4/21(月)アメリカ大学代表者セミナー参加校のひとつ、Orange Coast College (CA)からメッセージをいただきました。さらなる詳しい情報はセミナーの当日、直接、大学関係者におたずねください。(EIS)
Orange Coast College (OCC) is located in Costa Mesa just minutes from Southern California’s beautiful beaches. OCC was founded in 1948, and currently enrolls more than 25,000 students each semester. Featuring exceptional facilities and the latest in computer and high-tech equipment, OCC is fully accredited and offers more than 130 academic programs leading to Associate of Arts/Science Degrees, Certificates of Achievement, and transfer to 4-year universities. OCC ranks among top community colleges in the number of students it transfers to the University of California (UC) and California State University (CSU) systems. Over the past decade, nearly 16,000 OCC students have transferred to UC and CSU campuses, as well as private colleges and universities across the nation.
We are happy to welcome student from Japan who would like to study with us at OCC.
4/21(月)アメリカ大学代表者来日セミナー参加校のひとつ、California State University, Chico (CA)からメッセージをいただきました。これぞ、カリフォルニア!という写真ですね。
California State University, Chico, popularly known as “Chico State”, was established in 1887 and is the second oldest University in the 23-campus California State University system. Students enrollment is 16,000, including hundreds of international students representing more than 55 countries. In U. S. News and World Report’s annual “America’s Best Colleges,” CSU, Chico regularly ranks high among master’s-level public universities in the western United States. CSU, Chico maintains high academic standards and has one of the highest graduation rates in the California State University system. Chico State offers an inviting and safe educational environment in a small, college town setting. Visit the Chico State website and discover why the CSU is internationally recognized for its excellent academic programs and scholarly achievements.
Located on the campus of California State University, Chico, ALCI Chico offers five, seven-week sessions of intensive English language instruction per year to international students of all proficiency levels, from beginning to advanced. ALCI Chico facilitates a transition from an intensive English language program to an academic program at Chico State or to other colleges and universities in the United States. The program provides general English language skills for students’ personal and professional growth, as well as an introduction to American culture and the higher education system in California and the United States. Find out why thousands of students around the globe have found Chico to be an excellent place to learn English and prepare for their academic success. Come to a great University, enjoy beautiful California, meet our great faculty at ALCI Chico and make English your second (or third!) language (ESL)!
* Preparing for Business School
* Hear Tips about what to expect on the GMAT exam and on testing day
* How to prepare for the GMAT
◆ 講師:
Mr. Jason Lawrence, Associate Director,GMAC
Ms. Lili Chen, Marketing Manager, GMAC
オンライン会議システムを利用しての開催だったため、音声にお聞き苦しいところがあり、参加者の皆様にはご迷惑をおかけいたしました。申し訳ございませんでした m(_ _)m
☆ GMACからのお知らせ:
その1: 今後GMACからの最新情報を受け取りたい方は、Eメール本文に「Name(First Name, Last Name)」、「E-mail Address」を記載の上、register@gmac.comに送信してください。
その2: http://www.mba.com/global にアクセスし、アカウントを作成すると、GMAT Prep(GMAT練習問題)なども利用できます。
MBA Tours 2014年9月8日(月) http://www.thembatour.com/events/tokyo.shtml
QS World MBA Tour - Tokyo 未定 http://www.topmba.com/events/qs-world-mba-tour/asia/tokyo
フルブライト奨学金 大学院留学(専門職学位)プログラムについては、以下サイトをご参照ください。
またちょうどタイミングよく、EducationUSA Weekly Update(No. 370 March 17th, 2014)にFree GMAT Prep Classの紹介がありましたので、ご参考までに。
The Neeley School offers free GMAT Prep Classes via webinar as a service to our applicants. The course provides an overview of what to expect on the exam, with different test sections covered in each of three class meetings. Registrants are required to purchase the Official Guide to GMAT Prep, 13th Edition.
For more information, please visit: http://bit.ly/QsoL2G
Facebook: http://facebook.com/TCUNeeleyMBA
Blog: http://neeley.tcu.edu/MBAVoicesBlog/Default.aspx?id=16947
YouTube: http://neeley.tcu.edu/Full-time_MBA.aspx
Other Social Media: http://www.tcu.edu/
4/21(月)アメリカ大学代表者来日セミナー参加校のひとつ、Butte College (CA)がeBrochureのサイトを送ってくれました。http://butte.mkttracker.com/index.php?t=b-40
下記、EducationUSA Weekly Update(No. 370 March 17th, 2014)より、奨学金情報のみ抜粋。
UG: Northern Arizona University (AZ) New International Student Presidential Scholarship
Northern Arizona University has a New International Student Presidential Scholarship for $10,000!
Details of the award are listed online, and we invite students to apply online by March 1 at www.nau.edu/cie/apply.
For more information, please visit: http://bit.ly/12TrycN
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nauintl
Twitter: https://twitter.com/naucie
UG/Grad: Friends University (KS) International Scholarships
Located in the heart of Wichita, the largest city in Kansas, Friends University is a nondenominational, independent Christian university that incorporates liberal arts instruction and professional studies into a high-quality undergraduate and graduate education. Accredited by the Higher Learning Commission and a member of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools, the University currently offers 44 traditional daytime majors and 33 minors.
Friends University offers its traditional undergraduate international students many scholarship opportunities, including renewable 50 percent tuition scholarships.
For more information, please visit: http://bit.ly/1c5YcyI
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FriendsUniversity
Twitter: https://twitter.com/FriendsU
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDT2SRUY7gButFqCf4dsqzg
UG/Grad: Winona State University (MN) Cross-Cultural Scholarship
The Cross-Cultural Scholarship is available to all international students who qualify for admission to Winona State University and hold an F-1 Student Visa. These scholarships are equivalent to the difference between the resident rate of tuition and the non-resident rate of tuition. Scholarship recipients share their culture with Americans through a series of projects. The scholarship is renewable each year based on meeting renewal criteria.
For more information, please visit: http://bit.ly/13zzoKf
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WSUInternationalServicesOFFICE
Grad: Tulane Law School (LA) Tuition Waivers
Tulane Law School, located in New Orleans, Louisiana, is uniquely positioned to prepare students with an exposure to the common law tradition, practiced throughout much of the United States, as well as the civil law tradition. Tulane seeks to recruit qualified law students with diverse backgrounds from around the world.
This opportunity provides students who are admitted to a Tulane Law School LLM program for the 2014-15 academic year with a minimum $20,000 tuition waiver with potential for the waiver to approach full tuition. The program has the following guidelines:
1. Tulane Law School (New Orleans, Louisiana) offers tuition waivers to students who are being advised at your center and seek to pursue a Master of Laws (LL.M.) degree at Tulane University Law School during the 2014-15 academic year. The tuition waiver is awarded to students who are admitted to Tulane Law and are nominated by you or your colleagues. To nominate a student, e-mail a letter of recommendation to Heather Marinaro at hmarinar@tulane.edu, or mail the letter to Tulane Law School, Office of Admission – Graduate Programs, 6329 Freret Street, New Orleans, LA 70118.
2. Tulane Law will make award decisions based upon the nominations presented by the EducationUSA advisors.
This tuition waiver will be dispersed as follows: Half of the amount to be credited to the fall 2014 semester and half of the amount to be credited to the spring 2015 semester. This represents the full extent of scholarship funding students should expect to be offered from Tulane Law. Please follow the link below to learn more about our graduate law programs. LLM application deadline: May 1, 2014.
For more information, please visit: http://bit.ly/1j3RLvd
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TulaneLawSchool
Twitter: https://twitter.com/tulanelaw
Grad: Charlotte School of Law's (NC) New Full-Tuition Scholarship for LL.M. in American Legal Studies
Charlotte School of Law, in Charlotte, North Carolina USA, is pleased to announce a new full-tuition scholarship for our LL.M. program. The LL.M. in American Legal Studies (www.charlottelaw.edu/llm) for foreign trained attorneys is a 1-year, 24-credit, program that allows students to obtain a deeper understanding of the practice of law in the United States. The Ambassador Scholarship is offered yearly to multiple applicants with strong academic and legal experience abroad.
For more information, please visit: http://bit.ly/1oFqwYU
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CharlotteSchoolofLaw
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CharlotteLawEdu(EIS)
2014年3月13日(木)University of Hawaii(HI), ManoaのDean of College of Social Sciences, Dr. Denise Konanがフルブライト・ジャパンのオフィスを訪問してくださいました。
University of HI, Manoaは、ハワイ州オアフ島にある1907年創立の州立大学。University of HI System(10校)の1つです。学生数約2万人のうち留学生は約1,400人で、留学生の中で日本人の占める割合が一番高い
頂いた資料によれば、U of HI, Manoaの年間留学経費(2014-2015年)は、
学費 $28,632 + 生活費 $15,000=合計 $44,532
※ 年間経費は、学部により異なる可能性がありますので、下記サイトをチェック http://manoa.hawaii.edu/records/tuition_fees/
※ 留学生が対象となる奨学金については、こちらを。
University of HI Systemの10校中、7校がCommunity Colleges(2年制大学)で、4年制大学はわずか3校。よって、U of HI System内では、"2+2 system"と呼ばれる、2年制大学→ 4年制大への編入もとても盛んなんだそうです。
* U of Hawaii System
U of HI, Manoaへ留学を希望される方は、以下サイトをご参照ください。
*International Students
Dr. Denise Konanは、日本人留学生を非常に歓迎していること、もっと多くの方々にU of HI, Manoaを知って頂きたいということを、フレンドリーな笑顔で語ってくださいました。It was a great pleasure to meet you. Mahalo! (EIS)
2014年3月13日(木) Boston University, Metropolitan College , International Business Development,
Assistant DirectorのMs. Katherine Durkerleyがフルブライト・ジャパンのオフィスを訪問してくださいました。
MET International (Boston University’s Metropolitan College international partnership program)
* International Applicants Undergraduate Admissions
*Summber Term for High School Students
BUについて、気になった方は、是非、上記で紹介したサイトをご覧になられてみてください。 (EIS)