下記、EducationUSA Weekly Update(No. 214 January 17 2011)より、奨学金情報のみ抜粋。
UG: International Student Scholarships up to $25,000 at Westminster College
Exemplary Achievement Award (Deadline: February 11, 2011): a $25,000 a year award available to both first-year and transfer students. Special consideration is given to students who've surmounted personal hardships, disability or other disadvantages. The application is available
at: http://bit.ly/ebh9yZ.
Merit Scholarships (Rolling Deadline; Priority Deadline is April 15, 2011): All undergraduate applicants are automatically considered for a Merit Scholarship once they are admitted. Scholarships for transfer students range from $5,000 to $10,000, and scholarships for first-time students range from $6,000 to $14,000.
Westminster College is a small liberal-arts school in Salt Lake City, Utah. With a close-knit community and hands-on learning style, Westminster offers a unique environment for learning. Westminster supports international students with the WESLI institute, providing advanced academic-English courses and a semester to adjust to life in the USA. More information about international admissions is available online at: http://bit.ly/gZZAWS.
If you have questions, contact admissions at lkowallis@westminstercollege.edu or call 1-800-748-4753.
Grad: Scholarships Available at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
The Global Health Scholarships In an effort to further the educational component of our mission, the Center for Global Health supports students who exhibit outstanding academic records and a strong desire to pursue global health careers. Each year, eight or nine scholarships are awarded to incoming MPH, MHS, and MS students in the Bloomberg School of Public Health.
The scholarships are awarded through a competitive process and are open to all domestic and international students. All admitted students into the Bloomberg School of Public Health are considered for the award. Students can only be awarded the scholarship as a new student; returning students are not eligible. If you wish, you may mention your desire for the scholarship in your admissions essay. The scholarship covers full tuition for the 11-month MPH program and for one year of a two-year MHS or MS program.full tuition for the 11-month MPH program and for one year of a two-year MHS or MS program.
Learn more about applying to the Bloomberg School of Public Health at: http://bit.ly/gY4lPy.
Postgrad: NYU School of Law Hauser Research Scholars Program Now Open
The application deadline for participation in the Hauser Research Scholars Program for the 2011-2012 academic year is January 21, 2011.
Learn more about The Hauser Research Scholars Program at: http://bit.ly/dQFYpp.
Postdoc: Fellowship on 'Corporations and Citizenship' at The University of Pennsylvania
The Democracy, Citizenship, and Constitutionalism program is an interdisciplinary initiative, funded by the Mellon Foundation, which includes a faculty seminar series and annual conference on themes chosen by the Program's Faculty Advisory Council; a graduate workshop series; and undergraduate research grants. The DCC
Postdoctoral Fellow is expected to participate in the faculty seminar series, teach a Freshman Seminar on a
related topic, and attend monthly meetings to discuss the progress of undergraduates receiving research grants. The Fellow also has the opportunity to pursue the Fellow's research and study and participate generally in the intellectual life of the Penn community. Stipend is $53,800, plus health insurance.
The University of Pennsylvania is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. Eligibility is limited to applicants who will have received their Ph.D. within five years prior to the time they begin their fellowship at Penn (i.e. May 2006 or later). Application deadline: March 18, 2011.
For guidelines and applications, write to:
Office of the Dean
School of Arts and Sciences
University of Pennsylvania
116 College Hall
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6377
For more information on the Penn Program on Democracy, Citizenship, and Constitutionalism, contact DCC Program Chair Rogers M. Smith, Christopher H. Browne Distinguished Professor of Political Science, rogerss@sas.upenn.edu(EIS)