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アメリカ留学奨学金情報 from EducationUSA Weekly Update No. 231
下記、EducationUSA Weekly Update(No. 231 May 23 2011)より、奨学金情報のみ抜粋。
UG: Mount Holyoke College 21st Century Scholars Program Valued at $25,000 Annually
These first-year students have an outstanding record of scholarship and co-curricular achievement, as well as considerable leadership potential.
This award includes:
・ Funding for an internship or research project of the student's own design
・ Admission to a first-year honors tutorial with a faculty member
First-year applicants are considered automatically for these awards without regard to financial need and no additional application is required.
For more information, please visit: http://bit.ly/m0Ojh2
UG: International Student Academic Award Available at Northern Michigan University
The International Academic Award is available to academically talented, undergraduate international students who are enrolled at Northern Michigan University as first-time, full-time baccalaureate students.
The international student must meet the following conditions in order to be eligible:
- Must hold a valid, in status, F-1 Visa.
- Must achieve a 3.00 cumulative GPA (or higher) within the first four semesters of study at NMU, with a minimum of 12 credit hours per semester.
- *Note:* *Sixteen credit hours per semester are needed to complete most degree programs within 8 semesters.*
- Recipients of the International Academic Award will be provided the opportunity to perform up to 15 hours of community service for each semester the award is received.
For more information, please visit: www.nmu.edu/iao
UG: University of Toledo Offers International Rocket Scholarship
The International Rocket Scholarship is offered to new undergraduate international students who are entering the university as an adult, transfer or directly from high school who have a minimum grade point average of 3.0
on a 4.0 scale. The scholarship covers the out of state surcharge, valued at approximately $9,000. Students whose native language is not English must have a minimum international TOEFL score of 500 paper based, 173 computer based, or 61 internet based test or a minimum IELTS score of 6.0 and be academically admissible to receive this award.
Students are eligible for this award until they earn an undergraduate degree, but must do so within 15 semesters over a maximum of five consecutive years. A completed international undergraduate application for
admission, all required transcripts, $40 application fee, and official passing TOEFL or IELTS report must be postmarked by the application priority deadline for the term of application.
For more information, please visit: http://bit.ly/iS8jrb
UG & Grad: Partial to Full Funding for International Students at Pittsburg State University
Pittsburg State University is a public university located in the southeast corner of the state of Kansas. Serving approximately 7,000 students, PSU has an international population of about 500 students from 40 different
countries. Pittsburg State offers more than 100 internationally recognized undergraduate and graduate degrees.
Although the university is more than 100 years old, class sizes have remained small and individually focused. Pittsburg State University is very attractive to prospective international students because of the quality of
our programs and the comparatively low tuition fees.
Several scholarship opportunities are available to international students and selection is based on academic records submitted with the application.
Undergraduate scholarships cover partial to full tuition while graduate assistantships can cover tuition, stipend for living expenses:
- *Undergraduate International Advocate Scholarship*
o Cumulative GPA of 3.25
o Student may apply for this scholarship after 1 semester at Pittsburg State
- *Undergraduate Honors College for Incoming Freshmen*
o Must be admitted to PSU and apply before Feb 1 for fall admission each year
o Applicants must also submit an SAT or ACT score
- *Undergraduate Honors College for Transfer Students*
o Must be admitted to PSU and apply before Feb 1 for fall admission each year
- *Graduate Assistantships*
For more information, please visit www.pittstate.edu/iss or email i-admit@pittstate.edu.
国際教育交換協議会(CIEE) TOEFL事業部によるTOEFL iBT説明会、(財)日本英語検定協会によるSTEP 英検説明会とIELTS説明会、ピアソン・エデュケーションによるPTE Academic説明会も同時開催!
要事前オンライン申し込み☆ 詳しくは、上記サイトをチェック!

アメリカ留学奨学金情報 from EducationUSA Weekly Update No. 230
下記、EducationUSA Weekly Update(No. 230 May 16 2011)より、奨学金情報のみ抜粋。
UG: Up to $14,000 in Scholarships for International Students at The College of Saint Rose
In keeping in differing academic calendars worldwide, The College of Saint Rose is offering an extended application and scholarship deadline for undergraduate applicants. Students who submit a Saint Rose application for admission by *June 1st* will receive full consideration for academic scholarships ranging up to *$14,000* for each of four years of attendance at Saint Rose.
Application requirements include:
1) Completion of the online application
2) One Letter of Recommendation
To learn more about scholarship criteria, please visit: http://bit.ly/m4B3Hy
UG: International Baccalaureate Scholarship Valued at $15,000 Available at Winthrop University
Winthrop University is committed to increasing diversity on campus. For this reason, we recently introduced the International Baccalaureate scholarship.
This scholarship is guaranteed as long as the GPA requirement is met!
Winthrop University works with rolling admissions and is therefore still accepting applications for the fall 2011 semester !
The International Baccalaureate scholarship is awarded to all international freshman applicants who:
1) Complete the IB Program (Diploma or Certificates) through the senior year of high school
2) Have a 3.0 cumulative grade point average (GPA) on their higher level courses
The scholarship is valued at $15,000 per academic year and is renewable every semester for up to four years as long as a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 is maintained.
For further details on all of our international student scholarships please visit http://bit.ly/jagQfV or contact Fred Schlingemann by email: Schlingemann@winthrop.edu or phone: 00-1-803-323-3395.
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UG & Grad: Utah State University Offers Alumni Legacy Nonresident Scholarship
Did one of your parents earn a degree from USU? If so, you can now attend Utah State and the nonresident portion of tuition will be waived!
Follow your parents' footsteps and become an Aggie. We'd love to have you here! To qualify for the Alumni Legacy Nonresident Scholarship, a future Aggie must:
1) Be admitted
2) Have at least one parent who earned an associate degree or higher from Utah State University (application required)
3) Enroll at USU as a first-time student
For more information, please visit: http://bit.ly/rITMe
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UG & Grad: Scholarships and Assistantships Available at the University of New Haven in Connecticut
For many years, men and women from countries other than the United States have come to UNH to study and prepare for careers in fields relevant to the needs of their homelands and/or the international community. These students have added an important dimension to the cultural and academic mix on our campus. We, in turn, have worked hard to offer them a quality education, an easy-to-reach location, and a hospitable environment in which to learn and grow.
The University of New Haven offers generous scholarships for academically qualified international undergraduates, partial-merit scholarships for graduate engineering students, and research or assistantships for other graduate international students.
For more information, please visit http://bit.ly/ltBGhu (undergraduates) or http://bit.ly/lZGY5F (graduates).
Postdoc: The Phillips Collection Fellowship Available at The George Washington University
The Phillips Collection, in partnership with The George Washington University (GWU), offers a Post-Doctoral Fellowship available to support research and teaching on topics in American, European, or non-western art,
including photography, from 1780 to the present. The fellow is expected to be in residence in Washington, DC, at The Phillips Collection during the fall and spring semesters throughout the term of the fellowship - July 2012
through June 2013. The Fellow wil l be expected to teach one undergraduate or graduate course at the Phillips' Center for the Study of Modern Art or at GWU's Foggy Bottom Campus, present at least one public lecture at the Phillips, and participate in other programs and discussions with scholars, critics, museum staff, and students at the museum and the university during the fellowship.
The appointment carries a departmental affiliation with GWU's Department of Fine Arts and Art History and with The Phillips Collection. The Fellowship will carry a stipend. A generous benefits package is available. In addition,
the fellowship will provide various university/museum privileges, including access to facilities, libraries of institutions, equipment, support staff, curators, and faculty.
The Fellowship is open to untenured scholars who have received their Ph.D.s within the past five years. Preference will be given to applicants whose projects focus on subjects related to the museum's areas of collecting and reinterpret the topic via innovative methodological approaches or alternative perspectives that may cross national boundaries and art historical time periods. Deadline for receipt of application is January
15, 2012 -- please contact the Program Coordinator for application requirements and further details:
Program Coordinator, Center for the Study of Modern Art
The Phillips Collection
1600 21st Street NW
Washington, DC 20009
Email: **CSMAprograms@phillipscollection.org
iPhoneアプリ ― ACT & SAT
ACT(American College Test)を主催しているACTからiPhone用アプリが公開されています♪
アプリには2種類あり、ひとつは大学検索ができるもの、もうひとつはACTテスト対策用です。 気になった人はACTサイトへGo!
またSAT対策用アプリもいろいろ出ています。詳しくはThe New York Timesの記事をCheck!
☆ 大阪
日程 2011年6月8日(水) 14:30〜17:00
場所 駐大阪・神戸アメリカン総領事館内 関西アメリカンセンター(大阪市北区西天満2-11-5)
☆ 東京
日程 2011年6月17日(金) 15:00〜18:00
場所 東京アメリカン・センター(東京都港区赤坂1−1−14 NOF溜池ビル8F)
☆ 要事前オンライン登録
☆ 詳細・参加登録は・・・
アメリカ留学奨学金情報 from EducationUSA Weekly Update No. 229
下記、EducationUSA Weekly Update(No. 229 May 9 2011)より、奨学金情報のみ抜粋。
- UG: Tuition Waivers Available at Oklahoma State University Institute of Technology
OSU Institute of Technology prepares students for careers in technology and industry. The world's top companies help plan OSU coursework, donate equipment for labs, offer paid internships, and hire OSU graduates. Students can earn a Bachelor of Technology in Civil Engineering, Instrumentation Engineering, Information Technologies, and other programs listed at www.osuit.edu.
OSU Institute of Technology will continue to accept applications during the months of May and June for students planning to enroll in Fall 2011. To expedite the application process, students may submit their application electronically or by fax. To request an application, send an email to international.office@okstate.edu and allow OSU Institute of Technology to help you begin your journey to the USA!
- UG: International Student Scholarships up to $8000 at Old Dominion University
Over half of the students attending ODU get financial help from one source or another, and international student scholarships are one such source. Competitive and merit based, they cover partial tuition ranging between $4,000 and $8,000 per year. In order to qualify, international students must:
" Be a newly admitted (never previously enrolled) undergraduate international student
" Hold a non-immigrant visa and subject to out-of-state tuition rates
" Pursuing an initial Bachelor's degree
" Hold a minimum "B+" equivalent high school GPA (SAT not required, but recommended)
For more information, please visit: http://bit.ly/kYUgLw
- UG & Grad: The University of New Mexico Offers International Student Amigo Scholarship
The Amigo Scholarship for International Students entitles outstanding international students to a waiver of non-resident tuition and a cash award of $250 per semester provided a student meets renewal requirements. In general, eligible students are those who:
" Are admitted to UNM by the deadline
" Have degree-seeking status
" Will be enrolled full-time;
" Do not have other institutional awards
" Are on non-immigrant visa status (F1 or J1 status and not permanent resident)
" Have not previously or currently been attending UNM
" Must have a current and complete degree application on file with International Admissions
With more than 200 top-quality academic degree programs, there's no career, no future --- no life --- you can't reach when you begin at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque. A leading research university, with renowned faculty and exceptional facilities for learning and exploring, UNM is also one of the best educational values in the country.
For more information, please visit: http://bit.ly/ltrMON.
2012年度版 アメリカ留学公式ガイドブック発売!
全国の書店、フルブライト・ジャパンの資料室、 アルクオンラインショップ等でお求めになれます。
2011年度 渡米前オリエンテーションのご案内
★フルブライト・ジャパンからのご案内★ 2011年度 渡米前オリエンテーション
★ 対象: 2011年秋より、アメリカ大学・大学院への留学が決定された方
★ 内容:
3)米国大使館 領事部によるビザ説明(日本語)
★ 申し込み方法: 下記サイトからオンライン登録
★ 参加費: 無料
★ 注意: 英語研修・専門学校への留学の方、及び、これから留学を予定して
◆ 日程:
2011年6月 9日(木) 大学学部課程
2011年6月10日(金) 大学院(修士・博士課程)
◆ 場所: 東京アメリカン・センターホール(東京都港区)
★ 参考文献
「アメリカ留学 公式ガイドブック 2012年度版」
定価 1680円(税込価格)、アルク発行、