下記、EducationUSA Weekly Update(May 10, 2009)より、奨学金情報のみ抜粋。
Established in 1870, The Ohio State University is a world-class research university located in Columbus, Ohio, the state's capital and largest city. Ohio State has attained national and international distinction in education and research and is ranked among the top 20 public universities in the United States (U.S. News and World Report).
Students benefit from a scholarly environment in which research inspires and informs teaching.
Ohio State offers more than 160 majors (from liberal arts to biological sciences), 475 areas of specialization, 800 student organizations, and co-ops/internships in every field. Opportunities in and out of the classroom help students network, gain experience, and strengthen their preparation for employment or graduate school.
The institution is among the top 10 public research universities in the United States based on total research expenditures. The university's research labs, expert faculty, and ties to industry result in a high ranking for Ohio State's programs in the biological, medical, and physical sciences, as well as in technology and engineering.
Ohio State is "home" to about 1,600 international scholars and nearly 4,000 international students from 80 countries.
Check out the YouTube spotlight: Making Our Voices Heard--An International Student Forum Hear from current international students about their Ohio State
experiences. How did they get here? Once here, have they found ways to connect? What's it like to be a Buckeye?
International Undergraduate Scholarship:
The International Undergraduate Scholarship is awarded on a competitive basis to admitted full-time, Columbus campus international freshmen who are required to pay the nonresident tuition surcharge. To be considered, applicants must have ACT composite scores of 26 or higher or combined SAT Critical Reading and Math scores of 1190 or higher, and must submit the application for admission and all
supporting materials by the application deadline. The award is valued at $6,600 ($26,400 over four years.)
For more information, visit:
Feel free to contact the Admissions Office:
Undergraduate Admissions and First Year Experience
Enarson Hall | 154 West 12th Avenue
Columbus, Ohio 43210
Phone -- Inside the U.S.: 001 614 292-3980
Illinois State University invites you to continue your education in the heartland of America, halfway between Chicago, Illinois, and St. Louis, Missouri. You can increase your knowledge, develop your skills, and broaden your understanding of the world in an educational atmosphere devoted to teaching and research.
Founded in 1857, Illinois State University was the first public university in the state and one of the Midwest's oldest institutions of higher education. It is a residential university whose emphasis is on undergraduate study.
Its 34 academic departments in six colleges offer 67 undergraduate programs in more than 188 fields of study. The Graduate School coordinates 39 master's, two specialist, and eight doctoral programs.
To find out about financial aid visit the website of the Scholarship Resource Office:
International House
International House is a multicultural living and learning center for American and international students.
In addition to traditional classroom work, students participate in internships and cooperative education programs that develop professionalism and prepare them for careers. They gain personal and career development experience through research, residence hall experiences, student government leadership positions, and an array of community service opportunities.
The strength of the university continues to be its focus on the student experience. Historically defined as the merging of academic and student life, this strength is fostered by attentive and dedicated faculty and staff members. This student-centered attitude is embodied in the relationships among students and their faculty and staff mentors.
For more information, contact:
Office of Admissions
201 Hovey Hall
Campus Box 2200
Normal, Il 61790-2200
Phone: (800) 366-2478
To find out about financial aid visit the website of the Scholarship
Resource Office:
For those who want to know more about financial aid but are always on the go, Illinois State is proud to offer periodic Financial Aid Office podcasts:
Western Illinois University, dedicated to diversity and the fine arts, has designated one Graduate Assistantship for an American or international violin student. This assistantship is part of a two-year Master of Music degree program in instrumental performance.
The winning candidate will perform in the Julstrom String Quartet. The other members of the quartet are faculty members at Western Illinois University: Dr. Julieta Mihai, violin, Dr. István Szabó, viola, and Dr. Moisés Molina, cello. In addition, the student will perform duties as assigned by Dr. Richard Hughey, WIU Orchestra conductor.
The assistantship carries with it a FULL TUITION WAIVER and a monthly stipend.
Tuition waiver (in-state): $4272/year
(out-of-state): $8544/year
2/3 Stipend ($587/month): $4696
To apply: International candidates must hold a degree which is comparable to a recognized U.S. bachelor's degree in music.
All candidates need to send the following directly to the School of Music, Attention: Dr. Brian Locke, Western Illinois University 1 University Circle; Macomb, IL 61455, USA
1. A completed School of Music application form which may be printed from the following link:
2. A live audition or a video of the candidate performing two contrasting works, one the first movement of a concerto. DVD is acceptable.
3. In addition, International Candidates will send the following directly to International Admissions, Western Illinois University,
Seal Hall 210, 1 University Circle, Macomb, IL 61455, USA.
a. A completed International Application for Admission form. The International Application for Admission may be completed and submitted online or printed from the following link:
b. Official academic transcripts in the native language plus certified English translations if in a language other than English from EACH college or university previously attended.
c. Three letters of recommendation.
d. Official TOEFL test scores sent directly from ETS. Students must have obtained minimum acceptable TOEFL score of 550 pbt, 213 cbt, or 79 ibt.
e. A nonrefundable application fee of $30 (USD).
All materials must be received as soon as possible for full consideration. To schedule an audition, please call or email Dr. Richard Hughey at (309) 298-1729,
RL-Hughey@wiu.eduFor further information, feel free to contact:
Jeanette Y. Zotz, Assistant Director
International Admissions
Center for International Studies
Western Illinois University
1 University Circle, 211 Seal Hall
Macomb IL 61455
Phone: (309) 298 2426
Fax: (309) 298 2405