下記、EducationUSA Weekly Update(Nov 24, 2008)より、奨学金情報のみ抜粋。
Undergraduate: University of Bridgeport, Bridgeport, CT
Academic Scholarships for Undergraduate Students
The University of Bridgeport, located in Bridgeport, CT offers over 50 programs of study, and is approximately one hour north of New York City by car. The University's commitment to educate students from throughout the world is recognized in the US News and World Report issue on colleges. With students from more than 80 countries who are active in student government, publications and clubs, the University of Bridgeport prides itself in being a real world "experience in globalization." Through its International Programs, the University provides academic, co-curricular, and extracurricular activities which support the University's commitment to promote global citizenship and a commitment to public service.
Undergraduate International Scholarships are offered to encourage academic excellence and student leadership as well as to continue UB's tradition of enrolling a "Community of Scholars" from around the world.
Scholarships are available to both freshman (first year applicants) and transfer students seeking an associate or a bachelor degree. All awards are renewable yearly based on satisfactory academic achievement and good standing at the University. All undergraduate applicants are considered for these scholarship awards once all application materials are received. No separate application form is required. Applications and required documents for the fall semester must be received by July 1, and for the spring semester by November 1. Please note that the University of Bridgeport does not offer full scholarships. Students who receive partial scholarships are responsible for all other remaining costs not covered by the scholarships. Academic scholarships range from $5,000 to $12,000 USD per academic year, and are based on academic excellence and demonstration of
English proficiency (through a standardized test such as TOEFL or IELTS).
For more information, visit www.bridgeport.edu or email admit@bridgeport.edu.
Contact: Steven Boyd, Director of International Admissions, Email: sboyd@bridgeport.edu
Undergraduate: Xavier University, Cincinnati, OH
Scholarship Opportunity for International Undergraduate Students at Xavier University
International Ambassadors receive a reduced tuition rate and participate with faculty or staff mentors in volunteer service on campus, both in and out of the classroom. The students do not work or receive a paycheck, but their service placements ensure that they interact with students, faculty, and other campus staff in meaningful ways. The reduced tuition rate (50%) applies for 8 semesters, or until graduation, whichever comes first. All other school fees and living expenses are the responsibility of the student.
For more information: http://www.xavier.edu/ and http://www.xavier.edu/esl
Jane Conzett, Director
Intensive English Program
Xavier Univesity
Email: conzett@xavier.edu
Tel 513 745-2842
Undergraduate: Salem College, Winston-Salem, NC
Salem is a four-year college, dedicated to the pursuit of liberal learning for women. With a founding date of 1772, Salem is the thirteenth-oldest college in the United States and the oldest educational institution for women in the nation. Salem's challenging academic programs, strong sense of community, and unique attention to leadership development, provide a perfect place for young women to
pursue an education. Salem has a diverse student body of 1,100 students representing more than 30 states and 20 countries.
Financial Support
Salem is able to offer limited financial assistance to non-immigrant undergraduate students. If you and your family can contribute toward your educational expenses, and if the academic program you are interested in is offered at Salem, we welcome your application. Please fill out the International Application for Financial Aid and the Certification of Finances (see form downloads below). The majority of your educational expenses must be provided by you and your family.
Salem cannot offer any sponsors to aid in your education. If you have specific questions or concerns about financial aid please e-mail us at admissions@salem.edu or call 011-336-721-2621.
International student website
International Financial Aid Application Form
Tricia Rybak
Admissions Counselor
Salem College
Phone: 336.721.5567
Email: tarybak@salem.edu
Undergraduate and Graduate: University of Alaska, Anchorage, AK
In order to enhance the diversity of the international student population, University of Alaska Anchorage will offer three one-year tuition waivers to the first three non-sister-city international students to apply and be accepted to UAA for the Fall, 2009 semester with a referral from an EducationUSA advisor. The referral form is attached. It can be returned to Doni M. Williams (see below for
contact information) by e-mail, fax, or postal mail after the student has applied and obtained a student identification number. Admission information can be found on the school's International Student Services web site.
UAA offers high quality Associate, Baccalaureate, and Master's level programs, with 100 available undergraduate majors and 28 different programs that lead to a Master's degree, including one of only 14 globally-accredited Project Management programs. Even at non-resident rates, tuition is lower than many other public U.S. universities, and opportunities for on-campus jobs, internships, and optional practical training abound. UAA looks forward to welcoming more international students.
Doni M. Williams
International Student Advisor, Enrollment Management
University of Alaska Anchorage
907-786-1573 (phone)
Email: doni@uaa.alaska.edu
Graduate: University of West Georgia, Carrollton, GA
Apply for Graduate Studies in Computing at the University of West Georgia! The school offers a M.S. in Applied Computer Science and Graduate Certificates in four areas. Their program is open to all individuals holding undergraduate degrees in all disciplines. Financial support and job placement are available.
Scholarships available for entering Freshmen Foundation Scholarships
On March 7, 2009, more than $50,000 worth of scholarships will be awarded to incoming freshman students. The Foundation Scholarship Program is a two-tiered competitive scholarship program for new students. There will be 10 awards at the $3,000 level and 10 awards at the $2,000 level. These awards are not to be combined with any additional institutional scholarships and are not renewable; however they can be combined with the HOPE Scholarship. In order to be eligible to compete for these, you must apply and have been accepted to UWG by February 2, 2009.
Minimum Qualifications:
3.5 minimum GPA on college preparatory subjects as calculated by the Office of Admissions (transcript required)
SAT Critical Reading score of 550 minimum (or ACT English score of 24)
SAT Math score of 550 minimum (or ACT Math score of 23)
SAT Writing score of 500 minimum (or ACT Writing score of 21)
Academic Resume - including high school activities, student leadership roles, high school awards/honors, community services, etc.
Resumes must be submitted by February 2, 2009.
Presidential Academic Scholarships
UWG awards several scholarships for students with outstanding academic credentials. The Honors College will invite students who are eligible for consideration for Presidential Scholarships. These awards are for $3,000 and $4500 per year and are renewable for up to three additional years. To be considered, students must be accepted for admission by February 2, 2009. No further application for the scholarship is necessary.
Art Scholarships
The Department of Art at the University of West Georgia will offer scholarships to incoming freshmen enrolling as Art majors at the University in the fall of 2009.
To be eligible for consideration:
Complete the Incoming Freshmen Scholarship application.
Submit copies of your transcript including your SAT/ACT scores.
Submit two teacher/principal recommendation letters.
Students will be invited by the Art Department to participate. For additional information regarding art scholarships, please visit www.westga.edu/~artdept/ or contact the Art Department at 678-839-6521.
Theatre Scholarships
Friends of Theatre New Talent Award and Theatre Work Study are offered. Students must fill out the application and must audition or show their portfolio to be considered.
Friends of Theatre New Talent Award:
This scholarship is given to incoming Freshman Theatre Major(s). This award is the result of the strong and continual community support for the West Georgia Theatre Company over the past ten years. The Theatre Program hopes to both honor the community and provide financial support to a deserving new Theatre student. Students must fill out an application and must audition or show their portfolio to be considered. Auditions and portfolio review dates are scheduled
annually at the Georgia Theatre Conference in October and the Georgia
Thespian Conference in February. UWG Faculty will participate in scholarship auditions at the Southeastern Theatre Conference in March to view the work of current juniors in High School. Four scholarships are offered for returning students as well.
The Encore Theatre Company Theatre Achievement Scholarships
These scholarships provide financial assistance annually to two declared theatre majors, freshmen or higher, selected by the full time theater faculty. The recipients of the scholarship shall demonstrate talent in the performing arts via and audition or interview, and shall demonstrate continuing dedication to the University's theatre arts program as determined by the theatre faculty. The faculty may also take into consideration, as a secondary matter, the financial need.
Encore Theatre Company was a private, independent theater group which was founded in 1997 by four individuals devoted to theatre. Encore was dedicated to quality and professionalism in independent community theatre. Encore disbanded in the 2007, and as is legacy, donated these endowed scholarships to the UWG Theatre Program.
Please contact Shelly Elman, Director of Theatre, at 678-839-4700 or visit http://www.westga.edu/~theatre/ for more information.
For questions about scholarships , please email the Admissions Office at admiss@westga.edu or call 678-839-5600.
For more information, please visit: www.cs.westga.edu
Jane Wood
Email: jwood@westga.edu
Graduate: SIT Graduate Institute, Brattleboro, VT
SIT Graduate Institute, a fully accredited US-based Graduate Institution, is expanding its programs to include a new field-based Master of Global Management degree in the Sultanate of Oman. In addition to the graduate degrees offered on SIT's main campus in Brattleboro, VT, USA, the new Master of Global Management offers a unique opportunity to live and study in the dynamic international crossroads of the Gulf/Middle East while gaining the skills and perspective of an innovative and responsible global leader.
Beginning in September 2009, this one-year intensive program provides a culturally rich and academi¬cally engaging context for exploring global marketplace dynamics in the Gulf region and beyond.
Students will immerse themselves in the culture, study Arabic language, and form lasting friendships with an international cohort while developing a solid foundation in areas including leadership, applied practice, intercultural competence, and entrepreneurship. All academic courses and practicum placements will be conducted in English.
Find out more at www.sit.edu/graduate/grad_mgm_oman.htm or contact
Graduate Admissions at admissions@sit.edu.
Rebecca Bell
Lead Admissions Counselor
Programs in Intercultural Service, Leadership & Management (PIM)
SIT Graduate Institute, a program of World Learning
1-800-336-1616 (toll free in the US)
Email: Rebecca.Bell@sit.edu