

〜フルブライト・ジャパン アメリカ大学・大学院留学説明会(1月)〜

14:00〜 TOEFLテスト説明会
14:20〜 STEP英検説明会
14:40〜 IELTS説明会
15:00〜 アメリカ大学・大学院留学説明会
◆ 会場:フルブライト・ジャパン(日米教育委員会)会議室
◆ お申し込み・詳細: 下記ウェブサイトをご覧下さい。

posted by スタッフ at 17:40| 東京 雨| アメリカ留学関連情報 | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする


アメリカ留学奨学金情報 from EducationUSA Weekly Update No. 159

下記、EducationUSA Weekly Update(Dec 7,  2009)より、奨学金情報のみ抜粋。

PostDoc: Andrew W. Mellon Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Sustainable Urban
Food Systems

Eugene Lang College, the New School for Liberal Arts seeks a Post-Doctoral Fellow in sustainable urban food systems for the 2010-2011 academic year to assist in research, curriculum development, and public programming coordination
within the University's new Environmental Studies Program. Under the supervision of one or more environmental studies faculty members, the fellows will develop and teach a survey course and one course based on their area(s) of expertise and dissertation topic.
The Andrew W. Mellon Post-doctoral Fellow in sustainable urban food systems will work with faculty in environmental studies, food studies, and external colleagues to design and implement a research project in sustainable urban food systems that matches his/her interests and expertise. Three potential areas of interest include:
(1) Food Systems Planning and Policy Research--studying emerging approaches to food systems planning that promote "civic agriculture," locally organized systems of food production within cities and peri-urban communities that are characterized by networks of producers and citizens bound together by place;
(2) Urban Food Access--developing innovative methodologies to assess access to food in cities, looking at land use, transportation, business, and design variables that influence the availability of healthy food at the neighborhood level and exploring purchasing behaviors to better understand limited access to healthy food; and
(3) Urban Agriculture and Community Development--measuring the community development impacts of urban agriculture projects, particularly urban farms that link food production and environmental education.
Please note that this is a grant-funded position with a projected start date of 9-1-2010 and an end date of 6-30-2011.  Minimum Qualifications: Successful candidates for the Fellowship in Sustainable Urban Food Systems will have a Ph.D. in urban planning, policy, environmental studies, or related discipline.
To apply, see The New School Employment Site
If you have any questions, please contact environmentalstudies@newschool.edu

Yale World Fellows Program- Nominations for 2010

As you know, each year Yale seeks extraordinary candidates for the World Fellows Program, our signature global leadership development initiative. We look for rising leaders in virtually any field who have the dynamism and energy to spend an intensive four months at Yale learning, discussing, and sharing their expertise with Faculty, students, and the broader community.
We would be grateful if you could take a moment to think of a few superb candidates actively working in the sectors or countries you know well. They must be truly exceptional mid-career practitioners (in any field except academia), speak fluent English, and must hold non-US citizenship. Who are the most remarkable, mid-career individuals you know of in business, politics, government, the media, public health, or other field? Who is making a real impact on his or her industry, community, or country? Who has the necessary enthusiasm and charisma to take full advantage of and attract attention at Yale? These are some of the qualities we try to evaluate, and I would encourage you to ask the same questions of any candidates you may think of nominating.
You may nominate candidates online at https://apply.yale.edu/worldfellows/Nominate. The nomination deadline is December 15, 2009 for the fall 2010 program. To discuss the Program or any specific candidates in more detail, please feel free to email me or call me at 203-432-1916.
For those who are selected, Yale covers all costs (including housing, health care, and transportation) and provides a generous stipend for other living expenses. For a full description of the Program, you may visit the website at: http://www.yale.edu/worldfellows.
Many thanks in advance for your consideration.
Best regards,

Leslie Powell
Director of Outreach & External Affairs Yale World Fellows Program tel. 203-432-1916 leslie.powell@yale.edu www.yale.edu/worldfellows

posted by スタッフ at 10:24| 東京 晴れ| アメリカ留学関連情報 | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする


大阪アメリカ総領事館 ビザに関するQ&A ウエブチャット開催のお知らせ

大阪・神戸アメリカ総領事館 査証課が、研究、留学、会議などの目的で渡航する場合のUSビザ(B-1、B-2, F, J ビザ)に関する質問・回答をウェブチャットにて行われるそうです。


質問は、日本語又は英語どちらでもOK!(≧∇≦)b 領事が直接、皆様のご質問に即回答!



posted by スタッフ at 15:36| 東京 晴れ| アメリカ留学関連情報 | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする




☆ マイナビ国際派就職EXPO東京ウィンター2009 - 12/17(木)−18(金)@東京ビッグサイト(西3ホール)
☆ 東京ウィンターキャリアフォーラム2009- 12/21(月)−22(火)@東京ビッグサイト西3ホール

卒業/就職はまだ先!という方も、実際に働いている先輩達のお話を聞いたり、いろいろな企業を見て視野を広げる意味でも、様々な就職フェアに積極的に参加される事をおすすめしますわーい(嬉しい顔) (EIS)
posted by スタッフ at 11:37| 東京 晴れ| アメリカ留学関連情報 | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする


アメリカ留学奨学金情報 from EducationUSA Weekly Update No. 158

下記、EducationUSA Weekly Update(Nov 30,  2009)より、奨学金情報のみ抜粋。

Undergraduate: International students welcome at the University of Alaska Anchorage
University of Alaska Anchorage is something of a "best kept secret" for international students.  Advantages include:

- A non - competitive and relatively simple admission process, no recommendations, essays, or interviews for undergraduate students
- Low tuition rates relative to most public U.S. universities (approximately $12,600 tuition and fees for one academic year)
- An ESL program beginning at the intermediate level (TOEFL IBT 40-45) for which students earn 100 level credit that can be used to fulfill elective requirements
- A community college division offering associate degrees
- Abundant on-campus jobs available
- Excellent internship and optional practical training opportunities in the area
- All of the majors you would expect to find at a public university
- A "Welcome Package" to help students settle into university housing, if they choose to live on campus
- A very active and vibrant International Student Association
- Anchorage is the third-most diverse city in the U.S. and welcomes foreigners with open arms
- The adventure that is Alaska! Anchorage, where UAA is located, is the most temperate city in Alaska
- no igloos or polar bears here!  To address that issue, we have created a Facebook site that includes 100s of photos of our campus and the surrounding area, as well as a brand new video campus tour featuring current international students.  The video is also available on YouTube.  There are also photos of International Student Association activities and announcements for upcoming events. Please take a moment took check out our Facebook site.  Find the site
by searching for "International Student Services, University of Alaska Anchorage."  Please become a fan and feel free to link to the site any way you like. Students can find complete admission information on our International Student Services web site at http://www.uaa.alaska.edu/iss.

For more information on scholarships, visit:


Doni M. Williams
International Student Advisor, Enrollment Management
University of Alaska Anchorage
907-786-1573 (phone)


Undergraduate: Approaching international application priority date
at the University of Wisconsin-Madison

The University of Wisconsin-Madison is a major research university, internationally renowned for its academic excellence, commitment to undergraduate education, and dedication to out-of-classroom learning experiences. Students come from all 50 U.S. States and more than 130 countries to attend a university with over 160 majors and to work with and learn from over 2000 faculty.
Please note that the international application priority date is December 15 for the Fall 2010 term.

All students requiring a visa to study in the U.S. must submit applications by December 15 to receive full and equal consideration.
An application does not need to be complete, but it must be submitted or postmarked by December 15 in order to meet the priority date.

More information on International Admissions at The University of Wisconsin-Madison can be found online:


Inquiries about the application process should be directed to:

Joseph D. O. Halaas
International Admissions Counselor
University of Wisconsin - Madison
716 Langdon Street
Madison, WI 53706


Graduate: Graduate Incentive Fellowship Program and Accelerated Dual
Degree Program at Auburn University

Graduate Incentive Fellowship Program

The Graduate School is pleased to announce the Graduate Incentive Fellowship Program. This program provides an additional $2,200 per year on top of assistantship offers for highly qualified students.
Incentive Fellowships are awarded to selected students at the discretion of the Graduate Dean.

Accelerated Dual Degree Program

Students at Auburn University in Auburn, Alabama will soon have the opportunity to earn credit for a master\'s degree while still working toward their undergraduate diploma through an Accelerated Dual Degree program. The program will be available to top students who wish to work in fields where advanced qualifications are needed, or would like to use their academic talents to more quickly earn an advanced degree.
Students must meet minimum grade point and credit hour standards to become eligible.
For more information, please contact:

Jessica Nelson
Director of Recruiting
Auburn University Graduate

Scholarships and Fellowships: http://www.auburn.edu/scholarship/
Academic Non-resident scholarships:
Non-resident Freshman scholarships:
Graduate Fellowships:

posted by スタッフ at 09:30| 東京 霧| アメリカ留学関連情報 | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする