計画するのではなく、学生自身が楽しめるよう学生の興味のあるものを選んでもらおうと、企画する段階から彼女たちを巻き込んでいくことにした。会場となる部屋にいくつかブースを設け、来た人にそれらを紹介・体験してもらえるように、ということだけを決め、あとは各自やりたいものを探しグループで準備を進めてもらった。その結果、 J-Pop、アニメ、食べ物、折り紙、書道、茶道、着物、ヨーヨー釣りなどのブースができた。食べ物はアメリカ人が大好きなお寿司(担当教官の特製太巻き)、お好み焼き、そしてたこ焼きを担当教官や学生と一緒に用意した。
このCulture Night の前の週、ワシントンDCで行われていたNational Cherry Blossom Festivalに中級クラスの生徒たちと一緒に訪れる機会があった。たくさんの屋台が並び、日本食を初め、出店やステージで日本の様々な文化を紹介するイベントであったが、本当にたくさんの人が訪れていることに驚いた。1912年、東京から贈られた3,00本の桜は、あのワシントンモニュメントの近くに咲いていた。久しぶりに見る日本の桜に本物の「和」を感じ心が癒された。また、あちらこちらでは日本のコスプレとも異なるコスプレをしていたり、フェンスで囲われた一角*でビールや日本酒を立ち飲みしている光景も、日本のお祭りとは違い、アメリカらしい桜祭りを満喫することができた。(*アルコールに関する法が厳しく、アルコールを扱う場所を囲い、その中でのみ飲酒が許可されていたため。)
帰国直前に、ほんの数回ではあったが、地元の図書館に集う日本好きの子供たちが作ったクラブにもボランティアとして参加する機会があった。ロアノークの市には日本人はほとんどいない。実際私が滞在していた間、学校以外で日本人を見けることはなかった。派遣先のHollins Universityにも日本人が5人ほどいたが、それは多い方だそうだ。そういう環境にいるため、子どもたちがマンガやテレビを通して知る日本に対して、疑問に思ったことを気軽に聞ける日本人がいないのだ。学校生活そのものや、制服に関する質問、家の作りに関することなど、私も考えたことのないようなことも聞かれた。残念ながら図書館に足を運べたのはほんの数回のみで、あまり交流も持てず、何かを一緒にする、ということすらできなかったが、ネイティブの日本人と接したことで、今後も興味を持ち続けていって欲しいと思っている。
U. of Scranton
藤田 恵里子さん
下記、EducationUSA Weekly Update(Oct 19, 2009)より、奨学金情報のみ抜粋。
Undergraduate: Yale College welcomes international students
This September, we have a class of 1307 students joining Yale community as first-years. Approximately 10% of them are non-US citizens from across the globe and 3% are US citizens schooled abroad.
Office of International Students and Scholars
Yale's Office of International Students and Scholars (OISS) works to assist any and all international students on campus. Whether serving a resource on immigration matters or picking up students from nearby airports, the OISS makes transitioning to Yale's campus as simple as possible. For more information, please visit www.yale.edu/oiss.
In addition, the OISS organizes the Orientation for International Students (OIS), a four-day orientation program designed to introduce new international students to Yale and to the city of New Haven. Led by international Yale College students, the program includes activities such as:
*Taking Care of Business-setting up a US Bank Account, mailbox, and cell phone
*International Talent Show-a chance for international students to show off their hidden talents
*Shopping Trip-a shopping excur¬sion to purchase any items necessary for new dorms
*An Afternoon at the Beach-a trip to Lighthouse Point Park, New Haven's very own beach area
Financial Aid
Yale College admits students on the basis of academic and personal promise, without regard for their ability to pay. For all applicants (regardless of citizenship!) Yale practices need-blind admissions.
This means that the submission of a financial aid application has no bearing on the Admission Committee's decision. Furthermore, Yale meets 100% of a student's demonstrated financial need for all four years of study, through grants (scholarship/gift aid) and stu¬dent term-time employment (on-campus jobs starting at $11.50 US/hr). Yale's financial aid assessment is purely need-based - no athletic or merit scholarships are awarded as is the case with all institutions in the Ivy League. With an estimated $95 million dedicated towards financial aid, a Yale education should be affordable for any student.
As travel expenses can be quite costly, Yale also awards a vacation allowance to international students on financial aid, meaning that traveling home at least once a year is possible for students around the world. Information about financial aid can be found here. To download specific financial aid forms (includ¬ing those for international applicants), please visit
Useful links:
Open Yale Courses: http://oyc.yale.edu/
International Admissions video:
Jean Lee jean.lee@yale.edu and
Rebekah Westphall rebekah.westphal@yale.edu
Yale College, Office of Undergraduate Admissions
38 Hillhouse Avenue, P.O. Box 208234
New Haven, CT 06520-8234
t: 203.432.9300, f: 203.432.9392
International students:
LL.M.: The University of Baltimore School of Law now accepting applications for the Master of Laws in the Law of the United States (LL.M. LOTUS) program
Students educated in 26 countries from across the globe have enrolled.
The University of Baltimore is located about an hour from Washington, D.C., an attractive location for the study of law and for Optional Practical Training for graduates.
Scholarship: The 2010 Google Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship - $10,000 for the 2010-2011 academic year
Dr. Anita Borg devoted her adult life to revolutionizing the way we think about technology and dismantling barriers that keep women and minorities from entering computing and technology fields. Her combination of technical expertise and fearless vision continues to inspire and motivate countless women to become active participants and leaders in creating technology.
Who can apply?
Applicants must satisfy all of the following criteria to be eligible:
* be a female student entering her senior year of undergraduate study or be enrolled in a graduate program in the 2010-2011 academic year at a university in the United States;
* be enrolled in Computer Science or Computer Engineering program, or a closely related technical field as a full-time student for the 2010-2011 academic year;
* maintain a cumulative GPA of at least 3.5 on a 4.0 scale or 4.5 on a 5.0 scale or equivalent in your current program.
* Citizens, permanent residents, and international students are eligible to apply. Past applicants and finalists are also encouraged to re-apply.
For more information, write to:
Institute for Humane Studies Journalism Internship Program
The deadline to apply for a spring IHS Journalism Internship is Nov 15. If you have not yet started an application, do so soon!
Learn more & apply today!
Spring deadline: Nov 15
Summer deadline: Jan 31
Keri Anderson
Student Coordinator
Institute for Humane Studies
www.TheIHS.org (EIS)