下記、EducationUSA Weekly Update(No. 215 January 22 2011)より、奨学金情報のみ抜粋。
UG: Merit Based Scholarships up to $28,000 per year at Bryant University
Bryant University considers international students for merit based scholarships ranging from $10,000 to $28,000 per year. In order to beconsidered for these prestigious scholarships, a completed application must
be received by February 1st, 2011.
Bryant University has exciting programs in International Business (AACSB accredited), Actuarial Mathematics and Liberal Arts. They are the one university that is shattering the thinking that business and liberal arts
are separate paths. They offer an extremely familial campus with easy access to the metro centers of Providence and Boston.
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UG: Merit Based Scholarships up to $16,000 per year at Roger Williams University
Merit Based Scholarships at Roger Williams University! February 1st is the scholarhip priority deadline! Get your application in before February 1st to be considered for one of our merit based scholarships:
*International Presidential Excellence Scholarship ($16,000 per year):
Number of awards given are limited. Minimum GPA required for consideration is 3.5. Available to new Freshmen (first year students).
*Other Honors Program Qualifications: includes Exam Results, Curriculum Rigor, Leadership Roles, Extracurricular Activities, Letters Of Recommendation, English Ability.
For more information, visit Roger Williams University on the Web at http://www.rwu.edu/ or send an email to intadmit@rwu.edu.
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UG & Grad: Scholarships Available to International Students at University of South Florida
The University of South Florida (USF) welcomes the opportunity to provide information for you to share with interested prospective international students. One of Florida's top three research universities, USF provides a
dynamic and diverse learning environment that inspires innovation, creativity, and collaboration. Academics are anchored by distinguished faculty and supported by cutting-edge facilities and technology.
Scholarships - International students are eligible for non-need based scholarships, some of which may be combined with other university scholarships and scholarships awarded by outside sources. Please visit us at
http://bit.ly/eUzxDJ to learn more about USF and find information on application deadlines and scholarships. If you have any questions, please email Ruben Delgado at sflruben@usf.edu.
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Grad: The Journal of Environmental Investing Scholarship Program Open to Current Grads
The Journal of Environmental Investing Scholarship Program will award $3,500 annually to a graduate student who writes the most original and rigorous manuscript on a topic related to environmental investing. Students
seeking an advanced degree in a discipline related to environmental investing (i.e. environmental science, environmental policy, sustainability, finance, economics, environmental law, and public affairs and policy) are
invited to present ideas and research.
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