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アメリカ大学留学フェア参加校紹介:University of California, Davis

Ranked 9th among public research universities in the United States, UC Davis offers more than 100 academic majors and 90 graduate programs in four globally respected colleges: Agricultural and Environmental Sciences; Biological Sciences; Engineering; and Letters and Science. Located in beautiful Northern California, the city of Davis is friendly and safe, offering wonderful cultural and recreational activities. As a UC Davis student, you can participate in research projects, gain experience through internships or join an intramural sports team. UC Davis is widely known for specialties in agriculture, viticulture and enology, the biological sciences and veterinary medicine, and teaching and research are grounded in a tradition of excellence that stretches across all the disciplines. UC Davis also has a long tradition of helping students build their undergraduate resume for graduate or professional school, and a rewarding career.

例えば・・・ビジネススクール(経営大学院)のフェアは、MBA Toursによるものが9/1(木)と、QSによるものが11/1(火)に開催されます。フルブライト・ジャパン以外の団体主催の留学関連イベントは、随時、こちらで紹介☆
アメリカ留学奨学金情報 from EducationUSA Weekly Update No.244
下記、EducationUSA Weekly Update(No. 244 August 29, 2011)より、奨学金情報のみ抜粋。
UG: Western Wyoming Community College Scholarships and Grants
Located in the colorful desert of Southwest Wyoming, Western Wyoming Community College is committed to providing high quality learning opportunities, in and out of the classroom, for all our students and visitors.
The funding we use to award scholarships and grants include federal, state, institutional, foundation and private funding sources. So, if you have a talent that makes you an excellent scholar, athlete, actor, dancer, singer, artist, welder, student leader (and many others!); you just might be able to utilize that talent to secure a scholarship to help fund your education at Western. Take advantage of the funding that we have available and apply today.
For more information, please visit: http://bit.ly/pwV5C3
UG: Rocky Mountain College Merit Scholarship Calculator
Rocky Mountain College recognizes academic achievement by providing generous merit scholarships to incoming first-year and transfer students. First-year students will be awarded scholarships upon completion of application for admission, as well as submission of SAT or ACT results and official high school transcripts. Transfer student scholarships will be determined based on grade point average earned for previous college work. Visit the Rocky Mountain College scholarship calculator to determine your estimated award today!
For more information, please visit: http://bit.ly/owNSyu
UG/Grad: Winthrop University International Student Scholarships
Winthrop University is committed to increasing diversity on campus. For this reason we have introduced an array of scholarships designed for prospective international students. These scholarships include:
Winthrop University is also offering application fee waivers to students connected with EducationUSA. To contact Winthrop directly, please email Fred Schlingemann at Schlingemann@Winthrop.edu or call 001-803-323-3393.
For more information, please visit: http://bit.ly/pH0urn
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/winthrop.international
Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/WUadmissions
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HiCnDRI-nRI
Grad: Troy University Graduate Assistantship/Fellowship Program
Troy University is different from most institutions of higher learning. Rather than preparing students for jobs, we prepare them for what's ahead – life – opportunity – surprises. Yes, the future can be unpredictable, but the people who succeed in the years to come will do so because of preparation, planning and drive. These are just a few of the defining characteristics of TROY students.
The objectives of the Graduate Assistantship/Fellowship program are to provide professional experiences which complement graduate instruction and research while contributing financial assistance to students pursuing graduate degrees at TROY sites located in the state of Alabama. This assistantship/fellowship program is designed to aid in the successful completion of the degree pursued and to enhance career opportunities through applied professional experiences.
For more information, please visit: http://bit.ly/pwP5ni
Postgrad: Amelia Earhart Fellowship for Women in Aerospace-Related Science
Established in 1938 in honor of famed pilot and Zontian, Amelia Earhart, the Amelia Earhart Fellowship is awarded annually to women pursuing Ph.D./doctoral degrees in aerospace-related sciences and aerospace-related engineering. The Fellowship of US$10,000, awarded to 35 Fellows around the globe each year, may be used at any university or college offering accredited post-graduate courses and degrees in these fields.
Applications for the 2012 Fellowships must be received or post-marked by 15 November 2011 to be considered. Applications that are incomplete or late due to postal delays will not be considered.
For more information, please visit: http://bit.ly/pum4UC(EIS)
アメリカ大学留学フェア 参加校紹介:Ohlone College
アメリカ大学留学フェア 参加校紹介のひとつ、Ohlone College 、California州にある公立2年制大学のご紹介です。
以下、Eddie Westさん、Director, International Programs and Services、Ohlone Collegeからのメッセージです☆ フェアの当日に質問する事柄を大学サイトを見たり、以下のメッセージを読んで、事前に考えておくとよいでしょう。(EIS)
Greetings everyone! We're looking forward to the upcoming IIE University fair in Tokyo. Here is some information about Ohlone College:
Ohlone College is a 2-year, public community college, located between high tech Silicon Valley and beautiful San Francisco. We boast strong transfer connections to 4-year universities in California, such as UC Berkeley, UCLA, and San Jose State University. Every year many international students successfully transfer to these and other leading schools, after completing their studies at Ohlone College. We also provide an on-campus English Language Institute (ELI), featuring small classes and caring instructors. About 320 international students currently study at Ohlone College, including 20-30 Japanese students. We offer innovative and strong programs in Environmental Science, Business, Accounting, Music, and Computer Science, among many other options. We hope you will join us soon!
アンケートフォーム: https://www.fulbright.jp/stats/index.php
* IIE: 1919年に設立された独立した非営利団体で、世界を代表する国際交流機関。世界175カ国で、学生、教育関係者、社会人を対象に、250以上の学習・研修プログラムを実施。アメリカの留学生ならびにアメリカ人留学生の統計をOpen Doorsという情報源で発表。
** フルブライト・ジャパン: 日米間の教育・文化・学術交流を推進するため、1951年に日米両国間の協定に基づき発足した国際機関。フルブライト交流事業、特別教育交流プロジェクトに加え、留学情報サービスを設けて、米国高等教育に関する情報提供を行う。
アメリカ大学留学フェア 参加校紹介:Oregon State University
アメリカ大学留学フェア 参加校紹介のひとつ、Oregon State University、Oregon州にある州立4年制大学のご紹介です。
以下、Valerie Rosenbergさん、Director, OSU International Admissions, Director, INTO OSU Student Experience
からのメッセージです☆ 写真も近日中にアップ予定!フェアの当日に質問する事柄を大学サイトを見たり、以下のメッセージを読んで、事前に考えておくとよいでしょう。(EIS)
Oregon State University is a vibrant community of 24,000 students from all 50 states in the United States and almost 100 countries worldwide and is known for its friendly, close-knit community. Oregon State offers over 200 undergraduate majors and 80 graduate majors with nationally ranked programs in Conservation Biology, Forestry, Oceanography, Nuclear Engineering, Public Health, Food Science, Zoology and Ecology. OSU is ranked number 70 in the US and number 150 in the world by the Shanghai Zhaotong University.
Oregon State is located in Corvallis, Oregon, a community of 54,000. Corvallis is consistently ranked as one of the best and safest places to live in the United States.
アメリカ大学留学フェア 参加校紹介:University of Hawaii at Manoa
以下、Mr.Kristoffer Toribio, Admissions Counselor, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Office of Admissions からのメッセージです☆

The University of Hawai'i at Manoa (UHM), is a public and research University located in the capital city of Honolulu, a mid-pacific hub for cultural, scientific and commercial exchange between the U.S. and Asia Pacific regions. UHM offers the most academic programs in the state of Hawai'i. This includes 92 bachelors', 84 masters', 51 doctoral degrees and degrees in Law and Medicine. Recognized programs include Business, Engineering, Ocean and Marine Sciences, Travel Industry Management and Hawaiian, Asian and Pacific Studies. UHM is considered a mid-size University with 20,000 students from all 50 U.S. states and more than 90 countries. In fact, Japan is UHM's largest representation of international students. Consistently ranked a "best value" among U.S colleges and universities, our students receive a strong education at an affordable price. For more information, about the University of Hawai'i at Manoa, visit the website at manoa.hawaii.edu. Aloha!
アメリカ大学留学フェア 参加校紹介:Carnegie Mellon University
アメリカ大学留学フェア 参加校紹介のひとつ、Carnegie Mellon University、Pennsylvania州にある私立4年制大学のご紹介です。以下、Kari Gazdichさん(写真 最前列 左)、Director of Admissions, Information Networking Institute, Carnegie Mellon Universityからのメッセージです☆ 以下の写真には、INI Director- Dena Tsamitis (写真 中央)や以前、Dual Degree に参加されていた学生さんたちも写っています(^―^) フェア当日に質問する事柄を大学サイトを見たり、以下のメッセージを読んで、事前に考えておくとよいでしょう。(EIS)
Study Information Security in Both Japan and the U.S.
The Department of Applied Informatics exposes you to concepts of information security and privacy in Japan's local context. From the start of the program in Kobe, you gain professional skills that are immediately valuable in practical research and development. In Pittsburgh, the INI offers you interdisciplinary coursework from the colleges of computer science, business, and policy. You could join Carnegie Mellon's innovative research groups and interact with faculty who are leaders in their fields. While in the program, whether in Japan or the U.S., the state-of-the-art distributed education technology equipment will help you stay connected.
Established in 2004, the University of Hyogo is a center of knowledge in its community. A major public university, it is made up of six schools, eleven graduate schools and four research institutes. Carnegie Mellon is consistently a top-ranked global university, and it established the INI in 1989 as the first research and education center in the U.S. devoted to information networking. In 2005, the INI began offering a master's program in Kobe, and then collaborated with the University of Hyogo to offer a dual-degree program, to prepare students with a rare blend of technology expertise, business acumen and policy insight.
The dual-degree is within reach. All applicants to the dual-degree program are eligible to be considered for full and half tuition scholarships and may be eligible for interest-free loans from the University of Hyogo. Visit www.ini.cmu.edu for details.
アメリカ大学留学フェア 参加校紹介:Emerson College

Emerson College, located in the heart of Boston, Massachusetts, is the nation's premiere institution in higher education devoted to communication and the arts in a liberal arts context. We are internationally recognized in its fields of specialization and our graduate programs reflect the importance of these areas of expertise in the global communities in which we live.

Our Graduate programs include, Communication Management, Communication Disorders, Media Art, Journalism, Creative Writing, Publishing & Writing, Health Communication, Theater Education, Global Marketing Communication and Advertising and Integrated Marketing Communication.