“…a travel grant from the Fulbright Program created my opportunity to conduct graduate study in the U.S., and played the decisive role to open my career as research scientist. My career would have been totally different without this grant. During the 40years of my professional career, I enjoyed friendship and acquaintance of many U.S. Scientists and other people, and this brought about mutual understanding in many respects. I would like to extend my greatest gratitude to the Fulbright Program for its enormous efforts that have benefited a large number of (then) young foreign students like myself. I sincerely wish that your important endeavor prosper for many years to come.” (1959, Japanese Fulbrighter)
“…I have to confess that my study at the Business School of New York University under the Fulbright program formed the very basis for my business career in international areas and I am still grateful to the unique opportunity offered me at that time. My heartfelt appreciation is again for your thoughtfulness in sending me your kind words. At this time of year may I in return extend to you my best wishes for Happy Holidays.” (1958, Japanese Fulbrighter)
“I would like to thank you for my experiences in Japan this past June of 2007. Traveling with the Japan Fulbright Memorial Fund Teacher Program was definitely the opportunity of a lifetime, and it has impacted my life and teaching in many ways. I learned a lot about Japanese culture and lifestyles and I truly enjoyed my time in your country. Everywhere I went, people were very hospitable and I thank you very much for everyone’s kindness. One of the aspects of the trip that most influenced me and changed my life, was the seminar I attending on Peace Education. I knew before my journey to Japan that learning about other cultures and understanding our differences as well as embracing our similarities is extremely important to cultivating peace between peoples and nations, and since the seminar, I have made it one of my missions to spread peace through education. Hearing from those directly affected by the A-bomb was an extremely moving experience, and I share these testimonies and stories I gathered in Japan as much as I can in an effort to increase understanding and awareness; all in hopes of a greater chance at peace…” (2007 June JFMFer)