Coursera https://www.coursera.org/
eDX https://www.edx.org/
Massive Open Online Courses http://www.mooc-list.com/
Udacity https://www.udacity.com/
前回の朝活 http://youtu.be/_HvREC24n3M
「世界平和を達成するためには人と人との交流が最も有効である」− 故フルブライト上院議員
フルブライトスピリットにも通じますが、どんなに通信技術・手段が進歩をとげようとも、Face to Faceで人とじかに触れ合った交流や実体験からでしか得られないものは、きっとたくさんあると改めて思いました。
4/9(火)米国ロースクール説明会フェア参加校紹介:Pepperdine University
4/9(火) 米国ロースクール説明会フェア 参加校紹介のひとつ、Pepperdine Universityのご紹介です。さらなる詳しい情報はフェアの当日、直接、大学関係者におたずねください。(EIS)
Pepperdine University's Straus Institute for Dispute Resolution provides specialized training in dispute resolution with a Certificate, Masters in Dispute Resolution (MDR), LLM in Dispute Resolution and the new LLM with a Concentration in International Commercial Arbitration. Straus has long been considered to have one of the best, most comprehensive ADR programs in the United States, complemented by the AAA Library, the world's largest collection of conflict resolution resources. Law and graduate students, as well as mid-career professionals study in various areas including mediation, negotiation, arbitration, international dispute resolution, and peacemaking.
Videos of our alumni can be found at http://law.pepperdine.edu/straus/student-experience.htm
Pepperdine is well known for our dispute resolution programs, which was just ranked as the #1 dispute resolution program in the US for the 9th year in a row by US News and World Report (http://grad-schools.usnews.rankingsandreviews.com/best-graduate-schools/top-law-schools/dispute-resolution-rankings). Starting this Fall we will be offering a new LLM in Dispute Resolution with a Concentration in International Commercial Arbitration.
フルブライト・ジャパン 2013年4月 アメリカ留学関連イベントのご案内
フルブライト・ジャパン 2013年4月 アメリカ留学関連イベントのご案内
+EducationUSA主催:米国ロースクール説明会&フェア(東京 4月9日)
+朝活 留学とキャリア〜フルブライターからのメッセージ〜
(東京 4月11日)
(東京・名古屋・大阪・福岡・沖縄 4月12日)
(大阪 4月21日)
+米国大学代表者来日セミナー(東京 4月22日)
(東京 4月25日)
(東京 4月9日)
◆ 2013年4月9日(火) 8:30〜19:00
◆ ロースクールフェア参加校:
American University
Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law, Yeshiva University
Boston University
Brooklyn Law School
Mississippi College School of Law
Pepperdine University School of Law
Penn State Law
St. John's University School of Law
SUNY Buffalo Law School
Syracuse University
Temple University
University of California, Berkeley
University of Minnesota Law School
University of the Pacific
Valparaiso University Law School
Wake Forest University School of Law
◆ 会場:東京アメリカンセンター
◆ 要事前オンライン予約。https://business.form-mailer.jp/fms/fdda623e20682
◆ 詳細:下記ウェブサイトをご覧下さい。
┃ 朝活 留学とキャリア〜フルブライターからのメッセージ〜
(東京 4月11日)
第二回「朝活」を開催いたします。様々な分野で活躍しているフルブライター(フルブライト同窓生、フルブライト奨学金によるアメリカ留学経験者)をお招きし、各人のアメリカ留学体験談及び、留学経験がどのようにキャリア形成に関係してきたかを伺います。 一日の始まりを有意義な時間としませんか?
◆ 2013年4月11日(木) 7:30AM〜8:30AM
7:15 開場
7:30-7:35 開会の挨拶
7:35-8:05 ゲストスピーカーによるプレゼンテーション
8:05-8:25 質疑応答
8:25-8:30 閉会の挨拶
◆ 会場:日米教育委員会 会議室
(赤坂見附駅 (丸ノ内線・銀座線) 山王下方面出口、右手すぐのビル内)
◆ スピーカー:今関源規氏
2000年度フルブライト奨学生(留学先:University of Pennsylvania, Wharton School)
◆ 事前予約は不要です。なお、座席数に限りがございますので予めご了承くだ
◆ 詳細:下記ウェブサイトをご覧下さい。
◆ 前回の朝活(3月25日)の模様は下記サイトよりご覧いただけます。なお、
┃ アメリカ留学相談に応じる担当者のための説明会
(東京、名古屋、大阪、福岡、沖縄 4月12日)
◆ 日程 : 2013年4月12日(金) 15:00〜17:00
◆ プログラム:
1.【フルブライト・ジャパン 留学情報サービス アドバイザーによる】アメリカ留学の最新事情
◆ 会場
東京:東京アメリカン・センター 東京都港区赤坂1-1-14 NOF溜池ビル8階
名古屋:名古屋アメリカンセンター 〒450-0001 名古屋市中村区 那古野1-47-
1 名古屋国際センタービル6階
福岡:福岡アメリカン・センター 〒810-0001 福岡市中央区天神2-2-67 ソラリアパークサイド・ビル8階
那覇:沖縄米国総領事館 〒901-2104 沖縄県浦添市当山 2-1-1
◆ 対象: 高校・大学・地方自治体・民間機関などで、アメリカ留学に関する情報提供や指導・相談ご担当の方
◆ 申込・詳細
┃ アメリカ大学・大学院留学説明会/フルブライト奨学金説明会
(大阪 4月21日)
◆ 2013年4月21日(日)
11:00〜12:00 フルブライト奨学金説明会
会場:大阪府咲洲庁舎 44階 大会議室
14:00〜16:00 アメリカ大学・大学院留学説明会
会場:大阪府咲洲庁舎 2階 咲洲ホール
◆ 詳細:下記ウェブサイトをご覧下さい。
◆ 参加申込:事前オンライン参加登録が必要です。以下サイトよりお申込み下
┃ ビジターズセミナー(米国大学代表者来日セミナー)
(東京 4月22日)
◆日時: 2013年4月22日(月) 15:00〜16:30
15:00〜15:30 大学代表者による講演(英語)
15:30〜15:50 各大学の説明
15:50〜16:30 各大学担当者との交流
◆ 会場:日米教育委員会 会議室
(赤坂見附駅 (丸ノ内線・銀座線) 山王下方面出口、右手すぐのビル内)
California State University, Chico
College of Southern Nevada
DeAnza and Foothill College
Diablo Valley College and the International Education Center
Orange Coast College
◆参加費: 無料
◆ 注意 日本語の通訳はつきませんので予めご了承下さい。参加校は上記5校となります。参加大学以外の大学についてのご質問は受けられませんことを予めご了承下さい。説明の対象は、大学学部課程希望者がメインです。大学院に関するご質問はお答えできないこともありますのでご了承下さい。
◆ お申し込み・詳細:要事前オンライン登録。詳細は下記ウェブサイトをご覧
┃ アメリカ大学・大学院留学説明会/フルブライト奨学金説明会
◆ 2013年4月25日(木) 14:00〜17:00 (途中参加、途中退場も可能)
14:00〜16:00 アメリカ大学・大学院留学説明会
16:00〜17:00 フルブライト奨学金説明会
◆ 会場:日米教育委員会 会議室
(赤坂見附駅 (丸ノ内線・銀座線) 山王下方面出口、右手すぐのビル内)
◆ 詳細:下記ウェブサイトをご覧下さい。
◆ 参加申込:事前オンライン参加登録が必要です。以下サイトよりお申込み下
4/9(火)米国ロースクール説明会フェア参加校紹介:University of Minnesota Law School
☆ 大学紹介
The University of Minnesota Law School and Japan have a strong, longstanding academic relationship. In the past twenty years, more than 30 Japanese attorneys have completed the LL.M Program and Japan is among Minnesota Law’s top five largest alumni bases outside of the United States. Additionally, the University of Minnesota welcomes over 5,000 international students annually, many of whom call Japan home.
Among the Law School’s international alumni are leaders in law, business and government. The University of Minnesota Law School is excited to continue our academic relationship with Japan, and welcomes you to join our community of scholars through the LL.M. Master of Law Program. We are excited to welcome the next generation of leaders as members of our Law School’s LL.M. Class of 2014 and hope that you’ll consider joining us!
We will be following up with more information about the academic, professional and cultural benefits of Minnesota Law and Minneapolis – we refer to these benefits as the Minnesota Difference. I would like to personally invite you, as an outstanding candidate, to apply to our LL.M. program and discover the Minnesota Law Difference for yourself. In the interim, please enjoy the photos below that highlight Minnesota Law’s academic, professional and social connections to our international law community.
Khary Hornsby,
Director of International Programs and Adjunct Professor of Law
☆ 卒業生について
Japan is the Law School’s 5th largest alumni base in world.
Students return from their LL.M. studies to Japan to find a supportive University of Minnesota alumni network.
☆ 特色あるプログラム
The University of Minnesota Law School is consistently ranked in the top 10% of U.S. law schools. This is due to the breadth and depth of the strength of our academic curriculum. Whether students are interested
in business law, criminal law, health law, environmental law or international/comparative law, or another area, students will find a vast LL.M. curriculum, specialty concentrations and opportunities for practical and theoretical experience in a number of subject matter.
4/9(火)米国ロースクール説明会フェア参加校紹介:Syracuse University College of Law
☆ 大学紹介
Anchored on the campus of a world-renowned private institution with top-ranked graduate schools, research centers, and institutes, the College of Law offers small class sizes, one-on-one interaction with faculty, and access to top legal-training and joint-degree programs. With an enrollment of approximately 650 law students from over 30 states and 15 countries, the College of Law's J.D., LL.M., and distance-learning programs offer students an exciting and rigorous academic journey.
Website: law.syr.edu
Facebook: www.facebook.com/syracuselaw
Twitter: http://twitter.com/SUCollegeofLaw
LinkdIn: http://linkd.in/syracuselaw
YouTube: www.youtube.com/user/SyracuseLaw
☆ 著名な卒業生
Joseph R. Biden L'68 - Vice President, United States of America
Sang-Hoon Park L'03 - Samsung Electronics
Jae-Chul Lee L'93 - DLA Piper (Hong Kong)
Hyun Namkung L'05 - HLDS (Hitachi-LG Data Storage)
Jekuk Chang L'93 - Dongseo University, President
Thomas Kim L'94 - Kim & Chang, LLP
Yoon Suh Lee L'04 - HSBC
Han Bog Lee L'00 - Samsung LED
Victor Sungho Kim L'05 - Bae, Kim & Lee LLC
Jae-Hyung Cho L'04 - Lee International IP & Law Group
Sunjung Kim L'03 - Lilly Korea Ltd.
☆ 特色あるプログラム
The College of Law is home to internationally-known academic programs, including the Institute for Counterterrorism and National Security; the Disability Law and Policy Program; the Technology Commercialization Law Program; and the Institute for the Judiciary, Politics, and Media, among others. Our law students are also consistently ranked among their peers in the top tier at regional, national, and international moot court competitions, trial teams, and appellate teams.
4/22(月)ビジターズセミナー参加校紹介:Diablo Valley College
☆ Diablo Valley College の紹介
Located in the San Francisco Bay Area, the International Education Center (IEC) offers intensive English, academic preparation and conditional admission to Diablo Valley College (DVC); the number one transfer community college to UC Berkeley! The IEC offers 6 different levels of English and has 6 sessions per year that are each 8 weeks long. All IEC instructors hold a Master's Degree in Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL), linguistics or a related field and have lived abroad.
Upon completion of the highest level of English, 90% of IEC students continue their education at Diablo Valley College. Through the transfer program, students can complete the first two years of bachelor degree study and then transfer to a number of University of California campuses, California State University campuses or private universities.

学生の皆さんこんにちは!私たちは語学学校のInternational Education Center (IEC) and Diablo Valley Collegeです。カリフォルニア大学バークレー校への編入者数No.1を誇る、ディアブロバレー・カレッジで学んでみませんか?4年制大学への編入プログラムは勿論、英語研修課程も充実したカリキュラムを留学生に提供しています。 一緒にIEC@DVCで学びましょう!
アメリカ留学奨学金情報 from EducationUSA Weekly Update No. 322
下記、EducationUSA Weekly Update(No. 322 March 25th, 2013)より、奨学金情報のみ抜粋。
UG: Savannah Technical College Tuition Wavers
Savannah Technical College has been meeting the needs of its community for more than 75 years. Building on a tradition of partnership, pride and service, the college serves nearly 5,000 students each semester in Bryan, Chatham, Effingham and Liberty Counties. Savannah Technical College offers more than 70 certificate, diploma and associate degree programs in fields ranging from automotive technology to surgical technology and from marketing to computer information systems to culinary arts and beyond.
Savannah Technical College (STC) offers a tuition waiver to international students who meet the qualifications. Tuition waivers lower a student's tuition rate from $340/credit to $170/credit, for a potential award of $2,040 to $2,550 per semester.
For more information, please visit: http://bit.ly/1001cBG
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/SavannahTechInternationalStudents/
Other Social Media: http://www.visitsavannah.com/
UG: Savannah College of Art and Design Merit-Based Scholarships
Founded in 1978, Savannah College of Art and Design exists to prepare talented students for professional careers. The goal of the university is to nurture and cultivate the unique qualities of each student through an interesting curriculum, in an inspiring environment, under the leadership of involved professors. Faculty members have distinguished backgrounds in their fields. The international faculty and student body come from all 50 states and 100 countries. An English as a Second Language program and dedicated international student services staff are available to assist international students with the adjustment to university life in the United States.
A limited number of scholarships is awarded each year to degree-seeking international students who apply and are accepted to SCAD. To be considered for an international student scholarship, applicants should meet or exceed normal admission standards and must request scholarship consideration by submitting a 500-word essay explaining how an international education would influence their artwork, goals and experiences.
For more information, please visit: http://bit.ly/Xs3vf3
UG: Arizona State University Merit-Based Scholarships
ASU awards bachelors, masters, and doctoral degrees, and is broadly organized into 16 colleges and schools spread across four campuses: the original Tempe campus, the West campus in northwest Phoenix, the Polytechnic campus in eastern Mesa, and the Downtown Phoenix campus. With a choice of four distinct campuses in the metro Phoenix area, ASU offers a personalized experience to immerse yourself in your studies and engage with community partners that provide internships, research and clinical practice.
Arizona State University is committed to helping a greater number of academically qualified students graduate. Our New American University Scholar awards are offered to outstanding incoming international freshmen as they pursue academic excellence at ASU. This program provides qualified students a monetary award and an environment focusing on knowledge, learning and research. Students are considered for this award when they are admitted to ASU. No separate application is required, but all international admission application materials (admission application, official transcripts, test scores, financial guarantee and application fee) should be received by the ASU Undergraduate Admissions. Eligibility factors include highly competitive GPA and test scores. Students eligible for this award must be on F-1 or J-1 visas.
For more information, please visit: http://bit.ly/Yc5OZH
UG: University of Northwestern Ohio Soccer Scholarships for Women
In 2011, the University of Northwestern Ohio celebrated its 91st anniversary. Founded in 1920, it is a private, not-for-profit institution. The University of Northwestern Ohio is a co-educational institution authorized by the Ohio Board of Regents to grant master's degrees, baccalaureate degrees, and associate degrees. The University of Northwestern Ohio is an entrepreneurial, not-for-profit institution of higher learning, preparing students for careers and productive citizenship that encompass the business, professional, corporate, and technological communities by providing quality education and training in response to the needs and aspirations of our constituents
UNOH is currently in the process of building a brand new Women's Soccer team that will begin in the fall season of 2013. UNOH is very interested in recruiting top level international athletes that are interested in studying and playing soccer at a high level in America. A total of 5 Scholarships are being offered.
For more information, please visit: http://bit.ly/YKCumB
UG/Grad/Postgrad: University of Bridgeport Academic Merit-and-Need Based Scholarships
The University of Bridgeport was founded in 1927 as the Junior College of Connecticut – the first junior college chartered by any legislature in the northeastern states. Academic programs are offered through twelve schools, colleges, and institutes. Concern for student development and support predominate. A career-oriented focus in academic programs is complemented at the undergraduate level with a state-of-the-art core curriculum that helps students secure competencies for lifelong learning and knowledge about our world. The graduate, professional, and health sciences programs offer career-oriented master's and doctoral degrees.
No matter what your family income, the University of Bridgeport features both academic and need-based scholarships tailored to meet your academic priorities and financial needs. Whether you are from a high, middle or low income family the University of Bridgeport will be surprisingly affordable. The Academic Merit Scholarships are offered to international students to encourage academic excellence and student leadership and to continue UB's tradition of enrolling a “Community of Scholars” from around the world. Scholarships are available to qualified undergraduate and graduate students.
For more information, please visit: http://bit.ly/WLQqST
Grad: University of Texas at El Paso Graduate Scholarships
UTEP shares a rich history with the surrounding region. Founded in 1914 as the Texas School of Mines and Metallurgy, with 27 students and a handful of faculty and staff, to respond to the needs of the mining industry in the region at that time. From this modest beginning, UTEP has grown into a dynamic urban university that serves more than 22,700 students enrolled in 75 bachelor's, 78 master's and 19 doctoral programs.
UTEP students have more options than ever when it comes to paying for college. Graduate scholarships are administered by the Graduate Scholarship Committee or by recommendation from your college/department.
For more information, please visit: http://bit.ly/YrvRcE(EIS)
3月の説明会での、フルブライト留学経験者は、Univeristy of Maryland, College ParkでEducationのPh.D.を取られた方。アメリカでは博士号取得まで平均9年はかかる(Educationの分野では平均15年)といわれる中、4年半で博士号を取得されたそうです。またU of MarylandのEducation Deptの博士課程は何と90単位(!)必要だそうですが、英語が母国語でない留学生にとってはどれだけ大変なことか・・。想像してあまりあります。
次回の「アメリカ大学・大学院留学説明会」 「及びフルブライト奨学金説明会」は4月25日(木)です。オンライン参加登録開始は3/28(木)頃を予定です。
第一回 朝活「留学とキャリア〜フルブライターからのメッセージ」
1990年フルブライト奨学生 (留学先:MIT Sloan School of Management)
『留学とキャリア ~フルブライターからのメッセージ~』をテーマとし、留学に到るまでの経験やその経験がキャリア形成においてどう関係してきたかを惜しみなく話して頂きました。また、決断を迫られた時の背景や社会情勢についても話していただき、参加者のみならずスタッフも江端氏のお話に釘付けでした。
・ MBAで習ったことがどのように政治家として役に立ったのか
・ フルブライト奨学金では1年目のみカバーされるが、
・ 留学する時は、以前から興味があった薬学について学ぼうとは思わなかったのか
・ フルブライト奨学金の選考プロセスで苦労したこと
・ 奨学金を取得できなかったら、どうしていたと思うか
・ 女性30-40代でキャリアに対してのMBA留学についてどう思うか
2000年 大学院留学プログラム
4/9(火)米国ロースクール説明会フェア参加校紹介:Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law
Cardozo offers four LL.M. programs to meet a variety of interests and professional goals: Dispute Resolution and Advocacy; General Studies, Intellectual Property, and Comparative Legal Thought. Each program offers a flexible and challenging curriculum; a vibrant community of students, faculty, staff and alumni; and the unparalleled setting of New York City.
www.twitter.com/cardozolaw (@cardozolaw)
Our network of over 10,000 alumni include 30 who sit as judges; 175 partners at major firms; 135 in corporate counsel and 100 senior executives at financial institutions. They include New York State Supreme Court Justice Hon. Dianne Renwick '86; Alissa Makower '92 is Vice President and Senior Counsel for CBS; Randi Weingarten, president of the American Federation of Teachers; Kenneth Carter, Policy Counsel at Google Inc. and Steven Spira, President, Worldwide Business Affairs, Warner Bros. Pictures, Grace Meng, United States Congresswoman.
Cardozo is nationally recognized for its accomplished faculty, excellence in clinical education, rigorous scholarship and passionate advocacy. Our coursework, including our top-ranked programs in intellectual property, alternative dispute resolution, corporate and criminal defense law, and legal theory combines with extensive opportunities to put theory into practice. In this way, top legal talent is created.