そんな8月31日ですが、今日は、FLTA (Foreign Language Teaching Assistant Program - フルブライト語学アシスタントプログラム)およびESD・ベスト・プラクティス・カンファレンス (持続発展教育の優良事例)会議の参加申し込み締め切り日です。
FLTA & ESD ベスト・プラクティス・カンファレンス 参加申し込み 本日締め切り!!
アメリカ留学奨学金情報 from EducationUSA Weekly Update No. 144
下記、EducationUSA Weekly Update(Aug 24, 2009)より、奨学金情報のみ抜粋。
Georgia College & State University- SCholarships for international students
With only a few weeks left until the Spring 2010 application deadline, Georgia College & State University is proud to announce that applications for INTERNATIONAL STUDENT SCHOLARSHIPS and INTERNATIONAL GRADUATE ASSISTANTSHIPSare still being accepted. Application for scholarships and assistantships are found inside of the international applications for admission at
www.gcsu.edu/international. The application deadline for admission, scholarships and assistantships is September 1st, 2009.
International Admissions Counselor
International Education Center
Georgia College & State University
223 Lanier Hall, CBX 49
Milledgeville, GA 31061-0490
Phone: (+1) 478-445-4789
Iowa State University- Undergraduate Scholarships
We have some new scholarships for undergraduates this year that I would like to share with you. Please publicize this to international students that are interested in ISU! If you have questions, do contact me.
2010-2011 International Student Ambassador Scholarships
-International Student Ambassador Scholarships are awarded to students with exceptional leadership qualities and a desire to positively represent both their home country and Iowa State University to prospective students.
-Current ISU International Student Ambassadors may be contacted here.
Applicants will be considered for the following award levels:
Gold $7,000/year Renewable
Cardinal $5,000/year Renewable
Leadership Up to $4,000/year Renewable
-Submit a one-page essay describing experiences you have had in leadership, community service and/or volunteerism, and why you are interested in assisting Iowa State University with international recruitment activities.
-1 letter of recommendation
-Send essay and letter via email to agogerty@iastate.edu with the subject line Attention: International Scholarship Selection Committee
-There is no GPA or SAT requirement; however, higher academic backgrounds may result in higher scholarship awards
-April 1 (fall & summer entry)
-October 1 (spring entry)
-Incoming freshmen and transfers can apply
The following criteria must be maintained to keep the scholarship until graduation:
-Serve as International Student Ambassador for at least one semester
-2.0 cumulative GPA at ISU
-Full-time enrollment (summers not included)
-Assessed non-resident tuition
Alumni Scholarship: Return to Iowa Generations --- $1,500/year - renewable
-Incoming freshmen and transfer students
-Parent(s) or grandparent(s) graduated from Iowa State University
Click here to apply >
Contact: Ann Gogerty, Global Recruitment Coordinator;
Ms. Ann Gogerty, M.Ed.
Global Recruitment Coordinator
Iowa State University
100 Enrollment Services Center
Ames, Iowa 50011-2011 USA
+1(515)294-0828 (ph); +1(515)294-2592 (fax)
(800)262-3810 (domestic)
Fellowships at the wilson center 2010-2011
Deadline: October 1, 2009
- Citizens or permanent residents from any country (foreign nationals must be able to hold a valid passport and obtain a J1 Visa)
- Men and women with outstanding capabilities and experience from a wide variety of -backgrounds (including government, the corporate world, professions, and academia)
- Academic candidates holding a Ph.D. (Ph.D. must be received by the application deadline of October 1)
- Academic candidates demonstrating scholarly achievement by publications beyond their doctoral dissertations
- Practitioners or policymakers with an equivalent level of professional achievement
- English proficiency as the Center is designed to encourage the exchange of ideas among its fellows
- Proposals of a partisan or advocacy nature
- Primary research in the natural sciences
- Projects that create musical composition or dance
- Projects in the visual arts
- Projects that are the rewriting of doctoral dissertations
- The editing of texts, papers, or documents
- The preparation of textbooks, anthologies, translations, and memoirs
Notes on Eligibility
You do not need an institutional affiliation to apply. For most academic candidates, a book or monograph is required. Scholars and practitioners who previously held research awards or fellowships at the Wilson Center are not precluded from applying for a fellowship. However, the nature and recency of the prior award may be among the factors considered during the selection process, and by the Fellowships Committee of the Board of Trustees.
If you have questions regarding your eligibility or the suitability of your project, please email the Scholar Administration Office at fellowships@wilsoncenter.org.
The Filson Historical Society Filson Fellowships & Internships
The Filson Historical Society, Louisville, Kentucky, invites applications for fellowships to support research in The Filson's collections, and internships. Applications must be received by October 15, 2009. Detailed information about fellowships, internships, and application procedures can be found on The Filson's
Web site.
Information about The Filson's collections can be found on the online catalog.
The Filson anticipates that fellows will publicize the results of their research in Ohio Valley History, the peer-reviewed journal published jointly by The Filson and the Cincinnati Museum Center.
Questions regarding the fellowships and internships program should be directed to Dr. A. Glenn Crothers, Director of Research for The Filson Institute: crothers@filsonhistorical.orgor glenn.crothers@louisville.edu.
Organized May 15, 1884, the mission of The Filson Historical Society is to collect, preserve and tell the significant stories of Kentucky and the Ohio Valley history and culture. The Filson is headquartered in the Ferguson Mansion in Old Louisville and houses a library, a museum, and a special collections department. The Filson's fellowship and internship program is made possible in part by the Thomas Walker Bullitt Perpetual Trust.
Dr. A. Glenn Crothers
Director of Research, The Filson Historical Society
Co-Editor, Ohio Valley History
1310 South Third Street
Louisville, KY 40208
Assistant Professor of History
University of Louisville
Louisville, KY 40292
Fellowships: United States Institute of peace
The Grant Program funded the documentary "In Rwanda We Say... The Family That Does Not Speak Dies," which recently was awarded an Emmy for best documentary.
Support for degree work is not eligible in the Grant Program. Inquiries about support for dissertation research should be directed to USIP's Jennings Randolph Peace Scholar Dissertation Program.
Only one application per competition may be submitted by the same project director.
Unsuccessful applicants of previous Grant Program competitions may not submit the same application unless it has been substantially revised.
This grant funded report featured survivors of violence in Northern Ireland.
Individuals who are currently working as USIP contractors may not be eligible to apply for grant support. To determine eligibility prior to submitting an application, please contact the Grant Program staff.
Applications must be submitted in English
Deadline: October 1, 2009

アメリカ大学留学フェアでは、各大学がブースを設けて大学の説明や資料の配布を行います。アメリカの大学入学担当者と直接会い、質問できるめったにないチャンス ☆(*゚▽゚*)
Ohlone College (CA)
University of California-San Diego (CA)
Savannah College of Art & Design (GA)
University of Hawaii-Manoa (HI)
Boston University (MA)
Michigan State University (MI)
Missouri State University (MO)
Northwest Missouri State University (MO)
University of Nebraska - Kearney (NE)
University of Nebraska-Lincoln (NE)
State University of New York-Buffalo (NY)
State University of New York-Stony Brook (NY)
Marywood University (PA)
Temple University (PA)
Tennessee Technological University (TN)
Highline Community College (WA)
Whitworth College (WA)
アメリカからの訪問者:Grinnell Coll. & Corolado Coll.
Grinnell College(アイオワ州)のSeth Allento氏と
Corolado College(コロラド州)のTom Barry氏がフルブライト・ジャパンを訪問して下さいました。
お二人は、それぞれの大学で入学審査官やリクルーターを務めていらっしゃいます。 今回は留学生リクルートでアジア(中国・日本)を訪問 お二人とも日本訪問は初めてで、日本の教育制度についてなど興味深く質問していらっしゃいました。
二校とも歴史ある名門リベラルアーツカレッジ(Liberal Arts Colleges)ですが、日本ではあまり知られていないのが残念・・・ 8月16日(日)に両校のInformation Sessionを開催されたそうですが、お盆休みの影響もあってかあまり学生さんが集まらなかったそうです。 次回、日本で学校説明会がある際には、もう少し多くの参加者があることを願っています
フルブライト・ジャパンのウェブサイトでは、大学独自のInformation Sessionなど、大学から案内があれば随時、「他団体主催のアメリカ留学/教育交流関連イベント」で紹介しています。日本にいながらにしてアメリカの大学担当者と直接話せる機会は非常に貴重です。是非、フルブライト・ジャパンのウェブサイトをこまめにチェックし、そのような機会は有効に使いましょう!(EIS)
フルブライト・ジャパン 留学情報サービスでは、講師に東京工業大学建築物理研究センター 笠井和彦教授をお迎えして、アメリカ理系大学院への留学を志す方を対象とした説明会を下記の日程で開催致します。
◆ 会場: 東京アメリカン・センター
◆ 講師: 東京工業大学建築物理研究センター教授 笠井和彦先生
◆ お申し込み:オンライン登録

アメリカ留学奨学金情報 from EducationUSA Weekly Update No. 141
下記、EducationUSA Weekly Update(Aug 3, 2009)より、奨学金情報のみ抜粋。
Linfield College- Undergraduate scholarship for International students
Linfield College, a small private undergraduate institution in McMinnville, Oregon, offers partial tuition scholarships to qualified international students. The amount awarded is determined primarily by the student’s academic record as indicated on official transcripts, with some consideration also given to TOEFL or IELTS or SAT scores. The value of these awards ranges from $14,000 for an equivalent 3.4 GPA up to $20,000 for students with a 3.8 or higher GPA. A Campus Employment opportunity is usually added to the scholarship award, so the student can earn up to $2,520 per year by working on campus.
The total cost at Linfield for the 2009-2010 year for an international student will be approximately $41,000. This amount covers all expected expenses, including the cost of the optional January Term, the required Linfield health insurance plan, and an estimated $1,100 for personal expenses.
For more information contact Mr. Floyd Schrock in the office of admission at fschrock@linfield.edu. Linfield College is on the web at www.linfield.edu.
Postdoctoral position focusing on societal aspects of nanotech. It's open to Ph.D.s from lots of disciplines, but environmental sociologists might have especially strong interests (and capabilities to offer). Details follow:
A multidisciplinary team of social scientists is seeking a postdoctoral-level researcher to study the societal aspects of emerging effects of nanomaterials (NMs) in the environment, with a particular focus on US public and expert risk perception and comparative risk analysis. The specific project opportunities include: survey research on US public perceptions of nanotech environmental risk; comparative analysis of other technological and environmental risk controversies; social amplification and attenuation of risk; constructed preference and decision pathways; vulnerability, gender, race and risk perception; mental modeling and risk communication.
Applicants should possess a Ph.D. in a relevant social, behavioral, or environmental studies field, including Ph.D's from interdisciplinary environmental studies programs as well as those offered through sociology, anthropology, geography, communications, social psychology, political science, and/or law. The applicant must have demonstrated experience in related research, and a record of communicating research results.
Quantitative data analysis expertise required; mixed quantitative/qualitative methods research background highly desirable.
The position will be available starting October 1, 2009 or later and is full time with a beginning salary of $42,000-$46,000 (plus health benefits) depending on experience. Applications should have completed the PhD no more than 6 years prior, although exceptions can be made where a hiatus from academic work can be explained. The initial appointment is for 1-year on this multiyear project; continuation beyond 1 year will be based on performance and funding. Applicants should submit a CV, a statement of research interests, and the names of three referees to imelda@icess.ucsb.edu.
Initial review of applications will begin on September 1, 2009, however the position will remain open until filled. The department is especially interested in candidates who can contribute to the diversity and excellence of the academic community through research, teaching and service.
William R. Freudenburg
Dehlsen Professor of Environment and Society
Environmental Studies Program
University of California
Santa Barbara, CA 93106-4160
phone: 805-893-8282 fax: 805-893-8686
Franklin Research Grants Grant Deadline: 2009-10-01
The Franklin Research Grants, first given in 1933, are small grants to scholars intended to support the cost of research leading to publication in all areas of knowledge. The Franklin program is particularly designed to help meet the cost of travel to libraries and archives for research purposes; the purchase of microfilm, photocopies or equivalent research materials; the costs associated with fieldwork; or laboratory research expenses.
Applicants are expected to have a doctorate or to have published work of doctoral character and quality. Ph.D. candidates are not eligible, but the Society is especially interested in supporting the work of young scholars who have recently received the doctorate.
From $1,000 to $6,000.
For applications and two letters of support: October 1, 2009, for a January 2010 decision for work in February through December
December 1, 2009, for a March 2010 decision for work in April through December
Linda Musumeci
Research Administrator
American Philosophical Society
104 S. Fifth Street
Philadelphia, PA 19106
Email: lmusumeci@amphilsoc.org
Visit the website at http://www.amphilsoc.org/grants/franklin.htm
Women’s World in Qajar Iran: A Digital and Audio-Visual Archive Harvard University - Post-doctoral Fellow
A two-year, part-time post-doctoral fellowship position is available to serve as Project Coordinator for a grant-funded project, “Women’s World in Qajar Iran: A Digital and Audio-Visual Archive. The position will be responsible for interfacing with all individuals and offices associated with this project, including staff at the Harvard College Library (HCL), the Harvard University Libraries (HUL), and Historicus, Inc., and the scholarly team; will work with the Principal Investigator and the scholarly team to develop work and travel plans for each field trip and coordinate communications and work activities on their behalf; will serve as the project's liaison to HCL, HUL, University Information Systems (UIS), and other Harvard services; will develop procedures for managing the workflow that translates materials digitized in the field to those cataloged and archived in HCL/HUL's various systems; will coordinate contracts and financial activities,
including vendor contracts for photographic services and web design; maintain all documentation related to the project; and assist with communications and problem solving related to all aspects of the project. The ideal candidate will have experience in project management and a demonstrated ability to juggle multiple projects simultaneously. A background in collections management (museums, archives, libraries, or special collections), photographic reproduction, and/or digital projects is preferred. Because of the digital and distributed nature of this project, strong computer skills including experience with spreadsheets (Excel), relational databases (MS Access, FileMaker, or MySQL), graphical formats (JPEG, TIF, MOV,
MP3), and online collaboration tools will be critical for success in this position. Knowledge of Persian, while not required, would be an advantage.
Interested applicants should send a c.v., and the names of two or three references to: Professor Afsaneh Najmabadi, Committee on Degrees in Studies of Women, Gender and Sexuality, Harvard University, Boylston Hall Ground Floor, Harvard Yard, Cambridge, MA 02138.
Deadline for receipt of applications is: August 7, 2009.
Contact Info:
Professor Afsaneh Najmabadi
Harvard University
Boylston Hall Ground Floor, Harvard Yard
Cambridge, MA 02138
Hench Post-Dissertation Fellowship at the American Antiquarian Society
Scholars who are no more than three years beyond receipt of the doctorate are invited to apply for the Hench Post-Dissertation Fellowship, a year-long residential fellowship at the American Antiquarian Society. The purpose of the post dissertation fellowship is to provide the recipient with time and resources to extend research and/or to revise the dissertation for publication. Any topic relevant to the Society's library collections and programmatic scope, and coming from any field or disciplinary background, is eligible. AAS collections focus on all aspects of American history, literature, and culture from contact to 1876, and provide rich source material for projects across the spectrum of early American studies. Our holdings include many collections that would be of use to environmental historians, including maps; landscape drawings, paintings, and
photographs; local histories; and agricultural manuals and periodicals.
The Society welcomes applications from those who have advance book contracts, as well as those who have not yet made contact with a publisher. The twelve month stipend for this fellowship is $35,000.
The Hench Post-Dissertation Fellow will be selected on the basis of the applicant's scholarly qualifications, the appropriateness of the project to the Society's collections and interests, and, above all, the likelihood that the revised dissertation will make a highly significant book.
Further information about the fellowship, along with application materials, is available on the AAS website. Any questions about the fellowship may be directed to Paul Erickson, Director of Academic Programs at AAS, at perickson@mwa.org.
The deadline for applications for a Hench Post-Dissertation Fellowship to be held during the 2010-2011 academic year is October 15, 2009.
Paul J. Erickson
Director of Academic Programs
American Antiquarian Society