
2012年1月 アメリカ大学・大学院留学説明会のご案内

各種英語検定試験(TOEFL、英検、IELTS、PTE Academic)説明会も同時開催!皆様ふるってご参加下さい。

◆ 2012年1月19日(木) 13:30〜17:00 (途中参加、途中退場も可能)
13:30〜 TOEFLテスト説明会
13:55〜 STEP英検説明会
14:15〜 IELTS説明会
14:40〜 PTE Academic 説明会
15:00〜 アメリカ留学説明会
◆ 会場:日米教育委員会 会議室
(赤坂見附駅 (丸ノ内線・銀座線) 山王下方面出口、右手すぐのビル内)

◆ お申し込み・詳細: 要事前オンライン予約。下記ウェブサイトをご覧下さい。


posted by スタッフ at 13:27| 東京 晴れ| アメリカ留学関連情報 | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする


米国大使館主催 フルブライト・ジャパン協力 シンポジウム「留学交流の新たな潮流と教育の質保証」

米国大使館主催 フルブライト・ジャパン協力 


日本から米国へ留学している学生数が大幅な減少を続け、IIE (Institute of International Education)による最新の統計によると、
前年比14%減少し、ついに21,290人となったことが大きなニュースになっています。その一方で中国など新興国から先進国への留学は増え続け、世界的に見れば自国以外の高等教育機関で学ぶ学生は増え続けています。本シンポジウムでは、IIEのプレジデントである、Dr. Allan Goodmanに基調講演をお願いし、世界的な留学生と教育交流の動向、米国大学における国際戦略を分析します。同時に、米国大学が外国成績評価システムをどのように運用し質保証をともなった受入システムの整備につとめているか、留学生獲得戦略に基づいたリクルート活動をどう展開しているか、などにつき、ケーススタディを交えて検証します。グローバル30の採択校からの事例も紹介しながら、将来の日本の大学にとって示唆となる課題について、意見交換することができればと考えます。

日時: 2012年2月10日 14:00 - 17:30(13:30会場)

会場: 想海樓ホール :東京都港区六本木7-22-1 政策研究大学院大学内


Keynote Speech (基調講演):
Allan Goodman
President and CEO, Institute of International Education (IIE) “Global Trends in Student Mobility- Statistical Analysis of New Trends in the U.S. and Beyond"

Lecture (講演):
Mariam Assafa
President, World Education Service (WES) “Overview of Foreign Credential Evaluation at U.S. Universities and New Challenges”

Case Study 1(ニューヨーク州立バッファロー校の事例):
Joseph Hindrawan
Director of the Office of International Enrollment Management, SUNY Buffalo “International Student Recruitment, Admissions, and Enrollment Management: A Case Study of SUNY-Buffalo”

Case Study 2 (明治大学グローバル・パートナーズの事例):
Shingo Ashizawa 芦沢真五(明治大学 国際連携機構 特任教授)
Professor, Organization for International Cooperation, Meiji University
"New Strategic Approaches in Collaborating with Third Parties- Case Study of Meiji Global Partners"

<Panel Discussion>: followed by Case Studies
Hiroshi Ota 太田 浩 (一橋大学 国際教育センター 教授)
Professor, Center for Global Education, Hitotsubashi University

Allan Goodman
Joseph Hindrawan
Shingo Ashizawa 芦沢真五
Rosie Edmond, Regional Educational Advising Coordinator (REAC) for the Northeast Asia Pacific Institute of International Education (IIE)


posted by スタッフ at 17:27| 東京 晴れ| アメリカ留学関連情報 | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする


アメリカ留学奨学金情報 from EducationUSA Weekly Update No.260

下記、EducationUSA Weekly Update(No. 260 December 19, 2011)より、奨学金情報のみ抜粋。


Established in 1969, Ramapo College offers bachelor's degrees in the arts, business, humanities, social sciences and the sciences, as well as in professional studies, which include nursing and social work. In addition, Ramapo College offers courses leading to teacher certification at the elementary and secondary levels.

Ramapo College offers the most prestigious award the “Presidential Scholarship” to qualified international students. The award is of $80,000 to be used over four years ($20,000 per academic year). Other Merit Based Scholarships offered at Ramapo include a Provost Scholarship ($40,000), Dean's Scholarship ($24,000), and an Academic Achievement Award ($12,000).
For more information, please visit: http://bit.ly/sBbZoX

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/RamapoCollege
Twitter: http://twitter.com/RamapoCollegeNJ
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/ramapocollege
Other Social Media: http://www.ramapo.edu/news/rss.xml


Montana State University is a mid-sized (14,000 students) university offering all the advantages of a much larger institution, with the friendly community of a smaller campus. MSU is especially known for quality programs in the fields of agriculture, architecture (NAAB), business (AACSB), computer science (CSAB), engineering (ABET), film production, nursing (CCNE), and the sciences. The Carnegie Foundation ranks MSU in the top tier of Research Universities, demonstrating very high research activity, along with Harvard, Yale and MIT.

Montana State University offers scholarships based on ACT or SAT scores to non-resident freshmen who apply for Fall Semester. The MSU Achievement Awards range between US$2,000 and US$15,000 per year and are renewable for four years with maintenance of a 3.0 / 4.0 grade point average. Applicants who send their official ACT or SAT scores will automatically qualify for a scholarship if their score meets the minimum score of 1560 (SAT) or 23 (ACT).
For more information, please visit: http://bit.ly/vV0KQM

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Montana-State-University-International-Admissions/209367681616
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/montanastateu?feature=watch


Methodist University provides an undergraduate and graduate education firmly grounded in the liberal arts tradition that nurtures moral values and ethical decision making; to provide distinctive professional and graduate programs that complement the undergraduate programs; to provide educational and cultural services and resources to the community; and to prepare students for a variety of careers and educational pursuits.

Methodist University offers Presidential Scholarships to entering freshman who attained a cumulative Grade Point Average of 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale) on all college level courses attempted at their previous schools. This scholarship program is applicable only to students enrolled full-time (twelve semester hours or more) in the regular academic (day) program.
For more information, please visit: http://bit.ly/vR5D85


Eastern Illinois University has a rich tradition of preparing students to accomplish their life goals through a great combination of quality academics and personal relationships.  A variety of excellent on-campus housing opportunities are available on the safe, compact 320-acre campus. Student graduation and retention rates are well above state and national averages, and that success continues after students earn their degrees – year after year, Eastern ranks high in job placement, alumni satisfaction and employer satisfaction.

Undergraduate Students with an incoming GPA of 3.5 - 4.0 receive a special scholarship rate which allows them at least a $12,500 savings on tuition per year. The rate is locked in for four years for a potential $50,000 savings. Students do not need to maintain 3.5 or higher GPA to retain special rate. No scholarship application is needed.
For more information, please visit: http://bit.ly/sGFkze

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/International-Students-and-Scholars-OISS-Eastern-Illinois-University/139785422748340
Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/EIUOISS


Indiana Law has been granting graduate degrees to international lawyers for more than a century. Indiana Law's top-tier graduate programs — which are primarily for international students — provide many opportunities for students to work closely with distinguished professors who are experts in many domestic and transnational fields. 

The Indiana University Maurer School of Law also offers merit and need-based scholarships and fellowships to LLM students. Completing your application to Maurer Law by February 1st means that you will automatically be considered for funding.
For more information, please visit: http://bit.ly/rBYYnQ


Wagner College sits on a hill overlooking the Atlantic Ocean and the New York City Harbor, has a beautiful 105-acre, park-like campus that is only a ferry ride away from the cultural, intellectual, and professional heart of America – Manhattan.  For students, this ideal location means the difference between a typical college education and an educational experience filled with exceptional learning and exciting internship and career opportunities.  For international students, our location is ideal for accessibility with our region's three international airports, allowing the city to be the major cultural hub of the world.

Wagner College has recently released a brand new online graduate application! Also, information regarding graduate assistantships with full tuition waivers and fellowships offering a 25% discount on tuition is available!
For more information, please visit: http://bit.ly/n1pYbu

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/wcinternational
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/wcinternational
Other Social Media: http://www.wagner.edu/admissions/InternationalAdmissions


9-10 Teaching Assistantships (TA) are available for graduate students enrolled in all programs in the Biology Department. TAs are awarded to meritorious students. The TAs cover full tuition and provide a stipend of $12,000 for eight months. Students interested in applying for a TA should contact the program director at howardb@cua.edu.
For more information, please visit: http://bit.ly/rqCUHh


posted by スタッフ at 10:06| 東京 晴れ| アメリカ留学関連情報 | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする


東京アメリカンセンター主催 フルブライト・ジャパン協力 フランシス真悟さんに聞くーアメリカで美術を学ぼう

東京アメリカンセンター主催 フルブライト・ジャパン協力
開催日: 2012年1月23日(月)
対象: 高校・大学生、美術留学に関心のある方、アートに関心のある方
時間: 15:00~16:30
ゲスト: ゲストスピーカー: フランシス真悟氏 アーティスト
司会: 広本伸幸氏 アート・プロデューサー
会場: 東京アメリカンセンター・ホール (東京都港区赤坂1−1−14 NOF溜池ビル8階)
参加費: 無料
使用言語: 日本語 
定員: 80名 (定員になり次第締め切らせていただくこともあります)
申し込み:  https://business.form-mailer.jp/fms/3391ed7c10514

美術を専攻しているみなさん、そしてこれから美術大学に進学を考えているみなさんに、今回展覧会のため来日している、フランシス真悟さんにアメリカの大学にはどのようなアート・プログラムがあるのか、アメリカの大学に美術留学するにはどのような準備が有効か、などアドバイスをいただきます。 フランシス氏は、1969年、アメリカ人画家である父・サム・フランシス氏と、同じくアーティストである母・出光真子氏の息子としてサンタモニカに生まれました。現在はニューヨークと横浜の2ヵ所を拠点に活動されています。

今年はすでにニューオーリンズをはじめ、ベルリン、ニューヨーク、横浜、サンタモニカなど各所で個展、グループ展に出品しています。 また8月から11月までは、横浜でBankART LifeIIIに出品し(ヨコハマトリエンナーレ2011特別連携プログラムの一環)、2012年3月までは、「時を越えた繋がり:日本のアーティストとアメリカ」と題した駐日米国大使公邸展覧会に出品中です。さらに、12月10日から2012年2月23日まで東京・東神田のKoki Artsに、2012年1月14日から4月15日までは、DIC川村記念美術館にて「抽象と形態:何処までも顕れないもの」に出展します。



posted by スタッフ at 14:25| 東京 晴れ| アメリカ留学関連情報 | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする



フルブライト・ジャパン(日米教育委員会) 留学情報サービス(資料室含む)は、年末・年始は下記の期間休業させていただきますので、ご了承くださいますようお願い申し上げます。



2011年12月23日(金)〜2012年1月4日(水)にメールmail toでお問合せいただいた場合には、2012年1月5日(木)より以降に順次ご返信させていただきます。


posted by スタッフ at 13:29| 東京 晴れ| アメリカ留学関連情報 | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする




Peterson's Private Secondary School 2012
Peterson's Two-Year Colleges 2012
Peterson's Four-Year Colleges 2012
Peterson's Nursing Programs 2012
Peterson's How to Get Money for College
Peterson's Scholarships, Grants & Prizes

posted by スタッフ at 11:26| 東京 晴れ| アメリカ留学関連情報 | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする


アメリカ留学奨学金情報 from EducationUSA Weekly Update No.259

下記、EducationUSA Weekly Update(No. 259 December 12, 2011)より、奨学金情報のみ抜粋。

UG: Monmouth College International Student Scholarships
Founded in 1853 by pioneering Scotch-Irish Presbyterians, Monmouth College brought the blessings of civilization to the people of the rough frontier and spoke of traditional values to those who were shaping a new world. Though today our life knows different frontiers, the College still thinks of its purpose as its founders did—preserving and celebrating the traditions that have been entrusted to it while promoting discovery and investigation.

Monmouth College has had a longtime commitment to welcoming international students, but it is now stepping that up with the introduction of two generous scholarships.

“For the past several years, international students have paid a set rate to attend Monmouth College, regardless of their academic profiles,” explained vice president of enrollment management Omar Correa. “We are pleased to provide this new financial assistance, especially to very talented international students who know they want to attend college in the U.S. but have concerns about the cost.”
For more information, please visit: http://bit.ly/tD13YF

UG: Sweet Diggity Dawg $20,000 Scholarship
Zinch allows students to be seen for what they are -- not just numbers, but people. With more than 800 schools and over 1.9 billion in scholarships, Zinch has quickly become the standard for helping students succeed. Zinch is now 3 million plus students and growing fast.

Our 2011 Sweet Diggity Dawg scholarship competition is officially underway! If you're new to Zinch, this is our longest running and most prestigious scholarship award. Each year applicants are selected to compete based on their Zinch profile—students then go head-to-head, with fellow Zinch users voting to advance the best profile, until only one student remains claiming the $20,000 scholarship. Applicants must be U.S. or international high school students graduating in 2011, 2012, 2013 or 2014.
For more information, please visit: http://bit.ly/rqgqdN

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/zinch

UG/Grad: Georgia College International Student Scholarships
Creativity and innovation in teaching and learning are the hallmark of Hamline University—home to nearly 4,900 undergraduate, graduate, and law students. At Hamline, students collaborate with professors invested in their success. They are challenged in and out of the classroom to create and apply knowledge in local and global contexts, while cultivating an ethic of civic responsibility, social justice, and inclusive leadership and service.

Georgia College International Student Scholarships are awarded as either a full out-of-state tuition waiver or a half out-of-state tuition waiver, and are awarded on the basis of demonstrated academic ability, evidence of extra-curricular involvement and financial need. To be considered for the ISS, applicants must have on file a completed application for admission and completed ISS application by the stated deadline. Those international students who have not been awarded an ISS prior to attendance at Georgia College can compete once a year for a limited number of available scholarships.
For more information, please visit: http://bit.ly/tWgQOp

UG/Grad: Kennesaw State University Merit- and Need-Based Scholarships
Founded in 1963, Kennesaw State University (KSU) is the third-largest university in Georgia with more than 24,100 undergraduate and graduate students representing 142 countries. KSU is located just northwest of Atlanta in Cobb County near historic Kennesaw Mountain, allowing students to experience the best of Atlanta while enjoying the serenity of a 384-acre, beautifully landscaped pedestrian-friendly campus.

KSU scholarships have been made available to its students through private support to. Scholarships may be need-based (based on financial need), merit-based (based on academic achievement), or merit-based with consideration given to financial need. Many are open to both undergraduates and graduate students enrolled full or part-time.
For more information, please visit: http://bit.ly/t4RODA

UG/Grad: Nazareth College Merit-Based Scholarships
Founded in 1924, Nazareth College is located on a picturesque, 150-acre suburban campus in the dynamic, metropolitan city of Rochester, N.Y.  Nazareth College offers challenging academic programs in the liberal arts and sciences and professional programs in health and human services, education, and management.

During the past decade, 18 Nazareth students and faculty have been awarded Fulbright Scholarships and two have been awarded Pickering Foreign Affairs Scholarships. The College enrolls approximately 2,000 undergraduate students from 23 states and 36 countries. Nazareth boasts of a vibrant campus life with numerous performances at the arts center, exciting sports events and countless club activities that keep students agile. Nazareth seeks students who want to make a difference in their own world and the world around them, and encourages them to develop the understanding, commitment, and confidence to lead fully informed and actively engaged lives. Academically strong applicants are eligible for merit-based scholarships that range from $9,500 - $14,500 per year.
For more information, please visit: http://bit.ly/v3q2h1

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/nazugadmissions
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/NazarethCollege?blend=8&ob=5

Grad: Massachusetts Institute of Technology Legatum Fellowships
The Legatum Center at MIT helps make graduate studies a reality for students with entrepreneurial ambitions who wish to work in developing countries. Legatum Fellows benefit from a business development ecosystem which provides valuable networking opportunities, business plan coaching, substantial tuition assistance, classes on entrepreneurship, introductions to investors and training in best practices.

Applicants must be accepted into one of MIT's 37 graduate programs in order to qualify. Applications to MIT are due the first week of January.
For more information, please visit: http://bit.ly/u3zJCe

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/mit.legatum
Twitter: http://twitter.com/mitlegatum


posted by スタッフ at 16:58| 東京 曇り| アメリカ留学関連情報 | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする


アメリカ留学奨学金情報 from EducationUSA Weekly Update No.258

下記、EducationUSA Weekly Update(No. 258 December 5, 2011)より、奨学金情報のみ抜粋。

*UG: Pacific University International Scholarship and Conditional Admission

Pacific University offers a safe and friendly learning environment for international students - a safe campus, caring faculty, six on campus living options and variety of student meal plans. Excellent high caliber educational experience in an accredited university on a beautiful campus to prepare them for the real world.

Pacific University offers many scholarships for undergraduate international students (ranging from $ 6000 to $ 9000 per year). International undergraduate students that are interested in being considered for generous scholarship awards for Fall 2012 are encouraged to submit their application soon! Pacific University also offers conditional admission to international undergraduate students that are yet to satisfy their English language requirement.
For more information, please visit: http://bit.ly/uQNqi8

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Pacific-University-Undergraduate-Admissions/148096231896825
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&feature=endscreen&v=swspZqv1k5w
Other Social Media: http://www.pacificu.edu/pacesetters/

*UG/Grad: CrossLites Scholarship Award Contest

The CrossLites Scholarship Award was created to provide high school, undergraduate, and graduate students with a chance to learn about Dr. Charles Parker, become inspired, and win some money. As the applicant, you will write a reflective essay (400 - 600 words) based on one of Dr. Parker's quotes or messages. You will be competing against students of their level, thus 9-12 graders will be competing for a chance to win 1st, 2nd or 3rd place just as undergraduate students (freshmen-senior) will be competing to win their own 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place. You may enter a maximum of two essays in the contest.

There are no minimum GPA, SAT, ACT, GMAT, GRE, or any other test score requirements. Any student that currently attends high school, college, or graduate school may apply.  Hurry - the next deadline is 15 December 2011!
For more information, please visit: http://bit.ly/t1oH0F

*Grad: Texas Christian University MBA Scholarship

At Texas Christian University (TCU) you'll tackle the issues that real CEOs face. You'll build a resume that proves you're ready for the business world. You'll move from the sidelines to center stage. And TCU's outstanding scholarships make a premium education affordable. At Neeley, we recognize that our students are our most valuable asset, so we invest heavily in them through generous scholarships and assistantship programs.

For the entering class of Fall 2011, 100% of international students received scholarship and/or aid! Note: the deadline to submit an MBA application for priority scholarship consideration round 2 is January 15!
For more information, please visit: http://bit.ly/rZF2fD

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/TCUNeeleyMBA

*Grad: UCLA Masters in Student Affairs Financial Support

The University of California - Los Angeles, at its Center for Global Education, is providing financial support for students enrolling in the 1-Year Masters in Student Affairs (MSA) program during the 2012-13 academic year. The MSA program provides graduate-level study of student affairs issues with an emphasis on social justice and transformative student affairs practice.

This program may be of interest to study abroad or international student support staff in the U.S. and abroad as well as students who have had international study experiences that have sparked their interest in a career that mixes higher education and students affairs administration as well as study abroad program administration, support for international student services, or other campus internationalization efforts.
For more information, please visit: http://bit.ly/sUkdu5

posted by スタッフ at 11:20| 東京 晴れ| アメリカ留学関連情報 | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする



先日、大学院留学の米国大学院学生会をご紹介しましたが、学部留学についても、USCANJ (US College Alumni Network of Japan) というグループによる、「卒業生による米国大学学部進学説明会」が、12月17日(土)に開催されます。詳しくはこちらを。




posted by スタッフ at 09:57| 東京 曇り| アメリカ留学関連情報 | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする


米国大学院学生会 「海外留学説明会」





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