下記、EducationUSA Weekly Update(No. 329 May 13th, 2013)より、奨学金情報のみ抜粋。
UG: Northern State University WolfPACT Scholarships
Welcome to Northern State University, a school that has been recognized nationally as one of the most affordable institutions in the Midwest. Since its inception in 1901, NSU has been dedicated to providing a superior education. At NSU, you'll be more than just a number. You will belong. Be you. Be us. Be Northern.
Northern State University's WolfPACT Scholarship is the largest guaranteed scholarship in South Dakota. NSU is offering more money to college students when they need it the most! The WolfPACT program is simple. It is for new freshman undergraduates and is based on ACT or SAT scores. This scholarship is worth up to $12,000 per academic year, which would bring the total cost of tuition, fees, housing, meals, books, and health insurance to only $6,000 per academic year at Northern!
For more information, please visit: http://bit.ly/10dgXaZ
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/northernstateu
UG: Bridgewater State University Merit-Based Scholarships
Bridgewater State University has high expectations – of our students, our region, and the institution itself. Our goal is to provide outstanding growth opportunities and learning experiences that will transform lives.
Bridgewater is pleased to offer a number of merit scholarships – ranging from a $500 award to full coverage of tuition and fees – as well as more than 70 different institutional scholarships and awards.
For more information, please visit: http://bit.ly/10IHgBD
UG: University of Wisconsin Oshkosh Partial Tuition Remission Scholarships
Among the largest public universities in the state, UW Oshkosh is committed to providing students with a broad knowledge base and transferable skills as well as a strong sense of values and ethics that prepares them for civic leadership in society.
International students applying to the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh can complete this scholarship application at the same time that they complete the application process to request admission to the university. Students must be admitted to UW Oshkosh in order to be considered for an International Student Partial Tuition Remission Scholarship. Scholarship awards will be determined after the admissions decision is made. The decision to award this scholarship is based on financial need, academic achievement, English proficiency examination results, and community involvement/school activities. Funds received from this scholarship will help offset the non-resident portion of tuition and will be directly applied to the student's account.
For more information, please visit: http://bit.ly/15OHSyy
UG/Grad: Wayne State University Departmental Scholarships and Fellowships
Wayne State is dedicated to preparing students to excel by combining the academic excellence of a major research university with the practical experience of an institution that by its history, location and diversity represents a microcosm of the world we live in. Reflecting its location and the excellent international reputation of its graduate schools, particularly in the sciences, Wayne State boasts the most diverse student body among Michigan's public universities.
There are scholarships and fellowships awarded through some university schools, colleges and departments that do not include citizenship or permanent resident status as a criterion. WSU schools, colleges and academic departments award their own departmental scholarships. If you have questions concerning these scholarships, please contact the department office directly.
For more information, please visit: http://bit.ly/ZRMlwd
Grad: Heidelberg University MBA Scholarship
Heidelberg's home is Tiffin, OH. We have over 1,200 traditional undergraduates and 200 plus graduate students. Our students come from all over the country and the world.
Heidelberg University's MBA admission deadline has been extended to June 15, 2013! The first 15 students who apply and qualify will have automatically receive $5,000 scholarship!
For more information, please visit: http://bit.ly/Yqtqax
Grad: Northeastern University Assistantships
Founded in 1898, Northeastern University is a private research university located in the heart of Boston. Northeastern is a leader in worldwide experiential learning, urban engagement, and interdisciplinary research that meets global and societal needs. Our broad mix of experience-based education programs—our signature cooperative education program, as well as student research, service learning, and global learning—build the connections that enable students to transform their lives. The University offers a comprehensive range of undergraduate and graduate programs leading to degrees through the doctorate in nine colleges and schools.
Northeastern offers Teaching/Research Assistantships, Stipended Graduate Assistantships and Tuition Assistantships. These positions and awards are offered directly by the individual graduate schools or academic departments. Students seeking such assistance should contact their graduate school for an application and eligibility criteria. Any tuition remission, stipend award and/or housing compensation will be incorporated into the student's financial aid package as a resource. Students who receive these forms of assistance may have reduced eligibility for need-based aid.
For more information, please visit: http://bit.ly/ZRNK5Q
Grad: Rutgers University Fellowships, Assistantships, and Scholarships
Our mission at Graduate and Professional Admissions is to assist students interested in graduate or professional study to find the right program and then to support and guide you through the application process. With nearly 14,800 graduate and professional students from around the world, Rutgers is a leading public research university with graduate programs on campuses in New Brunswick, Newark, and Camden—and beyond.
Merit-based assistance includes fellowships, assistantships, and scholarships. You are automatically considered for university-based fellowships, assistantships, and scholarships at Rutgers University. The availability of merit-based assistance varies significantly by field of study.
For more information, please visit: http://bit.ly/15OKYmd
posted by スタッフ at 10:18| 東京

