フルブライト・ジャパン 留学情報サービスでは、インディアナ州・インディアナポリスのインディアナ大学法学部教授による、LLM(Master of Law)留学希望者向けのセミナーを開催いたします。
2008年7月25日(金) 16:00〜17:00
日米教育委員会 会議室
Professor George E. Edward
Carl M. Gray Professor of Law and
Executive Chair, Graduate Law Programs and
Faculty Director, Program in International Human Rights Law and
Faculty Director, Master of Laws (LL.M.) Track in International Human Rights Law
Indiana University School of Law - Indianapolis
"American Legal Education: International Students Who Want to Study Law In The United States" (*セッションは英語、通訳はつきません)
1. Why Earn a Law Degree in the U.S.?
2. US Legal System
3. US Legal Education
4. Master of Laws (LL.M.) (Most common law degree for international students)
* Admissions (Application; Requirements; The Process)
* Academic Requirements (including English Proficiency)
* Specializing in a subject area
* Costs & Paying for LLM (Scholarships, Grants, Part-time work)
* US Student Visa
* Bar Exam (post-LLM))
* Working in US - Optional Practical Training
* Questions you should ask before accepting offer from law school
* Miscellaneous
◆参加費: 無料
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