下記、EducationUSA Weekly Update(No. 213 January 10 2011)より、奨学金情報のみ抜粋。
UG: Visionary Women Scholarship at Moore College of Art and Design
The Visionary Woman Scholarship nomination deadline is February 1st, 2011 for high school art teachers. Admissions applications must be completed by March 1st, 2011 for students to be considered for this competition. This is our most prestigious scholarship for in-coming first-year students, and students must be nominated by their high school art teacher (or equivalent) in order to compete.
The nomination deadline is February 1st, 2011. Details can be found at: http://bit.ly/eqO8or
If you have any questions, please contact admissions at +1800 523 2025 or enroll@moore.edu
UG: Talent Awards at Winthrop University College of Visual & PerformingArts
Talent awards are awarded by the Winthrop University College of Visual and Performing Arts and based on portfolio review or auditions. Please contact the International Center for more information on who to contact in our College of Visual and Performing Arts Department for more information on talent-based scholarships. To receive an award, a completed application must be received by Office of Admissions by March 1, 2011.
For more information and eligibility requirements, visit: http://bit.ly/fv1A1a
UG & Grad:Merit Scholarships at Monmouth University
Students at Monmouth University benefit from one of the most generous merit-based scholarship programs in New Jersey.
If you are admitted to Monmouth, your chances of receiving a grant or scholarship are excellent. Every applicant will automatically be considered for all scholarships awarded by the University. You can even
receive an estimate of your scholarship eligibility before you apply for admission.
For more information, visit: http://bit.ly/eQYZLY
Grad:Full Scholarships at American University Washington College of Law
The International Legal Studies Program (ILSP)at the Washington College of Law, American Univeristy is now accepting applications for Fall 2011. The deadline to apply for the LLM is May 1, 2011. The ILSP offers five full
scholarships (tuition and fees) and additional partial aid is also available, including special scholarships for Fulbright grantees.
The LLM program in International Legal Studies is ranked among the top ten international law LLM programs in the United States and is currently the only program in the United States to offer a dual LLM/MBA degree.
For more information about the ILSP Scholarshipo, visit: http://bit.ly/gN2qsL.
For more information on the International Legal Studies Program, visit: http://bit.ly/ebSL6S(EIS)