下記、EducationUSA Weekly Update(No. 204 8 November 2010)より、奨学金情報のみ抜粋。
Merit Awards Up To $52,000 at Carroll College
Big scholarships await - private education is affordable at Carroll College! All first year international students are automatically considered for four year merit awards ranging from $28,000-$52,000 (divided over 4
Apply today at: www.carroll.edu
Merit Scholarships to International Freshman Applicants at the University of Rhode Island
URI is a safe and scenic campus, only 16 kilometers away from the beautiful beaches along the Rhode Island coastline. There is also a train station nearby, which makes it easy to travel to such major cities as Boston (121 kilometers) and New York City (257 kilometers).
URI offers 80 majors in their seven degree-granting colleges: Arts and Sciences, Business Administration (AACSB accredited), Engineering (with ABET accredited programs), Environment & Life Sciences, Human Science and Services, Nursing, and Pharmacy.
For more information, visit: www.uri.edu/admission.
For questions, email
Nancy Stricklin: mnancys@uri.edu.
Competitive Graduate Award over $7000 at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
On average, students are awarded $7,425 to cover stipend and tuition waiver for Fall and Spring semesters. Applicants must be new graduate students, in first term of enrollment as a classified student in a graduate degree program at SIUE.
For more information, visit http://bit.ly/d5Mb4h.
Fellowships with Stipend of up to $50,000 at Wellesley College
Newhouse External Fellows are chosen through open competition and are open to both junior and senior faculty members at other institutions. Both stipended and un-stipended fellowships are available. Stipended Faculty Fellowships carry a stipend of up to $50,000 for two semesters. All categories of fellows will receive private office space, some clerical support, technical and computing resources, and the collegiality of both the
Center and the Wellesley community at large. In addition, research funds of up to $3,000 (pro-rated for one-semester residencies) will be available to all fellows for books, professional travel, access to collections and other associated costs of scholarly research.
For more information and how to apply: