
アメリカ留学奨学金情報 from EducationUSA Weekly Update No. 376

下記、EducationUSA Weekly Update(No. 376 April 28th, 2014)より、奨学金情報のみ抜粋。

UG: New Jersey City University (NJ) International Students Scholarship
New Jersey City University (NJCU) INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS SCHOLARSHIP is available to all qualified new international students at the undergraduate level. The scholarship provides a tuition reduction of up to $4,000 per year. Recipients must be full-time, degree seeking students who have or plan to have an F-1 visa. Applicants must provide a record demonstrated of academic achievement. Students must complete an admissions application before applying to the scholarship. Fall awardees must be admitted and matriculated at NJCU by June 2, 2014.
For more information, please visit: http://bit.ly/1hOkYfw
UG: Macalester College (MN) International Students Financial Aid Opportunities
Macalester's broad international representation is made possible in great measure by a significant institutional commitment to providing financial assistance to international students. Approximately 80% of the international students who enroll at Macalester received financial aid awards. We are committed to meeting the full demonstrated financial need of every student we admit.
The financial aid budget is not unlimited, so the amount of financial aid an applicant requires is a factor as we decide which students will be offered admission, and students requiring large scholarships will face greater competition in the selection process. Note: Macalester only provides need-based financial aid to international students.
For more information, please visit: http://bit.ly/1mIyyE3
UG: Bryant University (RI) Scholarships Available for International Students
A number of academic scholarships are awarded to Bryant students each year. All new students are considered as part of the admission application process. It is not necessary to apply for financial aid to be considered for academic scholarships at Bryant. Scholarships are awarded based on high school transcripts, SAT/ACT scores, class rank, and extracurricular involvement and do not require repayment.
The scholarships are renewable for up to four years, provided full-time enrollment is maintained and previously determined grade point averages continue to be achieved. Scholarships range from $8,000 - $30,000 per year.
For more information, please visit: http://bit.ly/1gNDBf8
UG: Union College (NY) Financial Aid Opportunities for International Students
Merit Aid
Scholarships valued at $10,000 per year. All admitted students are considered for merit aid through the admissions process. No separate applications are required. Merit awards are offered to only a select few.
Need-Based Aid
Indicate your intent to apply for financial aid on the admissions application,and complete the CSS Profile. Foreign income documentation (translated into US dollars) will be required from all enrolling international students in late spring. It is not necessary to submit this information prior to being accepted.
For more information, please visit: http://bit.ly/1eVTchB
UG: Whitworth University (WA) Scholarship Opportunities for International Students
Estella Baldwin Scholarship
Sophomore, junior, senior, or graduate student., 3.0 cumulative GPA, full-time student at Whitworth University. Financial need is a consideration. May be renewable by applying each year.
Baugh Family Scholarship
Must be pursuing a degree to prepare for a career in health and human services (i.e. education, ministry, nursing, etc.). Students from developing countries will be given first consideration. A student's desire to return to his/her home country to serve as a leader/worker to improve health and human services will be taken into consideration. Financial need is also a consideration.
For more information, please visit: http://bit.ly/1rfTG2h

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