
アメリカ留学奨学金情報 from EducationUSA Weekly Update No. 215

下記、EducationUSA Weekly Update(No. 215 January 22 2011)より、奨学金情報のみ抜粋。

UG: Merit Based Scholarships up to $28,000 per year at Bryant University

Bryant University considers international students for merit based scholarships ranging from $10,000 to $28,000 per year. In order to beconsidered for these prestigious scholarships, a completed application must
be received by February 1st, 2011.

Bryant University has exciting programs in International Business (AACSB accredited), Actuarial Mathematics and Liberal Arts. They are the one university that is shattering the thinking that business and liberal arts
are separate paths. They offer an extremely familial campus with easy access to the metro centers of Providence and Boston.

If you have any questions or would like more information about academic programs and campus life, please contact John F. Eriksen, Senior Associate Director of International Admission, at jeriksen@bryant.edu.

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UG: Merit Based Scholarships up to $16,000 per year at Roger Williams University

Merit Based Scholarships at Roger Williams University! February 1st is the scholarhip priority deadline! Get your application in before February 1st to be considered for one of our merit based scholarships:
*International Presidential Excellence Scholarship ($16,000 per year):
Number of awards given are limited.  Minimum GPA required for consideration is 3.5.  Available to new Freshmen (first year students).

*International Achievement Scholarship ($10,000 - 13,000 per year): Number of awards given depends upon applicant pool. Minimum GPA required for consideration is 3.0.  Available to New Freshmen and Transfer students.
*Other Honors Program Qualifications: includes Exam Results, Curriculum Rigor, Leadership Roles, Extracurricular Activities, Letters Of Recommendation, English Ability.
For more information, visit Roger Williams University on the Web at http://www.rwu.edu/ or send an email to intadmit@rwu.edu.

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UG & Grad: Scholarships Available to International Students at University of South Florida
The University of South Florida (USF) welcomes the opportunity to provide information for you to share with interested prospective international students. One of Florida's top three research universities, USF provides a
dynamic and diverse learning environment that inspires innovation, creativity, and collaboration. Academics are anchored by distinguished faculty and supported by cutting-edge facilities and technology.

Scholarships - International students are eligible for non-need based scholarships, some of which may be combined with other university scholarships and scholarships awarded by outside sources. Please visit us at
http://bit.ly/eUzxDJ to learn more about USF and find information on application deadlines and scholarships. If you have any questions, please email Ruben Delgado at sflruben@usf.edu.
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Grad: The Journal of Environmental Investing Scholarship Program Open to Current Grads

The Journal of Environmental Investing Scholarship Program will award $3,500 annually to a graduate student who writes the most original and rigorous manuscript on a topic related to environmental investing.  Students
seeking an advanced degree in a discipline related to environmental investing (i.e. environmental science, environmental policy, sustainability, finance, economics, environmental law, and public affairs and policy) are
invited to present ideas and research.

Interested and qualified students are invited to submit a curriculum vita, a 225-word abstract of his/her manuscript, and a letter from his/her college or university attesting to the applicant's academic status.  Deadline for applications is January 28, 2011.  For more information and to apply, visit: http://jeisp.org/.

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2月 アメリカ大学・大学院留学説明会

2011年2月16日(水) アメリカ大学・大学院留学説明会を開催します。

国際教育交換協議会(CIEE) TOEFL事業部によるTOEFL iBT説明会、(財)日本英語検定協会によるSTEP 英検説明会とIELTS説明会、ピアソン・エデュケーションによるPTE Academic説明会も同時開催!

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Next Generation GMAT

今年の8月GRE General Testが改訂されるというお話を前記事でご紹介しましたが、GMATも来年(2012年)に変更がある予定です。

2012年6月4日から導入予定のNext Generation GMATには、新しく"Integrated Reasoning”というセクションが追加されます。各種データ(グラフなど)をもとに結果を解析させるような問題が出題されます。セクションがひとつ増えますが、全体の試験時間(3.5時間)に変更はありません。Analytical Writingのエッセイ問題が、1問になります。

詳しくは、GMAT サイトをご覧ください。

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☆重要☆GRE revised General Test 2011年8月開始!


GRE General Testが、今年8月に出題内容含め、GRE revised General Testということで改訂版に変更されます。


この改訂にあたり、2011年8月1日〜9月30日までにGRE revised General Testを受験する方は、な・ん・と 受験料が半額ふくろ右斜め下になるキャンペーンが行われます。ただし!!2011年8月1日〜9月30日にGRE revised General Test受験者のスコアは、11月中旬ごろとなります。

GRE スコアが、11月中旬以前に必要な方は、2011年8月までに現状のGRE General Testの受験が必要です!!

 GRE受験時期  スコアが出るのは・・・
 2011年8月〜9月→  2011年11月中旬
 2011年10月〜11月 2011年11月中旬〜下旬
 2011年12月以降 受験日から10〜15日後



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アメリカ留学奨学金情報 from EducationUSA Weekly Update No. 214

下記、EducationUSA Weekly Update(No. 214 January 17 2011)より、奨学金情報のみ抜粋。

UG: International Student Scholarships up to $25,000 at Westminster College

Westminster College offers the following scholarships and programs to international students, including first-time freshmen and transfer students:

Exemplary Achievement Award (Deadline:  February 11, 2011): a $25,000 a year award available to both first-year and transfer students. Special consideration is given to students who've surmounted personal hardships, disability or other disadvantages.  The application is available
at: http://bit.ly/ebh9yZ.

Merit Scholarships (Rolling Deadline; Priority Deadline is April 15, 2011): All undergraduate applicants are automatically considered for a Merit Scholarship once they are admitted.  Scholarships for transfer students range from $5,000 to $10,000, and scholarships for first-time students range from $6,000 to $14,000.

Westminster College is a small liberal-arts school in Salt Lake City, Utah. With a close-knit community and hands-on learning style, Westminster offers a unique environment for learning.  Westminster supports international students with the WESLI institute, providing advanced academic-English courses and a semester to adjust to life in the USA.  More information about international admissions is available online at: http://bit.ly/gZZAWS.

If you have questions, contact admissions at lkowallis@westminstercollege.edu or call 1-800-748-4753.

Grad: Scholarships Available at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

The Global Health Scholarships In an effort to further the educational component of our mission, the Center for Global Health supports students who exhibit outstanding academic records and a strong desire to pursue global health careers. Each year, eight or nine scholarships are awarded to incoming MPH, MHS, and MS students in the Bloomberg School of Public Health.

The scholarships are awarded through a competitive process and are open to all domestic and international students. All admitted students into the Bloomberg School of Public Health are considered for the award. Students can only be awarded the scholarship as a new student; returning students are not eligible. If you wish, you may mention your desire for the scholarship in your admissions essay. The scholarship covers full tuition for the 11-month MPH program and for one year of a two-year MHS or MS program.full tuition for the 11-month MPH program and for one year of a two-year MHS or MS program.

Learn more about applying to the Bloomberg School of Public Health at: http://bit.ly/gY4lPy.

Postgrad: NYU School of Law Hauser Research Scholars Program Now Open

The Hauser Research Scholars Program is open to non-US junior academics from outside of the United States who wish to spend a full academic year at NYU School of Law working on a major piece of legal sch  olarship. Preference will be given to candidates who have already secured a position at a university. Candidates must be on "tenure track" at their home university.
The application deadline for participation in the Hauser Research Scholars Program for the 2011-2012 academic year is January 21, 2011.
Learn more about The Hauser Research Scholars Program at: http://bit.ly/dQFYpp.

Postdoc: Fellowship on 'Corporations and Citizenship' at The University of Pennsylvania

Beginning in January 2011, the Penn Program on Democracy, Citizenship, and Constitutionalism (DCC)  will welcome applications for a one-year DCC Postdoctoral Fellow in any discipline whose research is pertinent to the Program's 2011-2012 theme, "Corporations and Citizenship."  The Program welcomes both empirical and normative scholarship.

The Democracy, Citizenship, and Constitutionalism program is an interdisciplinary initiative, funded by the Mellon Foundation, which includes a faculty seminar series and annual conference on themes chosen by the Program's Faculty Advisory Council; a graduate workshop series; and undergraduate research grants. The DCC
Postdoctoral Fellow is expected to participate in the faculty seminar series, teach a Freshman Seminar on a
related topic, and attend monthly meetings to discuss the progress of undergraduates receiving research grants. The Fellow also has the opportunity to pursue the Fellow's research and study and participate generally in the intellectual life of the Penn community. Stipend is $53,800, plus health insurance.

The University of Pennsylvania is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. Eligibility is limited to applicants who will have received their Ph.D. within five years prior to the time they begin their fellowship at Penn (i.e. May 2006 or later). Application deadline: March 18, 2011.

For guidelines and applications, write to:
Office of the Dean
School of Arts and Sciences
University of Pennsylvania
116 College Hall
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6377

For more information on the Penn Program on Democracy, Citizenship, and Constitutionalism, contact DCC Program Chair Rogers M. Smith, Christopher H. Browne Distinguished Professor of Political Science, rogerss@sas.upenn.edu


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posted by スタッフ at 17:10| 東京 晴れ| フルブライター情報 | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする


1月アメリカ留学説明会 参加申込み締め切り!



詳細は決まり次第、こちらのブログ、ウェブサイト および お知らせメールでご案内いたします。
posted by スタッフ at 11:28| 東京 晴れ| アメリカ留学関連情報 | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする



根岸栄一博士は、1960年にフルブライト奨学金で、University of Pennsylvania に留学された、フルブライターです。


2010年11月29日 於東京大学


2010年11月25日 於日本記者クラブ

また、「夢を持ち続けよう! ノーベル賞 根岸英一のメッセージ」という本を書き下ろされ、2010年12月11日に共同通信社より発売となりました。

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アメリカ留学奨学金情報 from EducationUSA Weekly Update No. 213

下記、EducationUSA Weekly Update(No. 213 January 10 2011)より、奨学金情報のみ抜粋。

UG: Visionary Women Scholarship at Moore College of Art and Design

The Visionary Woman Scholarship nomination deadline is February 1st, 2011 for high school art teachers. Admissions applications must be completed by March 1st, 2011 for students to be considered for this competition. This is our most prestigious scholarship for in-coming first-year students, and students must be nominated by their high school art teacher (or equivalent) in order to compete.

The nomination deadline is February 1st, 2011. Details can be found at: http://bit.ly/eqO8or
If you have any questions, please contact admissions at +1800 523 2025 or enroll@moore.edu

UG: Talent Awards at Winthrop University College of Visual & PerformingArts

Talent awards are awarded by the Winthrop University College of Visual and Performing Arts and based on portfolio review or auditions.   Please contact the International Center for more information on who to contact in our College of Visual and Performing Arts Department for more information on talent-based scholarships.  To receive an award, a completed application must be received by Office of Admissions by March 1, 2011.


For more information and eligibility requirements, visit: http://bit.ly/fv1A1a

UG & Grad:Merit Scholarships at Monmouth University

Students at Monmouth University benefit from one of the most generous merit-based scholarship  programs in New Jersey.


If you are admitted to Monmouth, your chances of receiving a grant or scholarship are excellent.   Every applicant will automatically be considered for all scholarships awarded by the University.  You can even
receive an estimate of your scholarship eligibility before you apply for admission.

For more information, visit: http://bit.ly/eQYZLY

Grad:Full Scholarships at American University Washington College of Law

The International Legal Studies Program (ILSP)at the Washington College of Law, American Univeristy is now accepting applications for Fall 2011. The deadline to apply for the LLM is May 1, 2011.   The ILSP offers five full
scholarships (tuition and fees) and additional partial aid is also available, including special scholarships for Fulbright grantees.

The LLM program in International Legal Studies is ranked among the top ten international law LLM programs in the United States and is currently the only program in the United States to offer a dual LLM/MBA degree.
For more information about the ILSP Scholarshipo, visit: http://bit.ly/gN2qsL.

For more information on the International Legal Studies Program, visit: http://bit.ly/ebSL6S


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