日米フルブライト・プログラム 公開講演 開催決定!
満を持して開催します、日米フルブライト・プログラム 公開講演の要領の発表です!
原 丈人 (はら じょうじ) 氏 です!!
原 丈人氏は、慶應大学法学部をご卒業後、アメリカのスタンフォード大学経営大学院を経て工学大学院を修了されました。在学中より光ファイバー事業を起業し、情報通信技術分野でベンチャー企業への出資、育成と経営に携わり、1990年代には
@ より多くの皆様にご参加いただいて
A 原丈人氏より参加者の皆様がパワーをいただける
アメリカ留学:奨学金情報 from EducationUSA Weekly Update (No.123)
下記、EducationUSA Weekly Update(Mar 30, 2009)より、奨学金情報のみ抜粋。
The Scholarship matrix - Relative US Grade Point Average:
3.5 - 4.0 $10,000.00 per year/5,000 per semester
3.49 - 3.0 $7,500.00
2.5 - 2.99 $5,000.00
Carol Graham
International Admissions/PDSO/RO
Greetings from the University of Wisconsin-Superior!
Undergraduate Financial Assistance: University of Wisconsin-Superior Tuition Award Program (TAP)
UW-Superior's Tuition Award Program (TAP) aims to foster a campus community that is culturally diverse and academically strong. In 2008-09, more than 90% of admitted undergraduate international students qualified for a TAP award.
Award amount: $5,500 to $7,500 per year (Average award for 2008-09: $6,720)
Non-resident Tuition & Fees in 2008-09: $14,135
Available for: Freshmen and transfer students
Deadline: Priority fall semester deadline: May 1; Final fall semester deadline: July 1; Spring semester deadline: November 1
International Admissions Website
Majors Offered
Duration: Awards renewable for a maximum of eight semesters. Students may petition to receive additional semesters. Awards for transfer students adjusted accordingly.
TAP Grants ($5,500/year) are generally awarded to students who:
- submit all necessary application materials for a full-time undergraduate degree program;
- are academically admissible to UW-Superior;
- submit a TAP application form, and
- demonstrate sufficient financial support for the remaining expenses.
Note that for Global TAP Scholarships:
- academic merit is the primary basis for the award, but financial need and campus diversity may be taken into consideration;
- special consideration is given for achievement demonstrated through scores from the SAT, ACT, International Baccalaureate (IB) diploma program or internationally-administered A-Level exams;
- athletic ability is not a criterion, but other forms of school or community involvement are considered;
- a personal statement and/or letters of recommendation are encouraged;
- all students who meet the criteria for the TAP Grant are automatically given consideration for a Global TAP Scholarship.
Website: www.uwsuper.edu/oip/
Contact: Mark MacLean, International Admissions Coordinator
Email: international@uwsuper.edu
Greetings from Omaha, Nebraska!
What's new at the University of Nebraska at Omaha (UNO):
New Degree Program in Information Assurance UNO's College of Information Science and Technology is now one of a handful of universities in the United States that offer an undergraduate major in Information Assurance. The University of Nebraska at Omaha has been named a Center of Academic Excellence in Information Assurance Education by the U.S. Government. Information Assurance (IA) is the practice of managing information-related risks. IA professionals strive to protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data and their delivery systems in order to mitigate risk in the global IT
Please click here for more information about this new degree program!
UNO offers scholarships to qualified international candidates
Julie D. Soper
International Admissions Advisor
University of Nebraska at Omaha
Omaha, Nebraska
Email: unoisp@mail.unomaha.edu
「完全クラスルームシミュレーション - カレッジサバイバルスキル」セミナー



講師を務めてくださったカツヨ先生、参加してくださった学生の皆さん、ありがとうございましたm(_ _)m留学が決まっている皆さん、渡米前オリエンテーションにも是非ご参加ください。(EIS)
アメリカ留学:奨学金情報 from EducationUSA Weekly Update (No.122)
下記、EducationUSA Weekly Update(Mar 23, 2009)より、奨学金情報のみ抜粋。
Summer Fellowships (2009) in Environmental History and Policy, Chemical Heritage Foundation
The Center for Contemporary History andPolicy at the Chemical Heritage Foundation in Philadelphia seeks proposals for summer fellowships in the Environmental History and Policy Program. While in residence, fellows will conduct research projects contributing to the program’s project, “Controlling Chemicals.” Outcomes will include the completion of a white paper to be published in the program’s series, *Studies in Sustainability*, as well as the identification and compilation materials to be included in the web-based home for the project.
The focus of the Environmental History and Policy (EHP) Program’s “Controlling Chemicals” project is to explore the ways in which societies seek to achieve a balance between the production and use of chemicals and the inherent risks they may pose to human and environmental health. Through historical and contemporary analysis, we aim to understand the various ways in which societies seek to exert control over chemicals in production and use.
We aim to make our studies immediately available in formats that will allow a variety of user groups to utilize the results. The white paper is our more formal mode of communication (see, for example, “Assessing Community
Advisory Panels” and “New Chemical Bodies ”). This research report is designed to be produced and delivered individually, offering access to the specifics of a research project. Environmental History and Policy white papers are published within our series, *Studies in Sustainability*.
We are also constructing a web interface that will allow users to explore more organically the diversity of materials relevant to the control of chemicals. The website will offer users the opportunity to access a collection of materials brought together from a variety of sources as well as the ability to explore the nuances of our case work in a multi-media format.
*Research and Proposals*
Fellows will be tasked with developing materials appropriate for the Controlling Chemicals project, including the writing of a white paper (5000-7500 words) on a topic related to their own work and assisting the program staff with identifying and collecting materials for a web-based version of their project (e.g., maps, interviews, videos). Fellows will present their work to the EHP group and other members of the CHF community at the end of their tenure.
*Suggested themes and topics include:*
· Industry/market-based initiatives developed in response to or to obviate the need for government regulation of chemicals;
· The role of community activism in garnering support for regulation or used because of a lack of regulations;
· Initiatives undertaken by scientists/engineers to re-design for safety;
· Cases exploring government initiatives that lead to regulations or other means by which chemicals could be controlled;
· Case studies that examine collaborations between two or more groups (industry, government, communities, scientists/engineers) involved in the regulatory process; and
· Cases focused on the role of NGOs in these processes.
We welcome applications/project proposals from researchers at all stages of their careers and from a diversity of fields: STS, sociology, anthropology, history, philosophy, environmental or science policy, science and engineering.
*Additional Details*
*The White Paper*
Each fellow’s research will be published in the *Studies in Sustainability*series. Both print and electronic versions will be produced. Fellows will retain the copyright to their materials and will be encouraged to publish the results of their research in other scholarly outlets.
In an effort to create an atmosphere of collaboration and community, fellows will serve in residence for 10 weeks of the summer. Fellows will receive access to working space as well as CHF research libraries and tools. EHP fellows will be welcomed into the broader CHF community of fellows and scholars.
Fellows will receive a modest stipend to support the individual’s expenses. No other support (e.g., travel) will be available. While CHF cannot guarantee housing for fellows, we do offer support in searching for appropriate accommodations.
To apply, please send 1) a two page cover letter that includes a description of the proposed project and how it fits within your current research activities; and 2) a one page CV. For graduate students, please arrange to have one letter of recommendation sent directly to the CHF.
Proposals (and recommendations) should be submitted electronically to Jennifer Dionisio (jdionisio@chemheritage.org). Please direct questions to Jody Roberts, program manager (jroberts@chemheritage.org). All materials should be submitted by 15 April 2009. Decisions will be made no later than 1 May 2009.
Post-doctoral research fellow to work on topics related to human development and Africa
The Frederick S. Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-ange Future *invites
applications for a post-doctoral research fellow to work on topics related
to human development and Africa*. The research fellow will help develop an
Africa-focused research program at the Pardee Center, around the theme of
Africa 2060. We are interested in candidates with strong analytical skills,
substantive knowledge and experience, and an interest and ability to study
continent-wide (or sub-regional), longer-range trends and prospects in human
development in Africa.
Applications for the research fellowship are welcome from recent recipients of PhD or equivalent degrees. In special circumstances applications from advanced ABD doctoral candidates may also be considered. The post-doctoral fellowship is a full-time position for up to twelve months. Boston University is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.
*Candidatures will be considered until the position is filled*. Please submit a letter of intent and research interests, a CV, samples of written work, and names of three academic references to: *Lindsey Jones ( jonesli@bu.edu), Center Administrator, Pardee House, 67 Bay State Road, Boston, MA 02215*.
The Frederick S. Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-Range Future at Boston University conducts interdisciplinary, policy-relevant, and future-oriented research that contributes to long-term improvements in the human condition. Our work seeks to identify, anticipate, and enhance the long-term potential for human development in all its myriad dimensions. The center's focus is defined by its longer-range vision.(EIS)
You will most likely receive one of three decisions from the admissions committee:
1) Being placed on a waiting list;
2) Denial;
3) Admission.
1. Waitlisted In some ways, this is the hardest initial decision you still don’t know anything one way or the other. But don’t despair. Accept this decision, and consider doing the following:
1. Don’t take it personally. This is so much easier to say than to do. No one likes to be told they have been put on a waiting list. Most likely, this means that while you have some very strong credentials, you were not considered to be as competitive as those being offered admission. However, the good news is that you were not denied. There is still a chance, and from my experience, in most cases, a very good chance you will be admitted.
2. Don’t assume you are going to be denied. As I just mentioned, most likely the opposite is true. If you stay calm, confident and patient, you will most likely get more encouraging news down the road.
3. Make sure you follow instructions. Once again, be professional and do what is suggested or asked of you. If you do not receive any information about what to do next, ask. Don’t demand, complain or argue. Just ask if there is anything you can do. If you are told no, accept that and do not do anything. It may tell you something about this institution if they do not provide you an opportunity to further address your interest in their program. If you are given specific instructions on what you can do, follow every one of them.
2. Denied This is never easy. After all of the time and work you have put in to your application, it can feel like a real slap in the face. If you are extremely upset, do not react by phone or in writing right away. Give it a few days. As you reflect, consider the following:
1. Accept the decision. At this point you cannot change it.
2. Don’t take it personally. Remember, under most circumstances the admissions committee is faced with a very difficult task: choosing a limited enrollment number from among a very large applicant pool. These individuals are good people, who are doing their best in a very difficult situation. Believe me, they are not personally against you in any way.
3. Write a thank you note to the person who signed your notification letter. If you believe you can honestly do so, send a letter thanking the admissions director for taking the time to review your application. Perhaps that is all you will decide to do.
4. If you believe something was missed or overlooked, ask about it. Kindly ask if your most recent test score was received or if a recent transcript is in your file. You may want to verify that all of your recommendation letters were received. If you sent a cover letter and it contained some very important information, check to be sure it was included when your application was read. On occasion something may have been overlooked. If so, most admissions committees will provide another complete evaluation. If they are unwilling to do so, or worse yet, not even willing to take another look at that part of your application, perhaps you are getting additional information about whether this is really the place for you.
5. This is a practice opportunity for patience and professionalism. If you decide to respond in some way to being denied, please remember this: If you want to send a positive message to the admissions committee, it is now. A mature, thoughtful attitude makes a huge and positive impression, believe me!
-- I completely empathize with those who are denied admission. My first application to the doctoral program on the top of my list was denied. I was extremely disappointed and somewhat angry. So I waited a few days and then called the admissions office. I learned that my most recent standardized test score was not in my file. Also, I was told that an assessment of my academic skills did not come through in my letters of recommendation. I asked if I could send the updated test score and provide another recommendation letter. They said yes. I did so and one month later was accepted. I was even awarded one
full year of coursework. I realize this may not be the outcome every time, but you never know.
1. Thank those who helped you (family, friends, recommenders, interviewer, etc.). While you did the lion’s share of the work, there are others who helped with your application and/or gave you lots of encouragement and support along the way. This may be especially true if you were initially waitlisted. Be sure to thank these individuals.
2. Send a thank you note to the person who signed your notification letter. This goes a long way. The admissions committee works very hard too, and it is always nice to remember to say thanks to them.
3. Read the materials you start receiving. They will contain important information about your enrollment deposit, financial aid, housing, admitted student visit programs, course scheduling, new student orientation, student life and much more. Hold on to this information and read it carefully.
4. Start/continue talking with other admits, current students and alumni. By now you may have established contact with current or former students. You may even know others who, like yourself, have just been admitted. Reach out to these individuals. You can learn a lot from current and/or former students. You can learn a lot from future classmates as well. Knowing some of your student colleagues before you enroll is always helpful. Compare notes with them. Get their impressions of the application process you have just been through, and also of the admitted student follow-up you have been receiving so far. TIP: Take the initiative to meet classmates through Facebook and pre-orientation programs or other social networks before classes start.
5. Try to schedule a campus visit if your visa status or travel schedule allows it. Here is a good tip: If you really want to get an idea of what the institution is like, make an unannounced visit. One advantage is no one knows you are coming, and you will experience things as they really are. One disadvantage is that you will not be able to schedule appointments you might want ahead of time.
6. Evaluate how you are treated post admission/deposit. As a prospective student you were in the driver’s seat when deciding where you would apply. Once you submitted your application(s), you gave the wheel to the institution/admissions committee. Now that you have been admitted, you are once again in the driver’s seat. You get to decide whether to accept the offer. This is a very good time to evaluate how you are treated. Does the admitted student follow-up process make you feel wanted, included and well informed? If so, great. If not, perhaps you need to think more seriously about enrollment in the program.
7. Do some comparison shopping. Remember the spreadsheet you started when initially investigating various graduate school options? Now is a good time to expand it or create a new spreadsheet. You might use the following as some of your evaluation questions:
1) How soon after I was admitted did I receive another contact from the institution?
2) Did a student or alumnus call me to offer congratulations and to offer help?
3) How often am I being contacted? It is too much? Too little?
4) How long did it take me to get an estimated annual budget?
5) Will I receive financial aid? If so, what type? Scholarships? Fellowships? Loans? Work Study? Graduate Assistantship? Stipend?
6) How much information am I receiving about courses/program of study?
7) What did I think of my campus visit post admission?
8) How friendly/helpful have the faculty, staff and students been since I was admitted?
9) Is the information I am receiving really helpful to me?
10) If I am coming with a spouse or partner, or with a family, how accommodating/inclusive is the institution?
As you did before, put the names of the institutions to which you have been admitted on the left hand column of your spreadsheet and your various evaluation questions across the top. Give each institution a grade. You will start seeing some themes emerge as you do this.
For additional tips in responding to each decision, suggestions on how to make the decision on where to enroll, succeeding as a graduate student and much more, go to Dr. Martin’s website and order his book Road Map for Graduate Study: A Guide for Prospective Graduate Students. The website address is http://www.gradschoolroadmap.com/

フルブライト・セミナー 開催報告!
2007-08年度フルブライト研究員として東京大学に在籍の、Dr. Jordan Sand 氏 による“燃える都市の論理―火事を通じて江戸・東京を考える”という講義でした。

フルブライト・ジャパン 留学情報サービスでは、カリフォルニア州の大学5校とワシントン州の大学1校、計6大学の代表者の来日に伴い、下記の日程で留学希望者向けのセミナーを開催いたします。
◆日時 2009年4月22日(水) 15:00 〜 17:00
◆場所 フルブライト・ジャパン 会議室
◆参加大学 (アルファベット順)
− Diablo Valley College
− Foothill / De Anza College
− San Diego State University
− San Francisco State University
− University of Southern California (←諸事情により参加キャンセル)
− Seattle Central Community College
◆ 参加費 無料 (定員先着50名)
◆ プログラム
15:00〜15:30 大学代表者による講演
15:30〜16:00 各大学の説明
16:00〜17:00 各大学担当者との交流:各大学がブースにて、皆様の
◆申し込み方法: オンライン登録
アメリカ留学:奨学金情報 from EducationUSA Weekly Update (No.121)
下記、EducationUSA Weekly Update(Mar 16, 2009)より、奨学金情報のみ抜粋。
Undergraduate and Graduate: Northeast Consortium for HydrologicSynthesis! - Fellowship Opportunities
Summer Synthesis Institute 2009 – Apply before March 31, 2009
New York City
Following a successful 2008 Summer Synthesis Institute, we are now assembling a group of energetic and creative Summer Synthesis Scholars to participate in the 2009 Institute to be held from June 15 to July 25 in New York City. The central question for this year's Institute is:
What was the nature of hydro-systems across the Northeastern U.S. during the 19th century, how did hydrologic dynamics shape human decision-making and, in turn, how did human decision-making shape the hydrologic cycle during this timeframe?
The Summer Scholars will participate in a suite of fast-paced synthesis and integration research activities, guided by mentors, but largely self-directed by the Scholars themselves. The Institute is cast at a strategic level, with a primary aim being to help formulate the key elements, scientific questions, and hypotheses to be pursued by the Consortium at large. It is anticipated that the initial set of
ideas and findings of the Institute will inspire further work by the Scholars at their home institutions, with the Consortium supporting follow-up communications and guidance to the group.
Participants will benefit from a unique opportunity to:
* Engage in interdisciplinary, team-based research
* Interact with nationally and internationally recognized leaders in the field
* Gain important insights into generating hypotheses and asking integrative science questions
* Formulate potential M.S., PhD, and post-doctoral research topics
* Create a lasting network of professional relationships
Applications are welcome with interests in all fields and sub-fields of hydrology, environmental sciences and engineering, ecology, geomorphology, climatology, watershed science, geology, economics (ecological, natural resource, environmental, agricultural), forest and wildlife sciences, natural resource/environmental policy and management, history, geography/human geography, urban planning an development Scholars will be chosen through a competitive process.
Successful applicants will be awarded a $3500 stipend for the full six weeks, in addition to housing at Columbia University, plus travel expenses to the 2009 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union in San Francisco, where they will present their findings. Shorter duration stays may be considered. Applications should include (i) a 1-page statement of expertise and research interests, (ii) 2- page resume, and (iii) two letters of reference. The research statement should summarize the applicant's scientific interests and what perspectives he/she could bring to the Summer Institute.
Further information is available at http://hydrosynthesis.ccny.cuny.edu/.
Application materials should be emailed to chermans@ccny.cuny.edu by March 31, 2009.
Undergraduate: Scholarship offered by the University of Evansville ($54,000 w/ EducationUSA) – apply in 2009
For students beginning during the 2009-2010 academic year, the scholarship is valued at $13,500 per academic year (renewable for 4 years); a total of $54,000 over the course of the scholarship. For students to be eligible, they must be admissible to the University and nominated by an EducationUSA advisor (contact your EducationUSA adviser for a nomination form).
A little information on studying at the University of Evansville: Located in Evansville, Indiana, the University of Evansville is a private university and home to about 2,700 students from approximately 40 states and 55 countries. The University is in the Midwest region of the United States, a friendly area of the country and has been educating students for over 150 years. We welcome all international students to our campus, located in a safe, residential area of the
city of Evansville.
It is not too late to apply for the 2009-2010 academic year -
Beverly Fowler
Director, International Admission and Recruitment
University of Evansville
Evansville, Indiana
Undergraduate: St. John's College-Santa Fe, New Mexico – Two 100% scholarships for international applicants, apply in 2009
For all international applicants we will meet at least 65% of need. We can also meet 100% of need if a student is especially well qualified.
We currently have two of these 100% slots left open and we would like them filled with great international students!
Our great books curriculum is unique but not everyone has heard about it. The quickest way to get up to speed is to watch one or more of our videos and then contact me with your questions:
- Our alumni recently raised $134 million for us when we were hoping for $125 million. We raised tuition for next fall (like everyone) but it was the smallest rise in twenty years. The College has decided that students should not bear the brunt of the nation’s economic woes.
- Eighty percent of our graduates will go to graduate school, twenty-two percent will go to professional school.
I forgot to mention, the easiest way to apply for aid (we use the ISFAA and the Certification of Finances) is to go to
Randall Hollensbe
SJC Admissions
Graduate: American Studies at the University of South Florida - Grant includes a tuition waiver and a stipend
The program offers advanced training in American literature and culture and American Studies methodology for career educators. This is a two-year program; the requirements for graduation are the completion of 9 graduate courses and a Master’s thesis. Minimum requirements for admission are a Bachelor’s degree and scores of 500 and 4.5 on the Verbal and Analytical Writing portions of the GRE.
We have Graduate Fellowships and Teaching Assistantships available to support international students. The applicant entering in the fall of 2010 who scores highest on the GRE will receive a one-year, $10,000 fellowship. In addition, all students accepted will receive positions as teaching assistants, if they wish, provided that they have these minimum TOEFL ibt scores: Reading: 20; Writing: 24; Listening: 20; Speaking: 24. Teaching assistantships include a tuition waiver and a stipend. This stipend is $2270 per semester in the first year and $5200 per semester in the second year, and there are three teaching semesters per year. However, the tuition waiver does not include the waiver of student fees, which amount to approximately $2000 per year; and the cost of living in Tampa is estimated at $12,000 per year.
More information is available on our website,
Daniel Belgrad
Associate Professor and Chair
Humanities and Cultural Studies
University of South Florida

大使館合同留学セミナー 大学生のための就職につながる留学セミナー
★大使館合同留学セミナー「大学生のための就職につながる留学セミナー」 ★
共催:アイルランド政府商務庁、フルブライト・ジャパン/アメリカ大使館、ブリティッシュ・カウンシル、オーストラリア政府国際教育機構、カナダ大使館 (国名アイウエオ順)
◆場所:カナダ大使館 オスカー・ピーターソン シアター
◆入場料:無料 要予約
◆定員:200名 (先着順)
◆イベント内容 / スケジュール(予定):
☆ 留学セミナー
17:30-18:15 留学経験者の就職状況ー現状の紹介
18:15-18:30 休憩
18:30-19:30 留学経験者によるパネルディスカッション
☆ セミナー終了後 (19:30-20:30)、各国大使館・公的機関、留学経験者や他の参加者との情報交換の時間を設けております。
皆様のご参加をお待ちしておりま〜す。 (^―^) (EIS)
アメリカ留学:奨学金情報 from EducationUSA Weekly Update (No.120)
下記、EducationUSA Weekly Update(Mar 9, 2009)より、奨学金情報のみ抜粋。
Undergraduate: Investing in Your Education - Financial Aid at Bryant University, Rhode Island
At Bryant, international students are embraced by a community of students, faculty, and staff who are here to help you achieve success as you define it. Bryant offers a comprehensive education that integrates business and the liberal arts to give you a strong academic foundation
Academic Scholarships
There are a number of academic scholarships that are awarded to Bryant students each year. Scholarships are awarded based on high school transcripts, SAT/ACT scores, class rank, and extracurricular involvement and do not require repayment. It is not necessary to apply for financial aid to be considered for academic scholarships at Bryant. All new students are considered as part of the admission application process. The scholarships are renewable for up to four
years, provided full-time enrollment is maintained and previously determined grade point averages continue to be achieved.
Scholarships range from $8,000 - $25,000 per year.
For more information, please contact:
John Eriksen, Associate Director of International Admission
Undergraduate: Students at Concordia College are inspired to change and be changed by the world
Financial assistance
Concordia College prizes the contributions international students make to enhance education at Concordia, and we are pleased to provide partial financial assistance to help make it more possible to enroll.
We offer International Student Scholarships based on academic ability and family need that can go as high as $14,000 per year for students joining in 2009. In addition, Concordia offers performance scholarships to students based solely on talent in Music, Theatre Performance and Production, Visual Arts, and Speech and Debate
More information and steps to apply: