下記、EducationUSA Weekly Update(No. 218 February 14 2011)より、奨学金情報のみ抜粋。
UG: International Student Scholarships Available at North Central Missouri College
North Central Missouri College (NCMC) is seeking international students who would like to study in the United States in a safe and rural environment. A community college with an enrollment of 1554 students, North Central Missouri College offers associate's in arts university transfer degrees, as well as associate's in science degrees.
Students accepted to NCMC may be eligible for an International Student Scholarship to help pay for tuition or housing. The award will cover both years of study and is, on average, $750. The deadline for application is
July 1, 2011.
Further information can be found online at: http://bit.ly/eN46EO
Grad: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Foundation Offers Grants-In-Aid Program
The purpose of the AAPG Foundation's Grants-in-Aid program is tofoster research in the geosciences. Grants are made to providefinancial assistance to graduate students (currently enrolled inMasters or Ph.D. programs) whose thesis research has application to thesearch for and development of petroleum and energy-mineral resources,and/or to related environmental geology issues.
Grants are based on merit, and in part, on the financial needs of the applicant. Factors weighed in selecting successful applicants include:
- The qualifications of an applicant as indicated by past performance
- Originality and imagination of the proposed project
- Support of the department in which the work is being done
- Perceived significance of the project to petroleum, energy minerals and related environmental geology
Grants range from $500 to$2,000 and are to be applied to expenses directly related to thestudent's thesis work, such as field work, laboratory analyses, etc.
For more information, visit http://foundation.aapg.org/gia
Grad: Fellowships for Graduate Management Programs at Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI), one of the nation's premier technological universities, delivers innovative management programs integrating business and technology. Graduate Management Programs at WPI merge conceptual theory with real-world practice. Hands-on, active learning creates graduates who stand apart because of their ability to apply the fundamentals of technology and management to solving challenging, real-world problems. Every aspect of WPI's Graduate Management Programs recognizes the importance of this intersection of business and technology.
WPI offers fellowships to full-time graduate students who must also work 15 hours per week with management faculty and remain in good acadmic standing (minimum 3.0 GPA). The average award amount is $4,800 and will be available for the leanght of the program. A total of 30 fellowshipo will be offered per semester on a rolling deadline.
For more information, visit: www.mgt.wpi.edu/Graduate/index.html
Be Eligible to Win: $2,500 Scholarship at CollegeWeekLive International Day on Feb 23rd
In partnership with EducationUSA, this virtual college fair online environment will give prospective students the opportunity to see and hear from admissions representatives and students from over 200 U.S. colleges and universities <http://www.collegeweeklive.com/en_CA/Guest/Intl_colleges>.
Participation is free to all students.
Any non-U.S. citizen or permanent resident that registers and participate in this event is automatically put into a drawing for a $2,500 scholarship from CollegeWeekLive!
During the first event in December over 6500 students from 182 countries around the world interacted with institutions in their search for the right school to meet their needs.
International Day is February 23rd, 2011 from 7am - 7pm (EST).
Register online now at: http://bit.ly/hjr9Yv(EIS)