下記、EducationUSA Weekly Update(Jan 26, 2009)より、奨学金情報のみ抜粋。
University of Bridgeport- Graduate Studies
The University of Bridgeport (UB) is currently the fastest growing university in the State of Connecticut and in New England. The Graduate Studies and Research Division (GSRD) at the University of Bridgeport offers more than 500 Full-Paid Graduate Assistantships, Teaching Assistantships, and Research Assistantships per year for graduate students, in addition to many work study opportunities. UB offers excellent post-graduation job placement opportunities for both domestic
and international students, with more than 600 companies, school districts, research laboratories and industries that have employed UB graduates in the last several years.
Among its diverse set of programs, the School of Engineering offers an M.S. degree in Technology Management (TM). The Master's Degree Program is designed to develop leaders adept at managing technology dependent organizations, technological change, and skilled in establishing and maintaining superior competitive advantage for their respective enterprises. The M.S. in Technology Management Program is specifically designed to develop inter-disciplinary skills and competencies in: the management of technology dependent businesses and enterprises, global markets, entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship, leadership and people skills, new product, service and venture creation, managing change and innovation proactively, strategic, tactical and project planning and execution and many other skills. The TM degree facilitates and encourages several inter-disciplinary studies and concentrations within the Colleges of Business, Engineering and Education and Human Resources.
For more information and/or to apply for the Technology Management M.S. program please visit http://ubnews.net/
The Technology Management degree prepares students for many career choices and allows students to tailor their education options to prepare them for rewarding careers in business, engineering, consulting and/or management.
The exciting and innovative degree concentrations include: Accounting; Automation and Robotics; Bio-Tech Management; CAD/CAM; China/India Trade; Computer Communications and Networking; Corporate, Government and Information Security & Continuity Management; E-Commerce; Entrepreneurship
and Technology New Venture Creation; Environment and Energy Management;
Finance; Global Business and Marketing; Global Program and Project Management; Health Care Management & Administration; Human Resources Management; Information Technology; Intellectual Property Management; Management and Operations; Manufacturing Management; Modern Data Base
Systems; New Product Development and Commercialization; Service Management
and Engineering; Software Engineering; Strategic Sourcing, Outsourcing and Vendor Management; Supply Chain Management and Wireless and Mobile Communications.
The inter-disciplinary graduate concentrations may be incorporated into the TM program or other graduate programs offered by the Colleges of Business, Engineering and Education and Human Resources or integrated within a dual graduate degree program. Students can elect, in addition to the TM program, to enroll in one or more graduate degrees at the Masters level in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering, MBA, the M.S. in MSIT (Masters of Science in Instructional Technology) program; or the Ph.D. program in Computer Science and Engineering.
Prof. Khaled Elleithy
Associate Dean for Graduate Programs
University of Bridgeport
Stanford University is accepting applications for 6-8 fellowships and 1-2
lecturers for 2009-10.
Post-doctoral Lecturers in the Program in Structured Liberal Education (SLE) formally teach freshmen in their residence and informally interact with students at meals and in other residential settings. Founded in 1977, the SLE curriculum fulfills undergraduate requirements in the liberal arts, in Writing and Rhetoric and in the humanities.
Positions are open to scholars in all humanistic disciplines who will have filed for their Ph.D. no later than June 30, 2009. IHUM Fellows and SLE Lecturers are appointed September 1, 2009 for a one-year term renewable for two additional years, with a starting salary of at least $49,000 and supplemental stipends of at least $1800 for research and scholarship.
Eligible candidates demonstrate a strong record of humanities scholarship and teaching excellence. Other desired qualifications are: experience in teaching first-year university students; interdisciplinary research and/or teaching experience; familiarity with team-teaching; and experience in writing instruction.
Applications due February 28, 2009, with decisions announced in late May.
HUM Search Committee
Whittier College - 2 year teaching Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow,
Sociocultural Anthropology, China/East Asia
Whittier College is a nationally recognized, selective, independent liberal arts college with a diverse student body of approximately 1300 undergraduates and is distinguished by its small size and innovative interdisciplinary programs. The campus is located on a 95-acre hillside campus 18 miles southeast of downtown Los Angeles. We have a long history of commitment to equity, reflecting our Quaker origins, and our student body mirrors the diversity of the region. We are an official Hispanic-Serving Institution and have had two Title V grants. Our faculty, committed teacher-scholars, weave issues of diversity into their work with
For academic year 2009-2010, we invite applications for two Mellon Postdoctoral Fellows in:
Sociocultural anthropology, with ethnographic experience and expertise in East Asia; preference for focus on China and Chinese diasporas
Musicology or theatre specialist to teach courses on historical and/or comparative Asian music, theatre, dance, film Review of materials (letter of application, vita/e, and a summary of the dissertation project) will begin immediately, and will continue until positions are filled. Send application materials to: Susan Gotsch (sgotsch@whittier.edu), VPAA and Dean of Faculty, Whittier College (www.whittier.edu), 13406 E. Philadelphia St., PO Box 634, Whittier, CA, 90608. We seek to attract and retain a highly qualified and diverse faculty (AA/EO).
Contact Info:
Susan Gotsch (sgotsch@whittier.edu)
VPAA and Dean of Faculty
Whittier College
Rice University - Postdoctoral Fellow, German Studies
The duration of the fellowship is one year (July 1, 2009 June 30, 2010), with the possibility of an extension for a second year. The salary is $40,000 and includes full benefits. Candidates must have a Ph.D. degree received 2006 or after. Applicants who will receive the Ph.D. degree by July 1, 2009 are eligible to apply. If the Ph.D. is not in hand at the time of the application, a letter of confirmation must be received from the committee chair or department confirming degree will be in hand before the term of the fellowship begins on July 1st.
Teaching expectation is one course per semester in areas that will include the candidate's research expertise. During the tenure of the fellowship the candidate will be expected to enhance undergraduate participation in the life of the Department, advance a significant research project, and participate fully in the intellectual life and opportunities offered by the Department and the School of Humanities.
Applications will be considered on a continuous basis until the position is filled. Please provide a letter of application describing your qualifications and research project, CV, and three letters of recommendation as email attachments to Uwe Steiner, Chair: germ@rice.edu,
or by mail to Rice University, Department of German Studies, MS-32, P.O. Box 1892, Houston, TX 77005-1892. Rice is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity employer, women and minorities are encouraged to apply.
Contact Info:
Dr. Uwe Steiner, Chairman
Department of German Studies - MS32
Rice University
Phone#713-348-4868 / Fax#713-348-4863
Email: germ@rice.edu
Website: http://german.rice.edu/(EIS)