ご迷惑をおかけしますが、何卒ご了承下さい。m(_ _)m (EIS)
国際教育交換協議会(CIEE) TOEFL事業部によるTOEFLテスト説明会、(財)日本英語検定協会によ
るSTEP 英検説明会、ブリティッシュカウンシルによるIELTS説明会も同時開催!
◆日時:2009年2月19日(木) 14:00-17:00
◆会場:日米教育委員会 会議室 (東京都千代田区)
アメリカ留学:奨学金情報 from EducationUSA Weekly Update (No.114)
下記、EducationUSA Weekly Update(Jan 26, 2009)より、奨学金情報のみ抜粋。
University of Bridgeport- Graduate Studies
The University of Bridgeport (UB) is currently the fastest growing university in the State of Connecticut and in New England. The Graduate Studies and Research Division (GSRD) at the University of Bridgeport offers more than 500 Full-Paid Graduate Assistantships, Teaching Assistantships, and Research Assistantships per year for graduate students, in addition to many work study opportunities. UB offers excellent post-graduation job placement opportunities for both domestic
and international students, with more than 600 companies, school districts, research laboratories and industries that have employed UB graduates in the last several years.
Among its diverse set of programs, the School of Engineering offers an M.S. degree in Technology Management (TM). The Master's Degree Program is designed to develop leaders adept at managing technology dependent organizations, technological change, and skilled in establishing and maintaining superior competitive advantage for their respective enterprises. The M.S. in Technology Management Program is specifically designed to develop inter-disciplinary skills and competencies in: the management of technology dependent businesses and enterprises, global markets, entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship, leadership and people skills, new product, service and venture creation, managing change and innovation proactively, strategic, tactical and project planning and execution and many other skills. The TM degree facilitates and encourages several inter-disciplinary studies and concentrations within the Colleges of Business, Engineering and Education and Human Resources.
For more information and/or to apply for the Technology Management M.S. program please visit http://ubnews.net/
The Technology Management degree prepares students for many career choices and allows students to tailor their education options to prepare them for rewarding careers in business, engineering, consulting and/or management.
The exciting and innovative degree concentrations include: Accounting; Automation and Robotics; Bio-Tech Management; CAD/CAM; China/India Trade; Computer Communications and Networking; Corporate, Government and Information Security & Continuity Management; E-Commerce; Entrepreneurship
and Technology New Venture Creation; Environment and Energy Management;
Finance; Global Business and Marketing; Global Program and Project Management; Health Care Management & Administration; Human Resources Management; Information Technology; Intellectual Property Management; Management and Operations; Manufacturing Management; Modern Data Base
Systems; New Product Development and Commercialization; Service Management
and Engineering; Software Engineering; Strategic Sourcing, Outsourcing and Vendor Management; Supply Chain Management and Wireless and Mobile Communications.
The inter-disciplinary graduate concentrations may be incorporated into the TM program or other graduate programs offered by the Colleges of Business, Engineering and Education and Human Resources or integrated within a dual graduate degree program. Students can elect, in addition to the TM program, to enroll in one or more graduate degrees at the Masters level in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering, MBA, the M.S. in MSIT (Masters of Science in Instructional Technology) program; or the Ph.D. program in Computer Science and Engineering.
Prof. Khaled Elleithy
Associate Dean for Graduate Programs
University of Bridgeport
Stanford University is accepting applications for 6-8 fellowships and 1-2
lecturers for 2009-10.
Post-doctoral Lecturers in the Program in Structured Liberal Education (SLE) formally teach freshmen in their residence and informally interact with students at meals and in other residential settings. Founded in 1977, the SLE curriculum fulfills undergraduate requirements in the liberal arts, in Writing and Rhetoric and in the humanities.
Positions are open to scholars in all humanistic disciplines who will have filed for their Ph.D. no later than June 30, 2009. IHUM Fellows and SLE Lecturers are appointed September 1, 2009 for a one-year term renewable for two additional years, with a starting salary of at least $49,000 and supplemental stipends of at least $1800 for research and scholarship.
Eligible candidates demonstrate a strong record of humanities scholarship and teaching excellence. Other desired qualifications are: experience in teaching first-year university students; interdisciplinary research and/or teaching experience; familiarity with team-teaching; and experience in writing instruction.
Applications due February 28, 2009, with decisions announced in late May.
HUM Search Committee
Whittier College - 2 year teaching Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow,
Sociocultural Anthropology, China/East Asia
Whittier College is a nationally recognized, selective, independent liberal arts college with a diverse student body of approximately 1300 undergraduates and is distinguished by its small size and innovative interdisciplinary programs. The campus is located on a 95-acre hillside campus 18 miles southeast of downtown Los Angeles. We have a long history of commitment to equity, reflecting our Quaker origins, and our student body mirrors the diversity of the region. We are an official Hispanic-Serving Institution and have had two Title V grants. Our faculty, committed teacher-scholars, weave issues of diversity into their work with
For academic year 2009-2010, we invite applications for two Mellon Postdoctoral Fellows in:
Sociocultural anthropology, with ethnographic experience and expertise in East Asia; preference for focus on China and Chinese diasporas
Musicology or theatre specialist to teach courses on historical and/or comparative Asian music, theatre, dance, film Review of materials (letter of application, vita/e, and a summary of the dissertation project) will begin immediately, and will continue until positions are filled. Send application materials to: Susan Gotsch (sgotsch@whittier.edu), VPAA and Dean of Faculty, Whittier College (www.whittier.edu), 13406 E. Philadelphia St., PO Box 634, Whittier, CA, 90608. We seek to attract and retain a highly qualified and diverse faculty (AA/EO).
Contact Info:
Susan Gotsch (sgotsch@whittier.edu)
VPAA and Dean of Faculty
Whittier College
Rice University - Postdoctoral Fellow, German Studies
The duration of the fellowship is one year (July 1, 2009 June 30, 2010), with the possibility of an extension for a second year. The salary is $40,000 and includes full benefits. Candidates must have a Ph.D. degree received 2006 or after. Applicants who will receive the Ph.D. degree by July 1, 2009 are eligible to apply. If the Ph.D. is not in hand at the time of the application, a letter of confirmation must be received from the committee chair or department confirming degree will be in hand before the term of the fellowship begins on July 1st.
Teaching expectation is one course per semester in areas that will include the candidate's research expertise. During the tenure of the fellowship the candidate will be expected to enhance undergraduate participation in the life of the Department, advance a significant research project, and participate fully in the intellectual life and opportunities offered by the Department and the School of Humanities.
Applications will be considered on a continuous basis until the position is filled. Please provide a letter of application describing your qualifications and research project, CV, and three letters of recommendation as email attachments to Uwe Steiner, Chair: germ@rice.edu,
or by mail to Rice University, Department of German Studies, MS-32, P.O. Box 1892, Houston, TX 77005-1892. Rice is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity employer, women and minorities are encouraged to apply.
Contact Info:
Dr. Uwe Steiner, Chairman
Department of German Studies - MS32
Rice University
Phone#713-348-4868 / Fax#713-348-4863
Email: germ@rice.edu
Website: http://german.rice.edu/(EIS)
日時:2009年2月7日(土)〜3月7日(土) 毎週土曜 午後2時〜4時半 全5回
会場:東北大学川内北キャンパス マルチメディア教育研究棟 6階大ホール
〒980-8576 仙台市青葉区川内41
使用言語:英語 (モデレータが通訳を兼ねます)
お問い合わせ:東北アメリカ学会事務局 TEL 022-378-3985
2月7日 "Technology and Pornography: The Secret Links?"
Prof. Jonathan Coopersmith
2月14日 "American Workers and Labor Union History"
Prof. Wilson Warren
2月21日 "Religion and Politics in America: The New Face of an Old Relationship"
Prof. Roger Robins
2月28日 "An Overview of the U.S. Healthcare System and Trends in Electronic Information Management"
Prof. Dorothea Abraham
3月7日 "Leadership and Change in the American Presidency"
Prof. Paul Kowert
アメリカの大学院出願準備中の皆様へ:EducationUSA Weekly Update Special edition
下記、EducationUSA Weekly Update(Jan 14, 2009)-Special Edition "Student First"より。
A special edition of the EducationUSA Weekly Update with Dr. Martin,author of Road Map for Graduate Study: A Guide for Prospective Graduate Students
I. Seven Pointers for Completing your Graduate School Application(s)
As you start working on your graduate school application(s), here area few pointers:
1. RELAX!!
Do your best to relax as you work on your applications. Worrying and obsessing, while tempting, will not help. In fact, worrying and obsessing could hinder your ability to think clearly and focus on preparing the best applications you can.
In truth, going through a graduate school application process can result in a major learning experience for you. As you complete each application you will engage in personal reflection and self-discovery.
This can prove to be very rewarding, whatever the decisions you receive from the admissions committee. As they have moved through this process, some applicants decide not to pursue graduate study or to wait awhile. Others decide to pursue an entirely different area of study than they originally had in mind.
2. Allow time.
If you have been following some or most of the suggestions provided in Chapter One's monthly checklist you should be feeling fairly comfortable about the application deadlines you are working to meet.
In fact, allowing plenty of time during the search process, which then allows you plenty of time to complete your applications, automatically helps you to relax.
3. Follow directions.
This seems like such a "no-brainer" that you may wonder why I even mention it. I do so because over the years I have truly been amazed at the number of applicants who do not follow directions. If you are one of those applicants, it raises some questions about how well you might follow policies and procedures once admitted and enrolled. Some directives may not make sense to you, but they have been provided for a reason, and you need to comply. If you are unable or unwilling to do so, you send a clear signal about yourself to the admissions
committee. It is a red flag, not a green light.
a. If there is a word limit for essay questions, follow it. Remember, application evaluators are reading hundreds, maybe thousands of essays. You will not get a positive response if yours is longer than it is supposed to be.
b. If you are asked for two letters of recommendation, do not send ten. Some institutions will permit an extra recommendation, but usually no more. Honor that.
c. If an interview is conducted by invitation only, do not request one. You might mention that you hope you will have the opportunity to interview, but leave it there.
d. If an interview is highly recommended, by all means request one, and make every possible effort to follow through. More about this in the next section of this chapter.
e. If you are an international student applying to a U.S. graduate school and are required to take a test to measure your English language skills, do so. Do not argue even if you are fluent in English. If that is the case you will obviously do very well on the test, which will serve to enhance your application.
f. Do not knowingly leave a question unanswered. Make sure you have responded to everything you've been asked and that you have really addressed the questions asked of you.
g. Be careful about sending extra materials. Some applications allow for this, or will allow you to write an extra essay question. But if they do not, first check to see if it is okay for you to send extra information rather than assuming that it is okay to do so.
4. Be professional at all times/in all interactions.
Remember, as an applicant you are at the part of the process where you are not in the driver's seat. You are one of many applicants being compared with each other. Always present yourself in a calm, assertive and sincere manner. It is appropriate to be inquisitive about your application, but it is never to your advantage to be argumentative. Be confident but not arrogant; be kind and patient, not abrasive and demanding.
Actions speak louder than words. Some of the best applications on paper have been completely devalued due to the behavior of the person who prepared them.
5. Content and presentation are both important.
While what you say in your application is obviously very important, so is the "look and feel" of your application. This is especially true when the institution/program to which you are applying is extremely selective and has the luxury of choosing their admitted students from a very large applicant pool. Some applications are sloppy, wrinkled and disorganized. Others are hand-written (there is absolutely NO excuse for this in the age of word processing). Some have coffee or tea stains on them. Occasionally essay questions are not sent to the right institution, and often it is clear that they were not proof read for correct grammar or spelling. Pages are out of order. Some information is not provided, or contradicts similar information provided elsewhere in the application. Applications with these kinds
of presentation errors quickly become less competitive. The admissions committee tends to assume that the applicant was not really serious about this application, and they tend to respond in a similar manner.
6. Be yourself/human/honest.
Resist the temptation to lie, embellish or make excuses. Don't be someone you're not. At times, applicants try to make themselves look perfect. As we all know, no one is perfect. Trying to look that way can often cause application evaluators to be more suspicious than impressed. I'm not suggesting you discuss all of your weaknesses and past mistakes (which are there for all of us), but rather, that you
simply be yourself. The best applications I have read are from those who were saying the following in between the lines: "This is me. I hope you will appreciate who I am, and also appreciate the level of interest I've demonstrated in your institution by completing this application. If you choose to admit me, I'll be thrilled. If you don't, I'll be okay."
Above all, do not lie or embellish the truth. This can have disastrous effects. In my years as an application evaluator and decision maker, I have seen individuals with great talent and potential be denied admission, have their admission revoked, or be expelled after enrolling because they lied and/or embellished. If you earned a 3.2 overall GPA, don't say it was a 3.5. If you did not serve as a class officer or student leader, don't say you did. If you were not in an organization, the military, and/or the Peace Corps, don't put it on your resume. Don't write your own letters of recommendation and/or falsify the names of their authors. Don't pretend you are someone else when an admissions representative calls to speak with you. That one probably sounds a bit strange. Let me explain. When working as Director of Admissions at the University of
Chicago Graduate School of Business, I would personally phone each admitted student before she/he received notification in the mail or online. Obviously, it was a win-win phone call all the way around. I often made admitted student calls on the weekends to help spread out the number of contacts I made each day. I tended not to identify myself immediately, but did so as soon as the person on the phone indicated that they were indeed the applicant. One Saturday morning I called a newly admitted male student. The gentleman who answered the phone claimed he was not the applicant. I was sure I had dialed the correct phone number, so I tried the number again a few minutes later.
This time a woman answered the phone. I identified myself and asked if the applicant was there. The same gentleman, who had just answered my call a few minutes earlier, took the phone. When I asked why he lied to me about his identity, he said he thought I was making a "sales call." Upon hearing this, I informed the applicant that while the original purpose of my call was to congratulate him on his admission, I was now informing him that he was denied.
Finally, don't make excuses on your application. You may decide that you need to explain a lower overall GPA, a less than stellar academic record during one of the years you were in college, a break in your employment record, holding several jobs in a short period of time, etc. If there are legitimate reasons for what might seem like a blemish in your application, by all means let the admissions committee
know. Perhaps you had a serious illness, lost a loved one, had a sudden financial crisis, etc. That should definitely be mentioned.
Bottom line, make explanations, not excuses. The admissions committee will know the difference and your application will either be helped or hindered.
7. Make contingency plans in case you are not admitted.
Things happen for a reason. In my years as an admissions director I met applicants who were so convinced that a particular institution was for them, or that this was the year they were going to attend graduate school that they did not make plans for what to do if things did not go as they hoped. Some would go so far as to inform employers and loved ones of their plans before it was advisable to do so. In some very extreme cases they moved to where their number one graduate option was located before they received a decision on their
Being confident and positive is one thing. Throwing caution to the wind is another. Be prepared to be denied admission, perhaps to every one of your options, or to be placed on the waiting list by several of your options (I'll have some suggestions on how to respond if/when this happens at the end of this chapter). Also, be prepared for what you will do if you end up not attending graduate school in the year you thought, planned, prepared and hoped to.
For the 10 Dos/Don't' of applying, the 7 deadly sins for applicants, tips for essays interviews and recommendation letters, the 7 ways to get positively noticed as an applicant, and much more, go to Dr. Martin's website and order his book Road Map for Graduate Study: A Guide for Prospective Graduate Students. The website address is www.gradschoolrodamap.com (EIS)
フルブライト語学アシスタントプログラム (FLTA) 参加者追加募集
- 日本在住で日本国籍を有する者
- 学士号を取得し、英語教育免許保持者であること
- 応募時に21才〜29才であること
- TOEFLまたはIELTSで採用基準点に達していること
- 派遣される大学での日本語教授の補佐
- 大学でアメリカ研究・英語教授法の受講(1学期に少なくとも2科目)
よりオンラインアプリケーションを提出。別途TOEFL (またはIELTS)
応募締切は2009年2月16日(月) …ということは、つまり…
フルブライト・ジャパン(日米教育委員会)では、留学相談に応じる担当者を対象に、アメリカ留学最新事情などの説明会と、アメリカ大使館 領事部によるビザ説明会を開催いたします。 アメリカ留学についての最新情報を入手できる貴重な機会ですので是非ご参加ください。
※アメリカ留学相談担当者向けです アメリカ留学希望者は、留学説明会(東京)にご参加下さい。
日程:2009年1月29日(木) 15:00〜17:30
【フルブライト・ジャパン 留学情報サービス アドバイザーによる】
15:00〜15:45 アメリカ留学の最新事情
15:45〜16:00 質疑応答
16:00〜16:15 休憩
16:15〜16:45 ビザ説明会(学生ビザ、ESTAについて)
16:45〜17:30 ビザに関する質疑応答
17:30 終了
お申し込み方法:オンライン登録 必ず事前にお申し込み下さい。
アメリカ留学:奨学金情報 from EducationUSA Weekly Update (No.112)
下記、EducationUSA Weekly Update(Jan 12, 2009)より、奨学金情報のみ抜粋。
What is Davidson?
Davidson College January Recruiting News, North Carolina
Davidson's longstanding policy of need-blind admission can be summed up simply: a student's character and academic potential, not the family bank balance, are the factors considered for admission. We believe this is the surest and fairest way to continue attracting the best all-around students from across the nation and the world to the enduring value of a Davidson education. Gifts to the Annual Fund
support this policy. Competition for the available funds is keen.
. a college campus where century-old trees and brick buildings blend with state-of-the-art technology and top-notch facilities
. an academic institution in the heart of a classic college town with easy access to the vibrant city of Charlotte and beautiful Lake Norman
. a trusting community where a celebrated Honor Code forms the core of your relationships with professors and peers;
. a global institution that enrolls students from 47 states and 39 countries; where over 80% of students travel, work, or study abroad;
. a place where athletes in 21 NCAA Division I varsity sports pack their books along with their cleats for away games
Undergraduate, Graduate, and Intensive English Language:
A Hub for New Ideas - University at Albany, New York
The University at Albany is a major public research institution and one of the four "University Centers" of the State University of New York system. Located in the capital city of New York State, we have 13,000 undergraduate students, 5,000 graduate students, 56 majors, 86 master's programs and 37 doctoral programs.
Popular Undergraduate Programs include:
- Actuarial and Mathematic Sciences
- Business Administration and Accounting
- Computer Science
- Eat Asian Studies
- Information Sciences
- Psychology
- Pre-Law
- Pre-Med
- Political Science/ Public Policy/ International Relations
- Public Health
- Sociology
- Over 100 majors and minors to choose from!
"There are scholarships available to international freshmen - SATs required."
- John D. Pomeroy, Chief International Admissions Officer
Cultural Activities and Speakers: Intensive English
In past semesters IELP has sponsored day trips to Boston, New York City, Lake George and Howe Caverns. IELP offers activities for each of the four seasons such as apple-picking in the fall and outdoor theater in the summer. Other activities include picnics, parties, an English Olympics, bowling, volleyball, and a visit to the New York State Museum.
Please send questions or comments to: IELP@albany.edu
San Diego State University Welcomes International Students
Campus highlights:
. Top quality education - #1 small research university in the United States
. Location - beautiful sunny Southern California
. Cost - $11,515 tuition per year - one of the best values in California
. Language training - TOEFL waiver program through the on-campus American Language Institute
Freshman (first year students) - apply online before May 1st
. Have at least an overall GPA of a 3.0 on a 4.0 scale or a "B" average
. TOEFL score of 550 paper/ 213 computer/ 80 iBT or IELTS 6.5 or TOEFL waiver from the American Language Institute
. No university units (can complete courses while attending high school or the summer after completion of high school)
. Please do NOT send: SAT/ACT (unless graduating from a US accredited high school), personal statements, or letters of recommendation
Deadlines vary by department. For deadlines and departmental requirements go to: www.sdsu.edu/gradrequirements
. Have completed a bachelor's degree or equivalent. 3 year degrees are accepted under certain conditions.
. Have at least an overall GPA of a 3.0 on a 4.0 scale or a "B" average
. TOEFL score of 550 paper/ 213 computer/ 80 iBT or IELTS 6.5 or TOEFL waiver from the American Language Institute
. Minimum GMAT score of 600 for business programs or GRE for all other programs. Minimum GRE score varies by department.
Steps to Apply:
1. Apply online at www.csumentor.edu - select the international application. Apply with the name indicated on your passport.
2. Submit official proof of English proficiency.
3. Send official transcripts. Send all available transcripts after applying and then send final transcripts and proof of graduation (if it applies) once additional transcripts become available.
4. (graduate students only) Report test scores (GMAT or GRE.)
5. (graduate students only) Submit additional documents such as personal statement, letters of recommendation or resume. Check with your department for details.
6. Submit financial statement form and proof of funds.
International Student Center . San Diego State University .
アメリカ留学:奨学金情報 from EducationUSA Weekly Update (No.111)
下記、EducationUSA Weekly Update(Jan 5, 2009)より、奨学金情報のみ抜粋。
As the first graduate school of business in the world, Tuck has always been committed to enrolling a diverse class from all backgrounds and nationalities. Our MBA program has been recognized as one of the best in the world by students, alumni, corporate recruiters and our peer schools.
Merit scholarships for international students: We have a substantial number of merit scholarships available for international students, as well as a loan program where the student would not need to have a co-signer. Tuck has a need-blind admissions policy, which means we offer admission to the most qualified candidates without regard to their financial circumstances.
For more information on financial aid, please see:
There is also a long list of outside scholarship resources at:
Contact us:
We would be happy to answer any questions concerning the application process. All questions should be directed to tuckadmissions@dartmouth.edu
Dawna Clarke,
Director of Admissions
New combined LL.M./MBA program at Chicago-Kent College of Law
The LL.M. programs in International and Comparative Law, Financial Services Law and International Intellectual Property Law at Chicago Kent College of Law attract diverse and accomplished lawyers from all over the world.
As we review the applications for the class of 2010, we are mindful of the difficult choices that students must make as they look to study abroad. Concerns about safety and costs are paramount for many prospective students. I believe that the LL.M. Programs at Chicago-Kent are particularly well-suited to these difficult and
changing times. We are located in the heart of the American Midwest, and offer students an intellectually challenging, culturally stimulating and economically affordable opportunity to study with leading scholars in international and comparative law.
We are pleased to announce a new opportunity for students to combine legal and business study: Chicago-Kent and the Stuart School of Business now offer qualified students a combined LL.M./M.B.A. program
- for more information please go to www.kentlaw.edu/international.
Thank you for your continued interest in and support of our program.
Lydia Lazar
Assistant Dean for International Law and Policy Development
Graduate: MPA in Environmental Science and Policy, Columbia University
School of International & Public Affairs - Next Deadline January 15th
Program Description: The Master of Public Administration in Environmental Science and Policy trains sophisticated public managers and policymakers, who apply innovative, systems-based thinking to environmental issues. The program challenges students to think systemically and act pragmatically. To meet this challenge, the school offers a high-quality graduate program in management and policy analysis that emphasizes practical skills and is enriched by ecological and
planetary science.
Students who do not wish to be considered for a fellowship, but do wish to apply, still have a chance to apply for the February 15th deadline.
To learn more about the program, please visit the program website:
Information about admissions and how to apply can be found online also at:
You can also learn about the work students are doing in their workshops classes this semester; projects from this semester's workshop course can be viewed online. The workshop projects are the culmination of semester-long projects on a proposed but not yet enacted environmental law or treaty with an emphasis on management issues. The purpose of the fall-semester workshop is to provide
students with the opportunity to manage and implement a public earth system and environmental program, and the opportunity to put into practice what has been learned throughout the year.
To view these projects, please visit:
Audrey Lapiner
Coordinator | Masters of Public Administration in Environmental Science
and Policy
Columbia University
Office of Academic and Research Programs
The Earth Institute | Columbia University
ph: 212.851.0261
f: 212.864.4847
Graduate: New Master's Program in Finance
Claremont McKenna College, Robert Day School of Economics and Finance,
Claremont, California
This innovative one-year degree program is looking for students with strong leadership potential to engage in an intensive curriculum in finance and economics, beginning Fall 2009.
Highlights of the program include:
- Generous funding for merit-based scholarships
- Dedicated career services specialist and extensive alumni network
- Excellent faculty with experience both in academics and industry
- Intensive Finance curriculum completed in one year
- Co-curricular program designed to enhance leadership and communication skills, as well as provide access to speakers, conferences, alumni and employers.
Scholarship: Admission to the Robert Day School Master's Program in Finance is need-blind. Robert Day's very generous gift to establish this program includes substantial merit-based scholarship support which will be awarded as prospective students are selected for admission. Those desiring to be fully considered for scholarship support are encouraged to apply as early as possible as funding is
generous, but not unlimited.
For more information please contact the Graduate Admission Office:
Graduate Admission Office
Robert Day School of Economics and Finance
Email: rdsadmission@claremontmckenna.edu.
Tel: +909.607.3347
Updates from State University of New York - Plattsburgh
I wanted to share just a few updates about SUNY Plattsburgh that you may find useful:
Plattsburgh has been named among the top schools in the 2009 edition of "America's Best Colleges" by U.S. News & World Report.
We've added some new bachelor's degrees:
- Fitness & Wellness Leadership - prepares students for career opportunities in medically-based fitness facilities, commercial health clubs, Pilates/yoga/group exercise centers, sports performance clinics, physical therapy clinics, personal training studios, senior centers, hospital wellness centers and more.
- Management Information Systems - this brings the number of majors offered in our AACSB-accredited School of Business & Economics to eleven.
We've added a scholarship calculator to our website to enable you, as well as your students and their families, to get an accurate assessment of their potential scholarship package based on academic achievement and country of residence. Here's the URL for the calculator:
Please feel free to contact me or any member of my staff anytime.
Ms. Jacqueline ("Jackie") Girard Vogl
Director, International Student Services
State University of New York - Plattsburgh
Email: jackie.vogl@plattsburgh.edu
Web: www.plattsburgh.edu/international
Undergraduate: Are you ready to connect to Butler University?
Hello! Are you ready to connect to Butler University?
Here are a few highlights:
- Located in Indianapolis, the 13th largest city in the U.S.
- National Reputation: ranked 4th in the Midwest by US News & World Report. Over 60 majors and programs to study in Business, Liberal Arts & Sciences, Performing Arts, Pharmacy and Education
- Small class sizes and no teaching assistants
- Merit, talent and athletic scholarships for international students
- Full service International Student Services office
Scholarships: Butler University is pleased to offer financial assistance to academically talented undergraduate students. Butler International Student Scholarships take into consideration a student's academic merit and are available to international applicants.
More information: www.butler.edu/admissions/finaid/ and click "International Students".
Otherwise, go to http://go.butler.edu/international for more information, application requirements and deadlines.
Jerome F. Dueweke
Butler University
Senior Assistant Director of Admission/Coordinator of International Admission
Phone: 001-317-940-8100
Email: admission@butler.edu
Web: http://go.butler.edu/international(EIS)