下記、EducationUSA Weekly Update(April 26, 2010)より、奨学金情報のみ抜粋。
The award amounts are the following:
* 45-60 iBT (PB TOEFL scores between 450 and 497) or an IELTS score of 4.5 - $7,500 award
* 61 iBT (PB TOEFL scores at 500 and above) or an IELTS score of 5.0 and above - $10,000 award
In addition, we also offer need based financial aid and if an international student qualifies as according to the College Board's International Student Financial Aid Application it could mean an additional $6,000 for a total max of $16,000. Our total cost for 2010-2022 for tuition, fees, room and meals is $32,584 so on average we can help with about 50% of the total cost.
About Mount Union
The University of Mount Union offers a liberal arts education and affirms the importance of reason, open inquiry, and individual worth.
Mount Union's mission is to prepare students for meaningful work, fulfilling lives, and responsible citizenship. Mount Union was founded in 1846 by Orville Nelson Hartshorn as a place where men and women could be educated with equal opportunity, science would parallel the humanities and there would be no distinction due to race, color or sex.
Mount Union enrolls 2,200 undergraduates; approximately 50 percent women and 50 percent men, representing more than 28 states and 18 countries.
For more information on international admission, contact the Center
for Global Education at: intladms@muc.edu
Tel. (330) 823-3296 or fax at (330) 829-8204.
The University of Pittsburgh School of Arts and Sciences Announces a New Postdoctoral Fellowship Program for 2011
For the first time, the University of Pittsburgh School of Arts and Sciences is offering up to eight postdoctoral fellowships in the humanities and social sciences to begin in January 2011. These inaugural fellowships are designed to attract excellent scholars from outside the University of Pittsburgh and to offer junior scholars the time, space, and financial support necessary to produce significant
scholarship early in their careers.
The Arts and Sciences Postdoctoral Fellowships are for one year and are renewable for an additional year. Fellows will teach two courses per year, complete scholarly work, and participate in the academic and intellectual community of the School of Arts and Sciences and the department or program with which they are affiliated. The fellowship offers junior scholars the time, space, and financial support necessary to produce significant scholarship early in their careers.
The annual stipend will be $45,000. Fellows will receive an annual research fund of $3,500 and a one-time reimbursement of up to $1,500 for moving expenses.
We invite applications from qualified candidates in the humanities and social sciences who have received the PhD from outside of the University of Pittsburgh between December 1, 2007 and November 30, 2010. Applicants who do not have the PhD in hand at the time of application must provide a letter from the Department Chair or the Advisor stating that the PhD degree will be conferred before the term of the fellowship begins.
Postdoctoral education is an important facet of research and scholarship at the University of Pittsburgh, and the University has developed a comprehensive set of guidelines for postdoctoral fellows and the faculty, departments, and programs who work with them.
Applicants should submit the following materials:
1. An application form (available at www.as.pitt.edu/postdoc)
2. Curriculum vitae
3. Detailed statement of current research interests (1,000 words) that clearly outlines the goals of the research you will undertake during the term of the fellowship.
4. One writing sample no longer than 20 pages.
5. A copy of the Dissertation Table of Contents
6. A two-page statement of teaching interests and one or two course proposals (subject area, brief syllabus, proposed methods) for a 15-week course directed towards advanced undergraduates or graduate students.
7. Three letters of recommendation. (NOTE: Letter writers should e-mail their recommendations directly to postdoc@as.pitt.edu , using the applicant's name and the word, "Postdoc Recommendation" in the e-mail subject line.
Application Deadline and Notification of Awards
All application materials-including letters of recommendation- must be submitted electronically before June 1, 2010. Only fully completed formal applications will be considered. It is your responsibility to ensure that all documentation is complete and that referees submit their letters of recommendation to postdoc@as.pitt.edu by the closing date. Awards will be announced in July 2010.
For more information, contact:
Ms. Runette Brown
University of Pittsburgh
Arts and Sciences Graduate Studies Office
5401 Sennott Square
Pittsburgh, PA 15260
Tel: 412-624-3939
Fax: 412-624-6855
E-mail: postdoc@as.pitt.edu
The School of Information Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee is accepting applications for a Postdoctoral
Fellowship in Information Policy for 2010-2011.
Along with continuing their own research agenda, the fellow will work closely with the Center for Information Policy Research and affiliated faculty, assist in coordination of related events, work with current PhD students, and participate in the academic and intellectual community of the School. The fellow will be expected to teach one class in the fall and spring semesters. The stipend for the fellowship
will be $38,000 for a 12-month appointment beginning in August 2010, with a $2,000 research and travel stipend. Fellows are eligible for benefits. Stipend for this position may be subject to future UW System furlough policies.
Applicants must be scholars who are not yet tenured and who are no more than 3 years past receiving their PhD.
Applicants must hold a PhD in a information studies or related discipline. Applicants who do not yet hold a PhD but expect to have it by August, 2010 will be asked to provide a letter from their home institution corroborating the degree award schedule. Verification of completion of degree will be required before the start date.
Application packages must include: letter explaining research agenda, teaching interests, and appropriateness for the fellowship, curriculum vitae, writing sample, and 3 references.
Send all application materials electronically to: Dr. Elizabeth Buchanan at eliz1679@uwm.edu
Deadline for application is April 30, 2010. Decisions to be made by May 31 2010.
For more information, please contact Dr. Elizabeth Buchanan at
eliz1679@uwm.edu, and visit us at
www4.uwm.edu/sois/ and www4.uwm.edu/cipr.